Beaver Dam Argus from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Argusi

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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Page our' Attest 247 1400 100 700 it l(k50 cele 200 6360 515 gtt t' 791 3200 400 2459 12052 627 1405 570 Attest: PRICES REDUCED 4100 5525 951 You Can Have Your WATCH and 4 on the Girl Scout GUARANTEED WORK i 914 766 1598 464 3825 RUEHL 5400 1750 6560 ft 4050 9 4500 1 963 1042 Bl 1750 3 2077 11900 134 657 419 1 4435 A Attest: 471 6450 9484 4 1345 B'Boulevard ILLINOIS 1 SEGET 3720 1200 1200 3EGEHKEm 6760 1866 920 400 1110 660'0 Address letters to 1421 5000 457 COLORS: leshNudeSunTan Mode Sable Gun Shell BasQue Brown Black 1 avAl lijg 1V1 1 I 8 ttW I i a 728 991 900 singing of the 2999 that preceded hit Boston Transcript 479 645 654 624 2275 1369 8920 1875 270 485 Zion Rob last lADlESgblBSE Mr Glenn Cram er was tke guest of honor at a surprise party at his home on Haskell street on Monday evening the occasion being his birthday Bridge was followed by the serving of a delicious luncheon by Mrs Alma Cramer s' 600 70(1 Thursday ebruary 12 1931 CLOCK REPAIRED at A SAYING Long Dynasty Near End Since the year 1557 the descendants of one old English family hae plied their trade of saddler in the sameshop without interruption They are'named Denyer At present Edmund John Denyer still carries on the busi ness in Staines a quiet old world town on the banks of the Thames Butwhen the' dies thedynasty willend'or Edmund John hasno son SCHULTZ DENTIST 1 10J ront St Phone 974 g'f ft irst Civil War Casualty The first man killed In the Civil war was a New Hampshire man Luther Ladd born in Alexandria He was a member of the Sixth Massachusetts infantry" and was killed when that regiment was attacked in Baltimore April 19 1861 fashioned 7 Newest Shades i 1 2 sen vice weight fe' Optometrist and Watchmaker 506 Spring St Block North of Postoffice BEAVER DAM WIS 17 2 72 '21 A number of relatives and friendsof Mr John Keil accorded him a pleas ant surprise on Monday evening when they dropped in to extend congratula tions on the occasion of his 77th birth day anniversary and to indulge in a pleasant evening at cards Mr Keil with 2380 2590 2310 175 3045 5320 1575 3:15 1820 1015 1015 455' 595 1575 28(1 455 280 560 1920 319 10658 '3X4900 4 1 3600 2450 3600 A MARKHAM Attorney at Lawz Real Estate Loans Insurance 100 ont Street BEAVERDAM WISCONSIN 1 A A Odd Shaped Crystals Cleaning Bracelet Watches Cleaning Large Watches Main Bracelet Watch Main 'Spring Large Watch Cleaning 8 day Strike Clock Cleaning Alarm Clock OTHER PRICES JUST AS LOW Act Now! Tel 357 We Call and Deliver BUSINESS CARDS a a i A Schoenwetter Dtiliwcj O'iiCE Hawley Block 4 4 8 1319 1023 926 be AV 4 Beautiful Irish Glen Vl About Tour miles "south of Tipper ary near 'the Gal tee I mountains is Glen rich legends and beautiful scenery4 Here are the'moun tains of the Harper of Cliach who fell in love 1 wTi th the daughter of the king of the Munster fairies A magic mist prevented bis entrance into the castle so he harped melodiously enough to make the mountains tremble and the lakes move 90 250 150 200 150 150 90 Winners of prizes at the third of a series card parties given by "the Ladies Auxiliary of the United Span ish' War Veterans at the city hall on Tuesday evening wejre ast follow: ive Hundred Miss Carrie Ptaschin ski first Miss Meta Thomas second Schafskopf Martha reeman first Mrs Albert second Bunch Mrs John Grace' first Mrs M' Bauer second Men College men' do not start' their busi ness future after they are graduated careers are being made from the moment 'they enter freshmen American Motrazine deasant features toft a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mr' Mrs