The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)

i'AGE THREE THE BURLINGTON KEE PRESS AND ITMES: THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932. Saturday. ness visitor in Burlington GEORGIA CENTER Schlenectady, N. Carl Durgin of Mrs. Vera Dur- is visiting his mother, gin.

SWANTON ng and Shake- Eastern Star, Readi Elict speare Clubs Officers 11, Order cf BARRE Chief of Police Dennis Donahue Addresses Rotarians Club Has Had Eight Successive 10 Percent Meetings Gordon A. Paton Dies City Council Meets Rotating Plan For Street Work Items of Personal News NO. Swanton Chapter, Eastern Star, held its installation AND IT STAYS THAT WAY installing offi- Monday evening. The Beatrice O'Bri- cer was Past Matron en. Past Matron Cork Kimball acted from away: Mr.

and Mrs. Fred La-roe, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laroe and Mrs. Charles Luman of Tupper Lak, N.

Mrs. Leon Green arid daughter, Mrs. Leo Sharon and two daughters and Mrs. Charles Beor of High-gate Center and John Hemingway and Mr. and Mrs.

Casey Dugento ol St. Albans. The Swanton firemen with their present small truck gave the townspeople a demonstration of Swanton's water pressure Monday evening. One hose was connected to the hydrant near the cannon on the park nad the stream had sufficient pressure to throw the water over any of the business blocks as well as the four story hotel. Then the boys proceeded to the hydrant near the river and attached four lines of hose and kept the stream on for half an hour to find out if there would be any noticeable decrease in the pressure and there was none evident.

Immediately after the demonstration, there was an open meeting at the Taquahungua Club to decide if the village would purchase a new truck with a booster PrAtt as organist. as marshal, Ray Past Matron Ruth ay as chaplain and Charles Sibley as sentinel. The installed were: newly elected officers Personal News Items P. T. A.

Elects Officers Grange Meeting Dorothy, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wilder was taken to the St. Alba- Hospital last week for an operation. Sne is doing well.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wool and daughter. Shirley, of Essex were at the St. Albans Hospital Thursday to see Dorothy Wilder and they presented her with a "sunshine bag" from the relatives and friends in Essex Center.

Irena Story has been quite ill, but is recovering. Donald Bruce of Essex Is spending several weeks with his aunt. Mrs. Hale Nye The following officers were elected at the last meeting of the G. C.

P. T. A. for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Hale Nye; vice-president, Alice Sunderland; secretary, Mrs.

Ella Pattee; treasurer, Mrs. Ora Warner; program committee, Mrs. Josie Pattee, Mrs. Celia Ballard and Miss Louise Ballard; publicity committee. Ildale Warner; entertainment committee.

Mrs. Arthur Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Janes and Hale Nye; membership committee. Mrs.

Effie Ballard and Mrs. Marcia Dunlop. The next meeting of the P. T. A.

will be held Mav 4 at 7:45 m. t)ora Bosworth: Worthy matron, Mrs. Frederick A. Bell; as- worthy patron. Albans were at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. C. A. Abell Sunday. George Warren has recurned to the St.

Albans Hospital and Is in a serious condition. He had an operation for appendicitis a few weeks ago. nd came home and was able to ride out a little, but suffered a relapse. Mrs. Medor Bessette has been with her daughters.

Mrs. A. Harris and Mrs. Jed Bombard for several days while having some dental work done. Several from here have been pickerel shooting the past few days at St.

Albans Bay and some fine pickerel have been taken. Phillip and Lyle Newton spent th week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meigs. Practice teachers of the University of Vermont are at the Lower Center school and East Plains school for two weeks.

William Decker has been serving as juror in Burlington for several days. There was a good attendance at Banner Grange Friday night in spite of the bad roads. An interesting program in observance of Arbor Day was given. Hale Nye demonstrated with some of his pine trees and gave an interesting talk on the planting and growth of pines. Several fancy wooden articles were displayed and Orin Preston had 12 different kinds of finished lumber to be guessed upon.

The next meeting is to be held May 6 and is to be "Literary night," each one to come to represent a book, either by action or something worn to represent the book. Further announcements will be made. Ruth Reming- sociate matron, Miss lLunetta B. Cor- Uucia Mae Van- ton; treasurer. Miss liss; secretary, Mrs.

Allen; conductress, Chief of Police Dennis Donahue ed that the work of repairing the Mrs. Rogene the guest sperker at the weekly lunch Mrs. conductress, Clark; associate Ever seen the new Columbia Niagara washable window shade? It's a beauty. Rich, clear colors. Firm, even texture.

