Sumter County Journal from York, Alabama (2024)

PICKENS Aliceville Cotton Mill Gives Bonus To Empoyees Aliceville $53,437 was the amount of bonuses given to employees of the Alicville Cotton Mill here last week end. Mr. J. F. Cooley, manager of the mill, said that this was the largest bonus given since the mill has been in operation.

He further stated that this was, evidence of the company's prosperity throughout the year. The bonus paid each employee represented 10 per cent of his net earnings for the year. The Aliceville mill employees 225 people, and has been in operation in Aliceville for many years. The mill started out as a branch of the Alabama Mills, and was later changed to Dan River Mills. In September, 1959, Dan River sold out to Aliceville Cotton Mills, Inc.

Governor Commends Miss Sharon Lee Lowe Miss Sharon Lee Lowe has received a letter of Commendation. from Governor George C. congratulating her for being chosen for the Fayette District Dairy Maid. Sharon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Otis Lee Lowe, of Reform attended the Youthpower Conference in Chicago in the Spring of this year, and has been working in the Youthpower follow-up program this Summer and Fall. Her follow-up work included Newspaper articles, Guest speaker at Civic Clubs, Home Demonstration club, Rotary Business and professional Womens Clubs, Council meeting, Banquets, Radio and Televison programs. She emphasized the importance of nutritous foods in a balanced diet for improving eating habits of teenagers. Sharon has been awarded the General Foods Corporation Cook Book for Pickens County for her Foods and Nutrition 4-H project this year. Reform Elementary Teachers Meet The Teachers of the Elementary School, at Reform, Ala.

had their regular In-Service meeting Tuesday, Dec. 15 at 3.00 P. M. Mrs. James Wood, Chairman, presided.

Topic of their Study was, "Improvement of Elementary Mrs. B. K. Bee stated that progress has been made toward the improvement of Citizenship on the school grounds and in the school lunchroom. Reports were made at the last meeting by Mr.

Hilton J. Ishee, and Mrs. James Wood who represented the Reform Elementary school at the 7th District meeting in Birmingham and by Mr. Lenwood Holliman who represented the Pickens County Elementary schools as Supervisor at the meet ing. They told of the cooperative program for improvement of Elementary Education, what it can mean to the schools and the group discussion followed on "How to realize the greatest value from the program.

The In-Service meeting is being held each month in the Reform School. 115P Christmas Srals A A 1964 1964 Christmas Greetings 000000000001 Fight Tuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases COUNTY WEST ALABAMIAN ALABAMA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1964 DEATHS Horace E. Hixon Funeral services for Horace E. Hixon, age 42 of Carrollton were held Wednesday 2:00 p. m.

York, Ala. with the Rev. Hardin, church pastor, officiating. Mr. Hixon, a veteran of World War Two died unexpectly at his home Monday afternoon of an apparent heart attack.

He was employed in Tuscoloosa, Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Avery of Carrollton, a sister, Mrs. Virginia M. Campbell, York, two nieces, Mrs.

Sylvia Lavender, of Wilmer, Ala. and Miss Rita Anne Caldwell of Birmingham. Burial was in York cemetery. with the Stabler Funeral Home in charge. Ollis Bridgeman Funeral services for Ollis Bridgeman, age 63 of Aliceville, were held Friday 2:00 p.m.

near Sumiton, Ala. Mr. Bridgeman, a resident of Aliceville for the past two years died Wednesday in the South Pickens hospital. He was a retired coal miner and a native of Walker county. Survivors include a sister, Mrs.

Veddie Martin, Lake City, four brothers, Earl Bridgeman, Aliceville Van Bridgeman, Haleyville, Sid Bridgeman and John Bridgeman, both of Cordova, Ala. Stabler both of Cordova, Ala. Stabler Funeral Home was in charge of local arrangements. J. Ellis Latham Funeral services for J.

Ellis Latham, age 85 of Reform, were held Saturday 11:00 a.m. from Shiloh Freewill Baptist Church near Gordo, with Rev. H. Holly and Rev. Chester Free officiating.

Mr. Latham, a native county and a retired farmer, died Thursday in Greensboro, Ala. He is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Burial was in Shiloh cemetery with Stabler-Brown Service in charge. Jim W.

Gardner Funeral services for Jim W. Gardner, age 73, of Gordo, were held Monday at 2:00 p.m. from the First Baptist Church, with the Rev. Billy Hogue and Rev. Willie Crawford officiating.

