Getting Started (Applied Energistics 2) - Starting a ME Network (2025)

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  • 1 Starting your ME Network for Newbies (A reference guide for the Rest Of Us)​
    • 1.1 Gathering materials
    • 1.2 Laying the Groundwork
    • 1.3 Crystal Growth
    • 1.4 Steve's First ME Network
    • 1.5 We Need To Construct Additional Chipsets

Starting your ME Network for Newbies (A reference guide for the Rest Of Us)​[]

Well, last time I posted a guide on AE2, but this is going to be a more focused guide on how to actually get yourself up and running. I will even include a guide for setting up easy automation of your Inscribers.

Gathering materials[]

There's some things you are going to need to get started on this project.All four Press Plates for the Inscribers. You really can't go anywhere without them. In my private mod pack, I've added them to the loot tables on Better Dungeons chests, but typically you find them in Meteors.At least one Charged Certus Quartz. Starting with more makes it faster, but you only need a single one to get started. A ready supply of Nether Quartz, Certus Quartz, Iron, Glass, Redstone, and a few other things. I'm not even going to bother mentioning these going forward, I'm going to assume you've probably got plenty floating around by now. You'll also need at least a couple of Diamonds, and a good amount of Gold.A steady and reliable power supply. Your ME Network runs on power. You can't access your stuff in your network if the power goes out.

Laying the Groundwork[]

There's a few things you will absolutely need to get yourself started, some tools to get you going. Namely: a Charger, an Inscriber, and an Energy Acceptor.

The Charger is going to be the first, and easiest, thing you need. It requires two Fluix Crystals and some Iron. Two Fluix Crystals will be the one charged Certus Quartz I mentioned earlier, one Redstone, and one Nether Quartz tossed into a pool. This requires power, but turns the Certus Quartz to charged Certus Quartz for more Fluix production.

With that out of the way, we need at least one Inscriber to get started with making Chipsets. It isn't much more difficult to craft, just some Iron, two Pistons, and one more Fluix Crystal. If you are able to make multiple Inscribers, you will want to have five of them, but one will do if you are hurting for resources.

We're also going to need something to power it with, which is where the Energy Acceptor comes in. This needs Quartz Glass, which is five Quartz (Certus or Nether, take your pick) and four Glass. Then one more Fluix Crystal and some Iron. This will turn RF (or whatever other power you use) into ME power for your ME Network.

Crystal Growth[]

You're going to need some Pure Crystal in the near future, which means you need a couple of Crystal Growth Accelerators to get you going.

So let's start with the basics, some Cable. It starts off by making Quartz Fiber, which is three Quartz (either kind) Dust and six Glass to make three of them. Then you take one Quartz Fiber and two Fluix Crystals to make four ME Fluix Cable. This stuff, in addition to connecting everything up, is also used frequently as a component in just about everything.

We're also going to be making a Toggle Bus for... reasons. Trust me, they are important reasons. Two Fluix Cables, a Lever, and some Redstone.

Now we're going to start with the Crystal Growth Accelerators, because you don't want to spend the next two hours waiting for Crystals to grow. These require a Fluix Block, which is four Fluix Crystal, some Quartz Glass, which is five Quartz Dust (either type) and four Glass, some ME Fluix Cable, and a bit of Iron. Each. They are also power hogs, so let me show you how to hook it up properly.

You're going to need to set them at diagonals to each other. In one diagonal, is going to be a Water source block. In the opposite diagonal, is going to be a Fluix Cable. Then attach the Toggle Bus to the Fluix Cable. Then attach a Quartz Fiber directly to the bus (trust me, this is important to avoid eating up a channel on your nascent network), then another Fluix Cable to hook up to your Energy Accepter. Now use a Lever to power the toggle bus to turn on or off the Accelerators, so they don't eat power when not in use. Make sure that the Accelerators are pointed at the water source block, otherwise they will not work.

Combine Certus Crystal Dust with Sand to make two Crystal Seeds, toss them in the Water adjacent the two accelerators, and throw the Lever. While you wait for that, let's get back to the rest of the project.

Steve's First ME Network[]

An ME Drive can store up to ten disks, so you're going to have plenty of space to grow. It requires two Engineering (diamond) processors. Ouch. So, use the Inscriber, Luke. You only need two chipsets at this point, so it isn't going to kill you to do it manually. Those, plus a couple of Fluix Cables and some Iron and you have your ME Drive!

Now you need a Terminal to access stuff 'on disk'. For this, you need an Illuminated Panel, a Formation Core, an Annihilation Core, and a Logic (Gold) processor. The two cores are a Charged Certus quartz, fluix dust, and Logic Proccessor and Nether Quartz, Fluix Dust, and Logic Processor respectively. The panel is Quartz Glass, Redstone, Glowstone, and an Iron Ingot.

Trust me, these sub-combines are about to get a lot easier in a bit.

Now all we need is a disk. By now, hopefully your Pure Certus Quartz will have finished growing. You're going to need them both to make Calculation (pure certus) processors. One will go into your Crafting Terminal, the other into your 4k disk.