JohnPiechekoski onSaturday even ingwhich was held in honor of their daughter Lucille 7 luncheon iwas served at twelve a meeting of the 'Uadies Auxili ary of the raternal Order of Eagles held last Thursday evening it was de cided to hold public card party on Sunday ebruary 15th The party is to bh held at the Club on Row ell street and Schafskopf iveHun dred and Bunco will be played Re freshments are to be served to all those who attend HERBERT GERGEN Attorney at Law i Phone 92 1 Spring St 2 Office Hours: 8 a to 6 1 i Wed Sat Evenings 7 to 9' Dream that Came a play which was presented by the Chris tian Endeavor society of the Grace Presbyterian church on Sunday even ing was well attended and greatly ap preciated The thirty participants were under the direction of Miss Gibbs to: whom much of the success of the presentation is due Miss Dorothy Rasmussen also assisted in Ehe presen and Mr Harodl Rupp charge of the lighting effects Mr and Mrs Henry Cigelski brated the twenty fifth anniversary? pf their marriage on Sunday eveniig when they entertained a number qpf relatives and friends at their hortie Cards 'playing was enjoyed the prices being awarded to Mrs Edward berger and Mr Wilbert Mario wfir(it Mrs Alois Lischka and Mr Arnpn Cigelski second A pleasant evening closed with the serving of refresh ments Mr and Mrs Cigelski wre presented with a purse The Garden Club of the Home Eco nomics department of the Club met at the home of Mrs Mills on Monday evening at which time Mys Stoddart gave a very interesting talk on that Grow I in the Mrs talk L2 4 1 was maae more invei esuiiigiy uy wc showing of mounted pictures which served as illustrations 1931 seed cat alogues were shown and their new listings discussed The meeting clos ed with a brief business session I Mr and Mrs rank DeVelice and I Mr and Mrs Hugh McConaghy en tertained a number of their friends at a Bridge party at the home of the latter 526 Lincoln avenue on Thurday evening of last week ive tables were in and awards were made to Mrs A Gloudemans Mrs Griesbaum and Mrs Die kelman Honors for the gentlemen went to A Gloudemans Gart land and A Miller A color scheme of red and white suggestive of the Valentine season was effectively used in the decoration of the luncheon tab les I Miss Dorothy Rasmussen gave an interesting talk on the Girl Scout Movement at the meeting of the Par ent Teachers association of the Wilson school on Thursday evening of last week Miss Alice Burrow appeared on the program and sang two num I bers Mrs Malone president of the association introduced Miss Ris brudt a new instructor at the school I The dancing by Miss Dorothy Jane Roberts and Miss Charlotte Bender were much appreciated It was an I nounced that the next meeting would be held on March 5th The meeting was closed by the serving of refresh ments by the pupils and teachers of the second grade I I Miss Hattie Immerfall daughter of Mr and Mrs George Immerfall of this I city and Mr Lawrence Wodill son of I Mr and Mrs Robert Wodill of the town of Columbus were united in mar riage at the Zion Lutheran church in Columbus at three on Satur day ebruary 7th Rev William Nom mensen performing the ring ceremony The bride was beautifully gowned in a white satin dress trimmed with lace and silver beads The veil was trim med with rhinestones pearl beads and waxed orange blossoms' Her bridal bouquet was of pale pink roses white I sweetpeas and baby breath which was 1 tied with white lace over white satin The bride was1 attended by Miss Hat tie Wodill' sister of the groom who was beautifully gowned in a tomato colored dress which was of silk chiffon trimmed with lace and rhinestones and wore a head band of rhinestones Her arm boUquet was of yellow roses lavender sweet peas and daffodils