Mr. Gardner a former resident of Detroit, Mich. had lived in Gordo several years, and was a retired business man. He died Saturday morning after several monthes illness. Survivors include his wife, a daughter, Mrs.

Oleta G. Hanson, Pasadena, Texas; two sons, John W. Gardner, Smyrna, Ga, and William F. Gardner of Los Angoles, Calif. Burial was in Memory Hill Gardens in Tuscaloosa, with Stabler-Brown Service in charge.

Mrs. Eugene Johnson Funeral services for Mrs. Eugene Johnson, age 56 of Carrollton, were held Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. from the First Methodist Church with Rev. Calvin J.

Havens officating. Mrs. Johnson, a native of Pickens County died Monday in North Pickens hospital following a long illness. Survivors include her husband Eugene "Tom" Johnson, a daughter, Mrs. Geraldine Lammers, now living in Newfoundland, where her husband i is stationed in the U.

S. A. F. her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

B. H. Smith, a sister, Mrs. Roy Nicholson, all of Oklahoma City, Okla. one brother, Norman Smith of Monroe, and three grandchildren.

Burial was in the Carrollton cemetery with Stabler Funeral Home in charge Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cummins Honored By Southern Natural Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cummins of Reform were honored with a luncheon at the Relay House in Birmingham by Southern Natural Gas Company comemorating the twenty-five years that Mr.

Cummins has been with the Company here in Reform, Companion watches were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Cummins, with other awards being presented to Mr. Cummins for his service of 25 years. There were 19 other couples who received the awards.

HERALD IT (30381E SLUME ONE HERE, THERE and EVERYWHERE BY JACK M. PRATT The clerk was unpacking and placing in the store shelves a large assortment of pajamas, when a young fellow asked her, them things?" "Pajamas" she replied. "Do you want a suit of The lad asked, "What's they The young lady replied, "They are to wear at night. Better let me wrap you up a The lad replied, "I don't go no whar at night but to bed, so I won't need A friend of mine was a student at the University, and he was badly in need of some cash, but it being only the middle of the month, he didn't dare write for his monthly allowance. His only hope 1 was to sell something, so he placed the following ad in the college paper.

"For Sale: One good leather jacket, practically new, will sell for $25.00, apply 204, Morgan Three days later he received a letter containing his ad, and $25.00 in cash, and a letter stating, "I'll buy the darn coat, signed, When I was a student at Florence State College, my room mate, the late Lank Keating, said to me, "Are you going home for I told him I was not, didn't have the money. He said he was in the same fix and would remain in the city, "but," he said, "Our girl friends will be expecting a present, and we'd have a fight with So we broke off our relations two before Christmas, and didn't make up till St. Valentine's Did any of you readers ever pull that trick? Try it, it works. Here's a true story I like to tell: In 1911 my wife, then Thalia Frank, came to Carrollton as stenographer for the late Hinton. A dozen of the young! folks lived at the Phoenix Hotel.

I didn't meet her the first night she was there, but I dressed in my best the next night and joined the crowd on the porch. One of the fellows introduced me to her, but after a few minutes she arose and said, "You folks will have to excuse me, I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm going to bed with the chickens I asked, "What did you say, Miss She laughingly replied, going to bed with the checkens I jumped to my feet, slapped my sides and crowed like a rooster. She refused to walk to the spring with me when the young folks made their morning trip to Johnny Woods spring for nearly one month. But we have lived 51 years together on the little hill overlooking the spring. Keep your temper.

Do not quarrel with an angry woman, but give her a soft answer. It is commanded by the Holy Writ, and furthermore, it will make her madder than anything you could say. In 1905-06, I was principal of the Carrollton High School. I had one young girl in the 11th grade who was a good student, but took up too much of the time discussing the lesson. When I sent out the monthly report cards, I wrote on the margin of her card, "Your daughter is a splendid student, but she talks too A few days later I received the card by mail, and on the margin her father had written, "You ought to meet her A sign in front of a shoe repair shop pictured several styles of heels, and the picture of a beautiful girl who was saying, "I'm in love with America's number one Underneath in a fine feminine handwriting some had added, "Too late, sister, "I married Continued on page 6 NUMBER FIFTY-ONE Today Is Carl Elliott Day In Pickens REP.

CARL ELLIOTT The Pickens County Commissioners Court, in their last regular meeting, adopted a resolution declaring today, Thursday, December 17, as Carl Elliott Day in the county. This act is in coordination with other counties in the old Seventh District who are honoring Rep. Elliott for his many years of faithful service as its Representative in the House. An appreciation banquet will be held tonight in Birmingham in Rep. Elliott's honor.