For your Crafting Terminal, take your Terminal you just made, combine with Calculation Processor and a Crafting Table. Done.

For your 4k disk, you're going to need to make some 1k storage components, which is a Logic (gold) processor, Redstone, and some Certus Quartz. If you made a whole batch (like a dozen or so) of Pure Certus, they can be used instead to stretch out your Quartz supply, but regular works too. Three of these, the other Calculation Processors, more Redstone, and some Quartz Glass makes your 4k Storage Component. Quartz Glass, Redstone, and Iron form the housing around the storage component to make the 4k disk.

Drop your ME Drive, put in your disk, put down a cable, and put your interface on the cable. Congratulations, you now have a functioning ME Network!

We Need To Construct Additional Chipsets[]

This is going to automate your Chipset production. For this, we need some kind of item movement which can filter items. I use EnderIO, but you can use Thermal Dynamics just as easily using Filters.

You are going to set up one Inscriber for each of your four Presses, then filter the input so that the appropriate material is the only one permitted to go in underneath (whitelist). The output comes out the front, and for the three material Chipsets, they go into the bottom of the fifth Inscriber. The Silicon Chipset goes into the top of the fifth Inscriber. Redstone is permitted to go into the middle.

From here, just feed it Silicon, the material of choice, and Redstone. Out pops a fully formed Chipset!

Oh, gets better. Wanna automate this?

Set up an Interface. Tell it to provide one Redstone and one Silicon. It'll chew through about a stack of Silicon, sure, but now the only thing you need to do is feed it whatever material you want, and you get the Processor of choice. Which can then be routed to said Interface. Now, you CAN set up the interface to do that, but that requires at least one Crafting Processor and some blank disks. Or you can just feed it manually for now and build up a stock of Chipsets for future use.

Anyways, it's not that much of a grind, really, once you have the stuff.

v · d · eApplied Energistics 2
Resources & Components


Certus Quartz Ore· Charged Certus Quartz Ore· Certus Quartz Crystal· Charged Certus Quartz Crystal· Sky Stone· Certus Quartz Dust· Nether Quartz Dust· Fluix Crystal· Fluix Dust· Fluix Pearl· Certus Quartz Seed· Nether Quartz Seed· Fluix Seed· Budding Certus Quartz· Silicon· Sky Stone Dust· Iron Dust· Gold Dust· Ender Dust


Annihilation Core· Formation Core· Matter Ball· Paint Ball·
Quantum Entangled Singularity
· Pure Certus Quartz Crystal· Pure Nether Quartz Crystal· Pure Fluix Crystal·
ME Storage Housing
Wireless Receiver
Wooden Gear

Item Storage

1k· 4k· 16k· 64k

Fluid Storage

1k· 4k· 16k· 64k

Processors and Circuits

Printed Logic Circuit· Printed Engineering Circuit· Printed Calculation Circuit· Printed Silicon· Logic Processor· Engineering Processor· Calculation Processor


Inscriber Logic Press· Inscriber Engineering Press· Inscriber Calculation Press· Inscriber Silicon Press· Inscriber Name Press



Charger· Crystal Growth Accelerator· Quartz Grindstone· Inscriber· Cell Workbench· Matter Condenser

ME System

ME Storage Cells

Item Storage

1k Cell· 4k Cell· 16k Cell· 64k Cell· Creative Cell

Fluid Storage

1k Cell· 4k Cell· 16k Cell· 64k Cell


ME Drive· ME Chest· ME Storage Bus· ME Fluid Storage Bus

Network Functions

ME Import Bus· ME Export Bus· ME Formation Plane· ME Annihilation Plane·
ME Identity Annihilation Plane
· ME Interface· ME Level Emitter·
ME Fluid Import Bus
ME Fluid Export Bus
ME Fluid Formation Plane
ME Fluid Annihilation Plane
· ME Fluid Interface·
ME Fluid Level Emitter
· ME IO Port

P2P Tunnels



ME Wireless Access Point
Wireless Terminal
Wireless Booster


ME Quantum Ring
ME Quantum Link Chamber

Spatial Storage Cells

2³ Spatial Storage Cell
16³ Spatial Storage Cell
128³ Spatial Storage Cell

Spatial IO

Spatial Pylon
Spatial IO Port


Molecular Assembler
Crafting Unit
Crafting Co-Processing Unit
1k Crafting Storage
4k Crafting Storage
16k Crafting Storage
64k Crafting Storage
Crafting Monitor
· Blank Pattern


ME Glass Cable· ME Covered Cable· ME Smart Cable· ME Dense Covered Cable·
ME Dense Smart Cable


ME Controller· ME Terminal· ME Crafting Terminal· ME Pattern Terminal·
ME Interface Terminal
ME Fluid Terminal
ME Security Terminal
ME Conversion Monitor
· ME Toggle Bus·
ME Inverted Toggle Bus
· ME Level Emitter· Illuminated Panel· ME Storage Monitor


Certus Quartz

Sword· Shovel· Pickaxe· Axe· Hoe· Wrench·
Cutting Knife

Nether Quartz

Sword· Shovel· Pickaxe· Axe· Hoe· Wrench·
Cutting Knife

Advanced Weapons

Charged Staff· Matter Cannon


Entropy Manipulator
Portable Cell
View Cell
· Color Applicator· Network Tool· Meteorite Compass

