Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo: August 2024 (2024)

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo: August 2024 (1)

Here comes the second Mercury retrograde for 2024! It begins in detailed Virgo and ends in active Leo. What will this retrograde do for us?

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The Basics - What is Mercury retrograde?

A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. It isn't actually moving backwards, it just appears that way. Mercury turns retrograde most often, about 3-4 times per year, and lasts for several weeks. When a planet retrogrades, what that planet rules tends to be thrown off, along with what the sign it's retrograding in rules.

With Mercury retrograde, we experience a shadow and a storm. The shadow period starts when Mercury first hits the point in the Zodiac it will turn direct at, and ends when it last hits the point in the Zodiac it will turn retrograde at.

Most people don't feel the effects of Mercury retrograde until it enters the storm period though. The storm period of Mercury retrograde is when Mercury is moving at its slowest, less than 40 minutes per day. Mercury is a fast-moving planet and hates it when it's moving slowly. There's usually two storm periods, one around the time Mercury turns retrograde, and one around when it turns direct.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo 2024 Key Dates:

  • This retrograde begins on August 5th 2024 @ 12:56AM ET/August 4th @ 9:56PM PT and ends on August 28th 2024@ 5:14PM ET/5:54AM PT.
  • Mercury retrogrades back to Leo onAugust 14th 2024 at 8:15PM ET/5:16PM PT.
  • The shadow period for this retrograde is July 16th - September 11th 2024.
  • There are normally two storm periods, and the storm periods for this retrograde are July 27th - August 13th 2024 and August 23rd - September 2nd 2024.

Mercury Retrograde Effects:

This Mercury retrograde begins in Virgo, and Virgo is one of the signs that Mercury naturally rules (along with Gemini). This increases the impact of the retrograde energy, and it's extra strong for our daily lives, work lives, and health. We can be super stressed out, picking apart the details to the max, demanding way too much of ourselves, and taking on way too much work.

This is especially strong at the start with Mercury retrograde beginning at a critical degree, 4 degrees Virgo. There are 30 degrees in every sign, 360 degrees total, and some placements are called critical degrees (linking to the Lunar Mansions). These placements have charged energy, and we have to work at managing them in more productive ways, especially with this one in Virgo. Mercury is at 4 degrees Virgo starting August 3rd (before the retrograde begins) to August 7th.

We need to go easy on ourselves, and not demand perfection that is attainable. We need to have healthy outlets for stress and frustration, otherwise we can get overwhelmed, break down, and fall apart at the seams.

This can be good energy for picking back up old work or projects, for reconnecting with old coworkers or employees, or for reorganizing, changing your routine or regimen, or improving your schedule.

But this retrograde doesn't occur entirely in Virgo, and Mercury goes back to Leo on August 14th, and spends the rest of the retrograde in this fire sign. In Leo, this can bring more attention to love, both who and what we love, and we can become aware of issues in our love relationships that we need to work through, and may want to reconnect with old flames.

We may want more time to enjoy ourselves, to have fun and let loose, and to avoid any work, but we either don't get that and have a hard time with focus, or we avoid work completely and itpiles up. We go from overworking to slacking big time!

We need to find some balance with this retrograde, balance between work and play, the mundane and fun, the details and the joyful.

While in Leo, creative energy can surge, and this can be channeled into everything we do. It can be a good time to pick back up a creative project, reconnect with an old hobby, or restore inspiration. It'll be especially important when Mercury first goes back to Leo to try and use the energy well as Mercury will be at the anaretic degree (29 degrees of any sign) August 14th - 16th, which is extra supercharged and might bring out some difficulties, selfish behavior, being taken advantage of, stubbornness, pride getting in the way, inflated egos, or all talk behavior.

But the retrograde also ends at a critical degree, 21 degrees Leo, so we're charged coming in and going out. Add on the Moon in the signs Mercury naturally rules at the start and end (see the Moons section), and we're riding some major emotional highs and lows and might not be making the best choices!

And oh yes, while in Virgo, we'll have a temporary mutable t-square going on. T-squares occur when two or more planets oppose one another, and they square a third (or more) planet. Neptune and Saturn are in Pisces, and Mercury retrograde in Virgo opposes them as they all square Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. We have a mutable t-square cooking as soon as Mercury first enters Virgo on July 25th, and lasts until Mercury comes back to Virgo and exits on September 26th.