Pickens O. E. S. Members Hold Christmas Party Reform Rachel Chapter No. 145, Order of the Eastern Star entertained the Pickens County O.E.S.

Conference at the Fellowship Lodge No. 172, Friday, night when they met for their Christmas party at 7:00 p.m. Officers for the conference were Mrs. Ruby Kate Bailey, Worthy Matron; L. B.

Koon, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Harland Watkins, Associate Matron. Chuck Maddox, Associate Patron; Mrs. Mary Thornberry, Chaplain; Mrs. Loine Mullins, Marshal; Mrs.

Ruby Koon, Organist; Mrs. Ruth Free, Conductress; Maddox, Associate Conductress: Miss Frances Davis, Secretary; Mrs. Lucille Junkin, Treasurer; Mrs. Sarah Peebles, Adah; Mrs. Alene Jones, Ruth; Mrs.

Bernice Pearson, Esther; Mrs. Roy Junkin, Martha; Mrs. Myrtle Davis, Electa; Mrs. Willie Lee Tilley, Warder; and Boyed G. Bailey, Sentinel.

The Worthy Matron opened the meeting and extended Welcome. The Sunshine Committee reported those who are sick or shut-in. The Conference accepted an invitation to meet with Yorkville Chapter in Ethelsville in March for their first meeting of 1965. Mrs. Eddie Lee Thomas, Esther Chapter; Mrs.

Bertha Patterson, Yorkville Chapter; Mrs. Ruth Free, Gordo Chapter and Mrs. Velva Moore, Rachel Chapter, were named to a committee to secure officers for the next ing. The retiring Worthy Matron, Mrs. B.

G. Bailey, presented the gavel to the incoming Worthy Matron, Mrs. Vertrice Maddox. The Conference voted to sponsor Boyed G. Bailey as a candidate for Associate Grand Patron, 1965.

Others present were Mesdames Minnie Merle Stevens, Estelle Lancaster, Virginia Lyles, Valeria Hamiter, and Mr. and Mrs. Troy McGahey and Mssrs. Chester Patterson, Harland Watkins and Bill Davis. Decorations were Red Poinsettas, red candles and poinsetta interspersed with greenery, a large red stocking in the East.

Refreshments carried out the Christmas motif. Party cookies, nuts, candies, cakes, hot chocolate and coffee were served. Churches Over County To Present Christmas Cantatas Sunday Reform Methodist Reform The Choir of the First Methodist Church will present its Christmas Cantata, "The Music of at the Church, Sunday, Dec. 20th at 5:00 p.m. Mrs.

J. P. Crocker will direct the music. Accompanist will be Mrs. P.

F. Langdon, Organist. Sopranos will be Misses Virginia Lyles, Mary Lou Mathews, Frances Davis, and Mesdames H. D. McArthur, William Rodgers, Cleoprus Lowery, Patton and H.

M. mins. High sopranos will Misses Beth Bennett, Nell Lowe and Mrs. Orman Atkins. Altos will be Mrs.

G. S. Spruill, Mrs. Minnie Ambrose, Misses Shirley Cowart, Patti Wood, Gail Ambrose, Elaine Lowe, and Cheryl Atkins. Bass singers are Messrs.

G. S. Spruill, H. C. Elmore and H.

D. McArthur. Tenors will be Billy Ambrose: W. B. Davis, Jimmy Wood, Eschol Mathews.

You are cordially invited to come and hear this Christmas Cantata sing of the "Glad Tidings and Great Joy" in commemoration of the birth of a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. Carrollton Methodist The Carrollton Methodist Choir will present a Christmas Cantata of the greatest story of the ages, "Love Transcending" by John W. Peterson, Sunday, Dec. 20, at 5:00 p.m. The soloists for the cantata are Soprano, Mrs.

James De Witt: Alto, Mrs. C. R. Gilliam; Bass, Phil, Baker: The Narrator is. Winfield Cooper.

The choir is directed by Mrs. James DeWitt and accompanied at the organ by Mrs. John Ellis Gore. The public is cordially invited to attend. First Baptist, Aliceville Aliceville The First Baptist Church will present a Cantata Reform Presbyterian Circle Holds Christmas Party Dec.

8th Circle No. 2 of the Women of the First Presbyterian Church, Reform, was host to the W. O. C. Christmas Party and Joy Gift Program, Tuesday night, Dec.8, at the Kennedy Cafe, Gordo.