The bridesmaid Miss Evelyn Blasch ka of Watertown cousin of the groom wore a yellow silk chiffon dress and carried an arm boubuet of dark pink roses pink sweet peas an snap drag ons She also wore a head band of rhinestones Mr Ernest Vick cousin of the groom and Mr Harold Wodill brother of the groom were his attend ants The groom and his attendants wore dark blue suits and buttonhole bouquets to match their Af ter the ceremony a reception "was held at the home of the parents the rooms being prettily decorated in pink and white crepe paper with large white bells Only immediate relatives were present Mr and Mrs Wodill left on a motor trip to the northern part of the state and will be at home after ebruary 15th I tt SOCIAL EVENTS "Mrs Veriia Waddell entertained a number of guests at her on Sunday in honor of her son birthday A dinner was served Mrs Katherine Peck entertained the members of the Mothers Sewing Circle at home on Thursday af ternoon of last week A very pleas 7 ant afternoon closed with serving of refreshments Members of the Ivy club were en tertained by Mrs Clarence Knaup at her home on Tuesday evening Bridge was played the awards going to Mrs Harley anshaw and Mrs Ar thur Grabow consolation Thirty six members of the choir the Bethel 'church participatei in the monthly supper at the Parish Hall on Thursday evening of last week The supper was followed by the rehearsal' Ji Mornings Sundays by Appointmenr Entered' at the Postoffice: at Beaver Dam Wis as second class matter TERMS $150 Per Year in Advance 5 dr: corso i EYE EAR NOSE THROAT 4 GLASSES ITTED'" (Over Beule Beavei Dam 'Wisconsin by the following vote Ayes Aldermen Baer Bulger Davis Endlich Gerfin Goodwin Hart Heimler Kachelski Manzer Miller Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn16 Noas' none A proposed Ordinance by the Board of" Public' Works Re districtingand changing the bouridariesof wards the city of Beaver Dam and provid ing for the election of Aiderman from each ward was read for the first time and ordered published for four consecutive times 7 By the Committee on ire Depart 1 meht: U1 4 Resolved That the Committee bn ire Department are hereby' authorize ed and directed to purchase not to ex ceed ive Hundred feet of firb 'hbse for use of the ite Department Passed ebruary 3rd 1931 74 Approved ebruary 4th 1931 RANK KACHELSKI Vi i iAVMiMANZERvXS MILLER ELLIS DAVIS CX A SCHWANTES' Committee on ire Department RAE WEAVER 4 AttesL 'XU 6615 1 WM A GERGEN 103051 City Clerk The above resolution was adopted by the'following vote' Ayes Aidermen Baer Bulger1 Davis 1 Endlich Jerfin Goodwin Hart Heimler Kaclielski anzer iller 4 itchel Phel ps Schwante 16'V Noes none to poor Dickinson Lumber Co sup plies to poor Gloudemans Market supplies to pooi or supplies to poor 4 Associated Charities supplies to poor Badger Grocery supplies to poor Dodge £ounty care of poor Poletski supplies to poor Newton Wenz Co to poor Krause supplies to poor Market supplies to poor Grocery supplies to pooir Grocery supplies to poor Velnicki supplies to poor irary 'Supplies to poor Roedl Kohler supplies to poor Grocery supplies to pooi Madison Street Market sup plies to poor Grocery sup plies to poor Geo Schweiger supplies to poor Badger uel Co supplies to poor Albert Rosenthal supplies to poor Ernest Schiess supplies to poor Butler Daniel poor 3600 non res poor 450 Mohr uel Co poor 4050 non res poor 450 City Market poor 873 non res poor 90 Goetz Grocery poor 848 non res poor 194 Dr A Hammond1 care of poor 750 non res poor 1000 Beers Grocery poor 1858 non res poor 219 McKinstry Yauman burial poor lOOOOj non res poor 1900 Schoeffel poor 576 non res poor 81 Daniel poor 248 non res poor 171 Roedl Jacobs Co poor 2628 non res poor 1314 city hall 493 Grocery