Mutable t-squares can send energy zinging around haphazardly, and this can be difficult to control so we're all over the place. T-squaresfocus on the squared planet(s), which is Mars and Jupiter in Gemini in this case, so we might be overthinking things, communication can be out of sorts, and we're not correctly paying attention to what's really important. There can be a lot of talking but not much listening. The way out is through the missing sign that opposes the squares planets, which is Sagittarius in this case. We need to take a step back, see the big picture, and not get lost in the weeds. We need to be more optimistic and gregarious, and open our minds.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo 2024 Aspects:

During the retrograde, Mercury will make 5 major aspects to the other transit (moving) planets. They are:

- Conjunct Venus on August 7th 2024@ 3 degrees Virgo:Mercury conjunct Venus often denotes pleasant communication and expression. We can be more understanding, and we may find that communicating in new, different ways is more effective. We can also reconnect, recommit, and find new ways of coming together and benefiting from alliances. This can help us in our daily lives or with our work in Virgo.

- Square Uranus on August 18th 2024@ 27 degrees Leo/Taurus:Mercury square Uranus is a challenging aspect, and we may struggle with impatience, impulsive energy, and are most prone to lashing out around this time. We can jump into things without thinking, and this leads to more problems. We're itching about something, and we need to get to the heart of it in order to find a solution. This can be a good time to get unstuck with something that has been too stagnant for too long, but we do need to be smart about it.

-Conjunct the Sun on August 19th 2024 @ 26 degrees Leo:This is the Inferior Conjunction, a positive point in the retrograde for starting something that can be a focus for the next 6-8 weeks; find where it falls in your chart, and that may be where you can start something. With this one in Leo, we can make use of creativity.

- Trine Chiron on August 23rd 2024@ 23 degrees Leo/Aries:Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, governing our great wounds but also healing abilities. This aspect can highlight existing wounds in the world and in ourselves, and it can be easier for us to take care of ourselves and others. We can find relief, and we can get a better understanding. Chiron also rules health so there can be greater emphasis on health matters.

- Sextile Mars on August 24th 2024@ 22 degrees Leo/Gemini:Mars is the planet of energy and drive, so this aspect can bring more mental energy and a drive to take action with ideas and plans. This might involve old ideas we pick back up, old plans we want to try again with, or we might make some tweaks to new ideas or plans to get better traction.

The Moons of Mercury Retrograde:

The Moon travels through both signs Mercury naturally rules during this retrograde, and in fact, it starts and ends with the Moon in its home signs. The Moon enters Virgo (ruled by Mercury) shortly after Mercury retrograde begins on August 5th (5:17PM ET/2:17PM PT) to August 8th (5:31AM ET/2:31AM PT).

Virgo is also the sign the Mercury retrograde starts in, so this increases anxietyand stress, as well as brings strong focus to the retrograde. We're likely going into this retrograde with a lot of little issues worrying us to death, and we need to be better at taking care of ourselves and having healthy outlets for stress. Mercury also being at a critical degree isn't helping, and we need to be much more mindful of our actions and choices.

The Moon is in Gemini (ruled by Mercury) near the end of Mercury retrograde, from August 25th (11:03PM ET/8:03PM PT) to August 28th (4:48AM ET/1:48AM PT), which is the same day the retrograde ends (is ends just over 12 hours after the Moon exits Gemini). This canincrease scattered, unfocused energy and a need for a mental outlet, and we're likely pretty harried and ready to move forward coming out of this retrograde.

Emotions can run quite high as this retrograde starts and ends - be careful!

Final Notes:

The retrograde starts at 4 degrees Virgo, so those of you Virgos born August 24th - 30th may feel the start of the retrograde most. The retrograde ends at 21 degrees Leo, so those of you Lions born August 10th - 17th may feel the end of the retrograde most.

For the rest of you, check the house(s) Mercury will be retrograding in your own natal chart, and any aspects Mercury will make during its retrograde to your natal planets, to fully understand how it will impact you personally.

If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal or progressed chart, you may not feel the worst of this. Those individuals generally don't experience the difficulties of the retrograde because it feels more natural to them. Of course, chances are everyone else around them doesn't have the same aspect, so they can still experience difficulties brought on by others. If it's in your natal chart, check outthis articleabout Mercury retrograde in the natal chart.

Suggested Reading: The page for interpretations

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Leo: August 2024 (2024)


What signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde in 2024? ›

Mercury retrograde moves between Virgo and Leo zodiac signs from August 5, 2024 . When Mercury is in Virgo, it usually brings a clear and logical approach to life. The first half of this retrograde helps us see where we need more structure and routine in our daily lives.