Traditional Holiday decorations including a tree on a table piled high with gifts for members and also those brought for the Presbyterian Home, Candle place cards, Bible verse book mark favors, Joy Gift napkins. Mrs. James Floyd gave the Invocation for the meal. Mrs. Edsel Smith presided and opened the meeting with prayer.

Circle Chairman, Mrs. J. O. Puckett, presented Joy Gift program, using the Advent Candle service with a christmas wreath of green symbolising Eternal Life; 5 white candles representing Christ, Forgiveness, Peace, Joy, and Love. Assisting her were: Mrs.

J. L. Pratt, co-chairman, who used a recording describing the need for and use of the Joy Gift, stating that $1.29 for every $1.00 of the Joy Gift offering was sent to retired ministers, their widows and their families, due to an endowment fund. Scripture read by Mrs. William McKee was the Christmas Story from the Gospel of Luke.

Mrs. Richard C. Smith gave "The Inn That Missed it's Chance." Others present were. Mrs. F.

T. Lackey, Mrs. T. C. Bunch, Mrs.

W. G. Howell, Mrs. Charles Wood- ard, Mrs. Thomas Leasler, Mrs.

C. F. Keasler, Mrs. B. G.

Bailey, Mrs. J. S. Lowe, Mrs. J.

L. Latham; Mrs. William McPherson, Mrs. A. A.

Smith, Mrs. C. H. Wilson, and Mrs. R.

P. Moore. Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock by the Church Choir. The title of this program is "Born A King" by John W. Peterson.

The music will be presented by Mrs. R. D. Morrow, organist, and Mr. William Summerville, pianist.

The public is cordialy invited to attend. First Baptist, Reform Reform On Sunday night, Dec. 20th, beginning at 7:00, the Choir of the First Baptist Church of Reform will present the Christmas Cantata, "Night of the This is one of the most beautiful of John W. Peterson's arrangements. The accompament will be played by Mrs.

Harwood Prater, organist, and Jerry Wayne Adcox, pianist. The beautiful Christmas Story will be narrated by Rev. E. G. Pounders, pastor of the church.

Soloists will be Mrs. Ben Elmore, Mrs. E. G. Pounders, Mr.

Al Herd, Mr. E. T. Bedford, and Mr. Ed Headley.

Mr. Headley, director of the Choir, invites everyone to come and hear the greatest story ever told, "The birth of a Gordo Hosts Holiday Cage Meet Dec: 17-18-19 Gordo Gordo High School will hold its annual invitational basbetball tournament on Dec. 17, 18, 19. Teams participating are Gordo, Liberty, Millport, Aliceville, Caledonia, and Brookwood. Pairings pit Liberty against Millport at 6:30 Thursday, with Caledonia meeting host Gordo in the second game at 7:30.

On the 18th, Aliceville will meet the Liberty Millport winner and Brookwood will play the winner of the Gordo-Caledonia game. The finals will be held on Saturday night at 8:30. The consolation will begin at 7:30. Following the finals, the first and second place team will be presented trophies. The most valuable player in the tournament will also be named at this time.

Gordo won last year's tournament when they dropped Millport in the finals. Home Demonstration Club and S. S. Class Holds Joint Meeting Stansel The Lucy Curry Sunday School Class of the Stansel Baptist Church, and the Home Demonstration Club held a combined all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Duke Windham on Dec.

9th. The president of the Sunday Schcol class, Mrs. Martha Windle, opened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed the members and guests. The devotional was given by Mrs.

Cleve Thornberry. At the recreation period, the members revealed their secret pals for the year, exchanged gifts and drew names for their secret pal for next year. At the social hour they were joined by the Stansel Home Demonstration Club for a covered dish luncheon, served buffet style. Three of the dishes were those prepared for demonstration in the club. Food preservation leader, Mrs.

S. D. Simpson, prepared a Christmas cake; Mrs. Joe Jennings prepared a casserole and Mrs. Howard Spain prepared a salad.

Mrs. T. H. Spain, Home Demonstration Club president, had charge of the afternoon meeting. Present for the meeting were Mesdames 'Colon Vail, James Marler, D.

E. Holliman, L. A. Marler, Joe Jennings, Phoebe Simpson, Cleve Thornberry, T. H.

Spain, Floyd Johnson, Horace Bouchillon, E. C. Spain, S. D. Simpson, John T.

Simpson, Martha Windle, Barney Bill Hughes, Libby Windham, John T. Simpson, Lucian Crabtree and D. C. Crowder..

Sumter County Journal from York, Alabama (2024)
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