poor 319 city hall 102 police 50 Hartzheim uel eed poor 5400 non res 1 poor 450 street 600 Mayr Seed eed poor 9190 non res poor 270 street24 Langmack Drugs poor 795f health 500 police 50 Respectfully submitted PETER ZAHN HUGH BULGER RANK KACHELSKI JOS HEIMLER MATT GERIN Committee on Claims above resolution was adopted Dr Geo HX Hoyer Physician and Surgeon Office 112J ront Street Phone' 151 Res 3 1 7 Maple are Phone 1 5 1 When You figure See me about the Cost of Building Henry pitZ i Carpenter General Contractor Phone 180' Res Ill" Walnut Street" ui 'AKGUS Beaver 'Dam Wisconsin A Weekly Democratic Newspaper t1 i by Sons Co Stebbins Diseases of Women Stebbins 212 Washington Bldffh MADISON XX WISCONSIN STATE STJTK COlflfiJB ME Loneliness is adisease of the soul I na it is straniie that it should loot apiwhr Aas tsuch in all encyclopedias and? bej'giYentqiS 'iDucn mumuou a A tvsv 11 After some discussion ing representing Spanish American War 'Veterans anti Mavor Weaver re garding the use of the third Hoof off the City Hall Aiderman Baef request A ed th'e Clerk to read The resolution a 5'UAS dopted by the Council on March 1926 regarding the use of the third floor of the city hall feThe resolution was read The following resolution was' tnen ottered By Kachelski: s' Resolved That in the future all au thorityfor granting the use of the third floor the City Hall ''shall vested in the Build ing Comniittee Passed ebruary '3rd I WM A GERGEN xCity Clerks 7 above resolution was adopted by the following Vote Ayes Aldermeii Baer Bulger1 Davis Gerfin Goodwin Hart Heimler'Kachelski Manzer Miller' Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn 1 16' Noes none On motion of AldermanGerfin sec bnded by Aiderman Manzer the CoUn cil adjourned' V' WM A GERGEN' City Clerk (Last publication' eb526) 5k State of' Wisconsin County County Dodge County In the Matter of the Estate of Sam uel Indermuehle" Deceased 1 Noticeis 'hereby that all claims against the said Inder muehle deceased late of the City of Beaver Dam in Dodge Wis consin must be presented! tto said County Court at Juneau in ty oh or before the 10th day'Qyf June 1931 or be barred and that alkusuch claitns arid demands will be fexqmined a nd adjusted at a term ofsajd CoUrt to be rheldSt the Court House in the City of Juneau in said County" on Tuesday the 16th day of at' 10 oclocl)in the day: i'V YSr Dated ebruary 10th 1193L By the Court NABER County Judge A Markham Attorney te WM A GERGEN City Clerk The above resolution was adopted by the following vote Ayes Aidermen Baer Bulger Davis Endlich Geriin Goodwin Hart Heimler Kachelski Manzer Miller Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn 16 Noes none Your Committee on Claims to whom was referred the following ac counts have examined the same and would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED That the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to draw orders on the City Treasurer in favor of the following named persons for the amounts" set opposite their re spective names as allowed to wit: A Kroll nrs A Duzinski 74 hrs Geo Bauer 66 hrs Bert Wussow 5 hrs Jones 87 hrs' Maynard 152 Albert Lehnor 45 hrs Henry Knorr 9 hrs rank 52 hrs red Eichel29 hrs? Joe Karl 29 hrs rank Maus 13 hrs I Ervin Krinke 17 hrs Chester Jones 45 hrs I Jos Kutcher 8 hrs rank Gray 13 hrs 1 Roman Schultz 8 'hrs TT ati ttt Barrett 16 hrsZ I Raymond Karli 48 hrs driv ing truck' Ervin Brown 93 hrs driving I truck Machltovitz 233 hrs driv ing truck I Walter Kummer rent of truck Piechekoske 16 hrs Team I work red Stange 10 hrs team I work I Henrv Stange 147 hrs work I Ben erron 229 hrs 'work I 2 fires nrac tice and inspection 19250 I Wis Light Co st 4 I lighting ":147580 I Wis ITelenhone 5'Cbv 'rental 1 physical