How is Mercury retrograde affecting Leo? ›

When Mercury retrograde begins on August 5, it will mark the start of a major self-care overhaul, Leo. Stationing retrograde in your sixth house of health and work, It's time to take a long look at the habits you rely on and the routines that carry you through your day. Are they supporting your highest growth?

What happens to Virgos during Mercury retrograde? ›

4 August to 27 August: August will see Mercury in retrograde under the earth sign Virgo, with it shifting into fire sign Leo after 14 August. This is a period to be particularly conscious of your romantic relationships and doing all you can to prevent any misunderstandings.

What does Mercury in Leo mean? ›

Mercury in Leo means it's time to socialize and gather with friends for creativity, celebration and self-expression. Plan outings that showcase your flair for aesthetics and bring people together for fun and laughter. This transit invites you to curate events that leave everyone feeling uplifted and appreciated.

What does Mercury retrograde do spiritually? ›

Retrogrades spin the energy inward. With Mercury, our communications begin to flow inwardly instead of outwardly. This allows for deeper access to our heart, our intuition and our inner compass. Spend time journaling, pulling cards and exploring the inner workings of your mind.

Do people come back into your life during Mercury retrograde? ›

Sometimes, Mercury retrograde can even bring back people or things from the past. It might mean running into an old friend, reconnecting with an ex, or finding an old project you never finished. It's a time to look back, learn from mistakes, and maybe even get closure on something that's been bothering you.

What are the negative traits of Mercury in Leo? ›

Leos influence by Mercury may have trouble with details. They may have short attention spans and be perceived as arrogant, inflexible, egotistical, and unrealistic.

What is the negativity of a Leo? ›

Leos can exhibit negative traits such as arrogance, stubbornness, self-centeredness, impatience, and a tendency to be domineering. They may also have a desire for attention and admiration, be prone to drama and excess, and struggle with criticism or rejection.

What are the three types of Leo Mercury? ›

With Leos with Leo Mercury, there's three types: there's Leos who have Mercury as morning star, Leos who have Mercury as evening star, and Leos who have Mercury combust. Leos who have Mercury combust are tremendously creative.

How is year 2024 for Virgo? ›

Virgo's Health and Wellness Horoscope for 2024

Positivity is in the air for you this year, Virgo! Although it might feel difficult at times, you know how to push through. Challenges may be present as a result of a Saturn opposition that is taking place now until 2026.

What does Mercury do to Virgos? ›

Mercury in Virgo means you are excellent at managing people, tasks, money, organization, and home. This placement is excellent, and it provides a solution-oriented approach. Mercury in Virgo gives a brilliant career and makes you attain success with the use of intellect and wisdom.

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships? ›

You might have trouble with emails, phone calls, or talking with others. It's important to be patient and try to be clear when talking or messaging during this time. Mercury retrograde can also make relationships a bit bumpy. You might argue more with your partner, friends, or coworkers.

What happens to Leos when Mercury is in retrograde? ›

The second half of Mercury retrograde, taking place from August 14 to 28, is when Mercury slides back into Leo. The focus shifts away from external factors that might throw our work, health, or daily lives off balance, and we begin to look at how we view ourselves internally.

What does Virgos who have Mercury in Leo mean? ›

Virgo with Leo Mercury: Selected family

Sometimes, that means that Virgos with Leo Mercuries are very influenced by a parent. Sometimes that means that they are attracted to a mentor. Sometimes, it means that they bring a group of people together.

How does Mercury in Leo communicate? ›

These flashy and fun-loving individuals are great storytellers, often talking in a theatrical and dramatic fashion. Expressing their point of view and entertaining people comes naturally to Mercury in Leo people, and their communication style is gregarious, lively, and humorous.

How does Mercury retrograde affect me? ›

Astrologers believe Mercury retrograde can make people feel like segments of their lives are moving in the wrong direction, and it is the perfect time to take a breath, relax, and rethink life choices. "Me and many other astrologers define Mercury retrograde as a time to retrace your steps," says Goldsmith.

How long is Mercury in retrograde in April 2024? ›

When is Mercury retrograde? The last Mercury retrograde of 2023 ended on Jan. 1, 2024, but Mercury will be in retrograde three more times in 2024: April 1, 2024, to April 24, 2024.

Is there a shadow period in Mercury retrograde January 2024? ›

The first Mercury retrograde phase of the year began in late 2023 and carries on into 2024 in Sagittarius. While the 'official' end date is 1 January, there's a shadow phase that continues through to 20 January as Mercury returns to where it started this whole retrograde shenanigans, in the sign of Capricorn.

Can you still manifest during Mercury retrograde? ›

Yes, you can manifest during mercury retrograde.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.