Smooth, velvety surface. Soft, clear translu' cence. And when it soils, you can soap' and" water tvash it clean as new aainl Better see it. Call on us here, or send for us if you wish. Blackwell street bridge will be started next week.

The matter was then Ruth Riley; chapla Mrs. Mae Laura Prouty; Prouty; marshal, Mrs eon of the Barre Rotary club yester-! day noon. He gave a highly inter-I -ting talk on the problems of the I police department. He stated that a Collins. The ap- organist, Mrs.

IJa led were: Ada, pointive officers insta i pump, some favored such a pump Ruth, Mrs. Leo- Mrs. Mable Barney; na Pearl; Esther, Mri Mary Catlin: brought up by Alderman Carpenter that some of the people who have paid victualers' licenses are complaining that all the stores which are selling sandwiches and luncheoi-s over the counters have not taken out such licenses. The matter was referred to the chief of police to investigate. Then an insurance policy was read and ac-c- ted which covers the new citv Door Martha.

Mrs. Ina Barney; Electa, large per cent of the public were law abiding, only a mere handful being the cause of most of the trouble. If citizens would co-operate with the police department a large number of these would be curbed. At times, he and others thought with the water pressure at its present standard, this expenditure was unnecessary. While no definite action was taken, it is thought that the officials will purchase a new truck.

Mrs. Lillian Robinson warder, Mrs. Joseph Pearl. Lucille Bell; sentinel etiring matron. Mrs.

Lucy Seward, tron's jewel by was given a past ma said, trials are so conducted that it is really the police officer who is on trial John Cleveland entertained several home and bonds for city officials. Sev were also pre- the chapter and flow rerp instead of the defendant. Donahue eral minor -matters were discussed, re- token sented to her as a of appreci- quests granted, permits requested and Mrs. Dora Bos- ation of her services. owcpt 7itw i worthy matron, re worth, incoming IF ID ceived flowers and th 46 installing offi-Frederick A.

cers potted geraniumsl lortliy patron, was Bell, re-elected em in appreci- given a Masonic emb ation of his services. A program of was given in music and readings Mation Mrs. Lucy charge of Past boy friends at his home April 20. Refreshments were served and 500 was enjoyed. Mr.

and Mrs. F. D. Brooks are parents of a daughter born April 21 at St. Albans Hospital.

Miss Emogene Wood of Burlington together with 11 friends, were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Wood Sunday and enjoyed a sugar party.

Miss Lucy Wood was in St. Albans the last of the week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary Warner. Lincoln Cleveland was bitten on one ankle Saturday night by the police dog owned by O. B.

Wood. It was necessary to put a drain in the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Abell and family of Burlington and Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Abell and family of St. saia mac tnere are no pontics in the police A partment and that any police department should be kept entirely free of them. He also warned the audience about letting solicitors into their homes during these days. The police are now watching for four men in this section of the country who are taking orders for enlarging photographs.

He also advised that Barre merchants leave their cars at home or out of the business district that the shoppers might have better opportunities t'3 visit the stores. The members were very grateful for the talk. The Barre Rotary Club, for the first time in Its history, has had eight successive 100 per cent meetings. It is now rated with the "High Ten" of Rotarv SWANTON CENTER Ferdinand Chevier has returned home from the St. Albans Hospital.

Mrs. Charles Bushey visited Mrs. John Callan Monday afternoon. Mrs. Etta Ovitt and Mrs.

Annie Hutchins of Highgate spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Ovitt. Miss Priscilla Domey of St.

Albans visited her cousin, Miss Carmelita Pelkey, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nolan of St. Albans Bay were recent visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Nolan. Eric Dodd has employment with Clark Hubbard. "Richard Young and friend. Mr.

Davidson, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Young, returned to hour enjoyed Seward, and a socia ELECTRIC WOODWORKING MACHINERY Band saws, saw tables, planers, jig saws, sanders, etc.

A varied assortment in stock. Let us quote you. Strong Hardware Co. Advertisem*nt. A herd of wild cattle at Chilling-ham Castle, England, 700 years old, was recently saved when the castle was closed because of taxation.

witli light refreshment Club met this The Monday Readin "TRUE THRIFT Webster. Dur- week with Mr A. G. session the business ing the short elected to serve following officers were the coming year: president, Mrs. dent, Mrs.