troubles American 'and toll 87 Vine Peoples Bakery supplies for Hairs Catarrh Medicine Those in a "run condl tionf wfH notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in goad health This fact proves that while Catarrh ia a 5 local disease it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment whlch Quickly Relieves" by local application and the Internal Medicine a Tonic which assists in improving the General Health' Sold by druggists for over 40 YeariL Cheney Co Tolede Ohto DR AMROSENHEIMERMD (Successor to Dr A 11954 ront Street Office tQ 12 :00 to 4:00 ih' 7:00 to tn by Appointment Phones: Office 30 'Residence 30 Broad Not Irish Professor Grandgent of Harvard uni versity says the earlier English became abort by the Sixteenth century Until 17S0 or thereabouts the standard language had no broad Benjamin ranklin who recorded In 1768 the pronunciation of bis day knew no Evidence Indicates that it appeared again in London speech between 178(h and 1790 There Is no basis for the statement that originated with the Irish Lingering Anguish A song writer in New Hampshire makes the proud boast that he wrote 3000 before he made a hit But that does not abate the anguish causetLby the the SERVICE TAILORING A fLadies Dressmaking and Repairing Coats Relined and Repair ing and Alsour 3Work 4k ROOM 4 HEALY BUILDING ID Ay HEALY By the Committee on Street Lights: Resolved1 That all 'resolutions Te garding street lights be referred to the Committee on' Street Lights for rec ommendation before passage by the Common Passed ebruary 3rd l93L Approved ebruary 4tiv 1931' KAE WEAVEK AUMayor WM: A GERGEN ''The above resolution adopted by the following vote Ayes Aldermen Baer Bulger D'avis EndlichGerfin Goodwin1 Hart Heimler Kachelski Manzer Miller Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn 16 Noes none Resolved That the Building Com mittee be and hereby are authorized to purchase 24 chairs at a price not to exceed $10000 Passed) ebruary 3rd 1931 WJML A GEKGEN S' City Clerk RANK KACHELSKI ELLIS DAVIS A SCHWANTES A MANZER MTTTER 1 The above resolution was adonted by the following vote Ayes Aidermen Baer' Bulger Davis Hart Kachelski Manzer Miller Phelps Schwantes 10 Noes Aidermen End hch Gerfin Goodwin Heimler ''Steil Zahn 6 RESAT ITTiniSI Introduced by' the Board of Public Works: 'r WHEREAS the city has no contract fori street lighting with the Wisconsin Light Company and WHEREAS a contract over a per iod of ears' would be advantageous to the' city therefore dr? RESOLVED that the 'Board of Public Works be and they hereby are authorized and instructed to investi gate and consult with the Wisconsin Power Light Company relative to a contract for the street lighting over a period of years and report back to' the Council such contract' or agree ment as they feel would best fit the needs in regard to street lights Adopted ebruary 3rd 1931 Approved ebruary 3rd 1931 Mayor 1 WM A GERGEN Citv Clerk The above resolution was adopted by the following vote Ayes Aidermen Baer Bulger Davis Endlich: Gerfin Goodwin Hart Heimler Kachelski Manzer Miller Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn 16 Noesnone RESOLUTION Introduced by the Park Committee: JTT Tj ACJ rv 1 rxnol A vr gion Post being John Miller Post of the American Legion has requested' the use of the City Park on July 4th and1 5th 1931 and WHEREAS said Legion Post de sires' to use said City Park Park) in celebrating July 4th the in dention said Legion Post oemg to give a rublic picnic and celebration RESOLVED that the use of said City Park be and the same is hereby extended to said! John Miller! Ameri can Legion Post on July 4th and 5th 1931 for the purpose of holding said 4th of July Celebration? Passed ebruary 3rd 1931 Approved ebruary 4th RAE WEAVER