Configuration Tools

Memory Card
Biometric Card
Debug Card


Wooden Crank·
Tiny TNT


Basic Cards

Basic Card·
Redstone Card
Capacity Card
Crafting Card

Advanced Cards

Advanced Card·
Fuzzy Card
· Inverter Card· Acceleration Card



Vibration Chamber· Energy Acceptor


Energy Cell· Dense Energy Cell· Creative Energy Cell


Quartz Fiber

Decorative & Storage Blocks

Quartz Blocks

Certus Quartz Block
Certus Quartz Pillar
Chiseled Certus Quartz Block
Certus Quartz Stairs
Certus Quartz Pillar Stairs
Chiseled Certus Quartz Stairs
Certus Quartz Slabs
Certus Quartz Pillar Slabs
Chiseled Certus Quartz Slabs
· Charged Quartz Fixture· Light Detecting Fixture

Quartz Glass

Quartz Glass· Vibrant Quartz Glass

Skystone Blocks

Sky Stone· Sky Stone Block· Sky Stone Brick· Sky Stone Small Brick· Sky Stone Stairs· Sky Stone Block Stairs· Sky Stone Brick Stairs· Sky Stone Small Brick Stairs· Sky Stone Slabs· Sky Stone Block Slabs· Sky Stone Brick Slabs· Sky Stone Small Brick Slabs· Sky Stone Chest· Sky Stone Block Chest

Misc. Blocks

Fluix Block· Fluix Stairs· Fluix Slabs· Illuminated Panel·
Cable Anchor
· Cable Facade

World Generation


Getting Started (Applied Energistics 2) - Starting a ME Network (2025)


Getting Started (Applied Energistics 2) - Starting a ME Network? ›

It starts off by making Quartz Fiber, which is three Quartz (either kind) Dust and six Glass to make three of them. Then you take one Quartz Fiber and two Fluix Crystals to make four ME Fluix Cable. This stuff, in addition to connecting everything up, is also used frequently as a component in just about everything.

What does the ME command do in Minecraft? ›

Broadcasts a narrative message about yourself.

What does an ME interface do? ›

The ME Interface is a block that allows an ME Metwork to interact with pipes, tubes, and machines from other mods. Additionally, the ME Interface will interact with generic inventories, such as chests.

How do I start wireless capability? ›

Right-click Start and select Settings. Select Network & Internet. Select Wi-Fi/Status and click Change adapter options. Right-click Wireless Network Connection and select Enable.

What does the port do? ›

The ME IO Port is a tile entity added by Applied Energistics. It allows data (items) to be copied from an ME Storage Cell (e.g. ME 1k Storage) to an ME Network or for data to be copied from an ME Network to an ME Storage Cell. Both pre-formatted and non-formatted storage cells can be used in the ME IO Port.

What is a wireless access point in networking? ›

A wireless access point (WAP) is a networking device that allows wireless-capable devices to connect to a wired network. It is simpler and easier to install WAPs to connect all the computers or devices in your network than to use wires and cables.

What size is the me controller in Applied Energistics 2? ›

AE2 controller can be occupy a 7x7x7 space, so let's fill it, starting with the center columns...

How many channels does an ME controller have? ›

Each face can provide up to 32 channels when connected with an ME Dense Covered Cable.

Can I have multiple ME controllers? ›

ME Controllers can not be connected to each other using any type of ME Cable (or AE machine that transmits channels). Doing so will cause the controllers to turn red and stop functioning. "Each side" actually means *per block face*. A 1x1x1 ME controller will result in 192 channels; 32 channels * 6 sides.

What do I need for a ME system? ›

For this, you need an Illuminated Panel, a Formation Core, an Annihilation Core, and a Logic (Gold) processor. The two cores are a Charged Certus quartz, fluix dust, and Logic Proccessor and Nether Quartz, Fluix Dust, and Logic Processor respectively. The panel is Quartz Glass, Redstone, Glowstone, and an Iron Ingot.

What does the me in me system stand for? ›

The "ME" in the title stands for "Matter <-> Energy" -- the premise being that items added to the system are converted into energy and stored in a digital form before needing to be used again, whereupon they are converted back into matter.

How do you set up botania in Minecraft? ›

First, place down your Daybloom on dirt (or Hydroangeas by water) where it will have access to the sun. Then, place a Mana Spreader near the flower. Next, place a Mana Pool where your Mana Spreader can see it. Now, click all of these with your Wand of the Forest while it is in Bind Mode.

What is the me system in Minecraft? ›

The "ME" stands for "Matter <-> Energy" - the premise being that items added to the system are converted into energy and stored in a digital energy form before needing to be used again, whereupon they are converted back into matter.

How do you set up a rail system in Minecraft? ›

To begin a basic Minecraft rail system, place a powered rail flush to a block that a button or lever can be placed on. Place the minecart on this powered rail. Then, place 3-4 standard rails connected to the powered rail and head in the direction desired.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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