Mayor WM A GERGEN? Clerk REPORT CHIE POLICE To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council and the Police and ire Commission of the City of Bea ver Dam Gentlemen: I hereby respectfully submit the an nual report of the Police Department of the City of Beaver Dam for the fiscal year ending December 31st 1930 (City Offenses) ailure to stop for Arterial High way Operating Soft Drink 'place with out license Operating Automobile while intoxi cated Disorderly conduct Intoxication Reckless driving Slander Speeding Violation of 1 hour narking ordin ance Violation of 12 ordinance 2 Total (State Offenses) Arrests for other cities 'Assault with intent to Assault and battery Breaking quarantine Buying stolen property Driving car on old license Burglary Bastardy Embezzlement ornication orgery Larceny grand Non support i Vagrancy Total arrests under State Laws 48 Total' arrests for violating City Or 7 dinances 134 Total arrests for State Laws 48 Total arrests made 182 Total fines paid to city $162400 Total fines paid to County 14100 Total number lodged at police station 567 Total number of months of com mitments to workhouse 16 Total number of months on proba tion Total number bound over "to circuit court 13 I would call attention to the fact that the Police Department of the City of Beaver Dam is in urgent need of a reliableautomobile for police work' In the'nast the officers have been using their private automobiles for police work npd this system is unsatisfactory officers and the city The officers have calls when they have no "car available to make a call with and this results in Considerable trouble and inconvenience to the 'officer as well asdelay in an swering the calls? If an automobile were at the police station at all times the department would op erate much more efficiently and more satisfactory to the "residents of Bea ver Dated January' 5th 1931 Respectfully submitted GEORGEGROLING of Police The Mayor ordered the first part of the report to be? placed on file and the second part was referred the Committee on inance" Motion made by Aiderman Kachel ski seconded by Aiderman "Davis that the Council be informal Mayor' Weaver Objected arid the "mo tion ana second were witnarawn Aidermen Kachelski and Davis police dept 4 3 Motor Sales repairs for Veling insurance Malone insurance Daniel insurance i' Gergen insurance'? LR rederick insurance Citizen Publishing Co? pub' lishing notices 1' 6922 Bt' Sons Co printing arid publishing 5145 Stoddart Agency insurance on car 4 300 Volkmann Sons supplies for street dept? Drott Tractor for tractor Isabelle Hammer 169 hrs' of fice work Miller Co: supplies ehrer Bros Garage repairs'' for fire dept Mrs red Brown washing for fire dept Lutzke repairs for street dept Ted Roberts killing four dogs Olman Mitchell Hdwe Co supplies for street dept Nick Kummer Neckyoke for street dept Margaret Petry 159 hrs of fice work A Heimler supplies for street dept Henry Opitz repairs at city hall rank Greenleaf gasoline Zweck Wollenburg Go? sup plies for street fire dept The Howe Company station ery supplies? 1 Electric Co work at city hall Wm Krueger 8 days police duty Stanley Rake night police duty Neuman repairs at city hall and park Hammer Oil Company gaso line Standard Oil Company gas oline Wadhams Oil grease Sinclaire Refining Company kerosene Red ront Service repair of truck race Boyle nurse exnenseS Madison Motor Car Co re pairs for truck Wm A Gergen postage ex press etc EGPLET Center 'StBiver Dam Wis? DISEASE RECTUM DISEASES WOMEN SMHmts 2 5 9 I I Common Council Proceedings I Deaver uam isconsin wruary 3rd 1931 I The regular meeting of the Com mon Council was held on the above date Meeting called to order by May nor Weaver Roll called present Ai dermen Baer Bulger Davis Endlich Gerfin Goodwin Hart Hhnler Ka chelski Manzer Miller Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn 16 Ab I sent none Reading of the minutes I of the previous meeting dispensed I with I An annlicatiion for a license to con duct a dance hall at 114 Spring Malone legal expenses Street by the Modern Woodmen Camp Starkweather Son supplies No 2068 was read i By the Committee on License: Resolved that a license to conduct a dance hall in compliance with the city ordinance be granted to the Modern Woodmen Gamp 2068 at 114North Street Street Passed ebruary 3rd 1931 Approved ebruary 4th 1931 JOHN GOODWHN A MANZER BETER ZAHN HART PHELPS Committee on License RAE WEAVER Mayor Attest: WM GERGEN City Clerk The above resolution was adopted by the following vote Ayes Aldermen Baer Bulger Davis Endlich Gerfin Goodwin Hart Heimler Kachelski Manzer 1 Miller Mitchell Phelps Schwantes Steil Zahn 16 none A petition signed by Brown requesting that the take up fax certificate No 224 of 1928 to the a mount of $22426 plus interest and fees this certificate was issued on property occupied by petitioner which I is exempt from taxation I RESOLUTION Introduced by the Board of Public Works: WHEREAS the verified petition of Edwin Brown shows that the fol lowing described property Add 58 ft of 58 of 175 ft of lot 5 Block 7 in the Third Wahl of the City of Beaver Dam Dodge County Wisconsin was taxed and returned' delinquent by the City I of Beaver Dam in 1928 for 1927 taxes and WHEREAS said described proper ty is exempt from taxation and WHEREAS the City was given I credit for the amount of said taxes by the county NOW THEREORE RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and in I structed to purchase certificate No 224 issued by the County of Dodge on the sale of said property and can cel the same Passed ebruary 3rd 1931 Approved ebruary 3rd 1931 RAE WEAVER Mayor DR SHALLENBERGER Can Be Consulted At BEAVER DAM HOTEL ROGERS RIDAY EBRUARY 20th rom 8 A to 5 I One Day Only Returning Every 28 Days Dr Shallenberger Chicago Specialist 1 who has since 1907 treated Chronic Nervous and SPCTAT DISEASES of Men and Women Scientifically also i Diseases of the Eye Ear Nose Throat Lungs Heart Blood Skin Nervous Debility Nerves Diver jstomacn Kidneys and Bladder Consumption in an early stage Catarrh Ringing In Ears and Deafness Paralysis Neur ralgia Epilepsy Sick Headache Goitre Eczema Serofula i Appendicitis Gravel Rheumatism of joints and muscles PILES ISTULA ISSURE and other Rectal Diseases Treated Without Knife Surgical Cases and Rupture Given Special Attention 1 Over ROoZ of mv natients come from recommendations of: those I have cured CONSULTATION REE 76S Oakwood CELIvAGO pleasant evening at cards was remembered by his guests a number of gifts Members of the Guild of the church met at the home of 'Mrs ert Smith 116 Bogert street Thursday afternoon A playlet entit led 'the Least of was presented as a part of the program It was decided to make a contribution to the Kentucky Mission Hospital as a part of the missionary work for the year The meeting clos ed with the serving of The following were awarded prizes at the" weekly card party at St Pat church on Tuesday evening: Mr EdwardLaluer first in Bridge and Malone second Schafskopf Mrs MikeMolcyk first and Alvin Karstedt second ive Hundred Ber nard Mulvaney first and Mrs Jose phine Schoenberger second Bunco Mrs Neiman' first and Lonnie Hammer second The door prize was Card1 playing and dancing were awarded to Mrs William Knorr DRWESH I I I Mflih? gbu i SV' i i Hi BIIUl'I Hi KVB itrite a i '1 iiiw? mi avAi in ii mvi i in 4 COLORS lesh NudeSunTan Mode Sable Gun Shell BasQue Brown Black IIIIXH JKimrei i 1 4 1TJ I Bfc.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.