C. Eva Suter; vice-pres ry. Mrs. A. G.

W. D. Prouty; secret Great Britain is trying the autogiro for military use. retary, Mrs. F.

Webster: assistant seq International for clubs with a mem-j bership of less than fifty members. Mrs. H. J. Van Allen: treasurer committee for Brown; program their home in Hackensack, N.

is common sense applied to spending" Theodore Roosevelt These New Snow, Mrs. 1932-1933, Mrs. Johh Thursday. g- nted ana warrants read and ordered paid. Expects Trophy Cup r.rt Fellow of Washington street eagerly awaits a trophy cup which is coming to him from Florida, and which will prove his fishing prowess.

During the winter months Mr. Good-fellow landed a barracuda, which on the closing day of the annual fishing contest at Pompano Club had not been approached in size. The head of this big killer, which was six feet in length, is in Mr. Goodfellow's office on Jefferson street. Invites Convention Mayor William Lapoint has sent a reply to Harley W.

Kidder, head of the Prohibition party of Vermont, stating that Barre would be glad to welcome this party for their national convention in June, providing Mr. Kidder secures Barre for the convention nv Mr. Kidder states that the convention which probably will be held for three clays during the first of June would bring 400 people to Barre. The mayor thought that this would be good publicity for the Barre granite industry. Personals Attorney Marcell Conway has arrived at his home in this "city from Washington, D.

where he has been on a five-day business trip. Deputy Sheriff was a business visitor in Northfield yesterday. John Sullivan of North Main street underwent an operation at the Barre City Hospital yesterday. Mrs. Mabel Varney of Barre has as a guest Miss Eunice Varney of Bradley, Mrs.

W. B. Scott. Mrs. lrurxy-iwo members recently signified that they wished to attend the intercity club meeting of Barre, St.

Albans, Morrisville, Northfield, Randolph and Montelier clubs which The Sunshine Sewing Circle met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Ruby B. N. Reissig and Mrs. C.

A. Webster; 1933-1934, Mrs. program committee for Underwood. Morton, Mrs. is to be held soon at the Pavilion H.

E. Bliss, Mrs. Hugfi The Swanton Center Home Demon R. C. Kimball Eva D.

Suter, Mrs stration group met for an all-day and Mrs. C. E. Allen. The program meeting April 20 with Mrs.

Orrin Bliss, with Miss Harriet Davis, home in charge of for the afternoon t-as fc told the story Miss Chadwick. who demonstration agent. The subject of the meeting was "Upholstering." Miss anld Eve, Dr. and of a modern Adam Hotel, Montpeher, when Canon Elliott of Leeds, England, will address the gathering on "The Meaning of the Present Crisis." Gordon A. Paton Dies Gordon A.

Paton died at his residence, 2 Park street, Tuesday evening, following an illness of 16 months' duration. The son of Mary and the late Henry P. Paton, he was born July 26, 1884, in Lennoxville. P. Davis demonstrated stretching, web Mrs.

Ritter. Elmer Hooper and Irs. Lyra Car- bing, sewing on and tying of the isited relatives penter of Fletcher springs, padding and covering chairs in town Monday At this time tickets were given out The annual meeting for the style show which will be of the Shake-Tuesday aft- held in St. Albans April 29. speare Club was held Mrs.

Charles Q. When he was a young child the. ernoon at the home Hall. The roll call was responded the members to with "Stunts" front lamuy movea to Gramteville and he lived there for a number of years. He was employed in; the quarries for 21 years before he came here to Barre ness session in present.

At the busi Mrs. J. president. charge of the Motd Ilotoij officers weie Tomson, the followin iss Susan War- elected: President, Andrew Col- Mite fe. ren; vice-president.

T-)lcuflorkli zMotd of Character lins; secretary. Mrs. treasurer, Mrs. C. M.

Tinkham; Herrick; pro-Henry Weid-corrcspondent, Henry Weid- gram committee, Mrs man, chairman; press F. D. ABERNETHY, Inc. HEAD OF CHURCH STREET The Last Day of the Special Showing of 'The Gossard Line of Beauty' We cordially invite you to come and see these famous underthings. A special representative of the H.

W. Gossard Company will be here to talk with you and, if you wish, help you select and personally fit the correct garment for you. A Collection of Spring Coats and Suits At An Extraordinary Price ENOSBURG FALLS Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergeron have moved from the home of Mrs.

Stanley Sayles to Mrs. Clarence DeWitfs apartment on Missisquoi street. Lunetta B. Corliss, Mr te to the Ver- man was elected deleg aVomen's Club mont Federation of Holiday or Business Trip St. Albans in meeting to be held in kv Collins was May and Mrs.

Andrs Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hadd of West Newton.

who have been busi- ness visitors in town, have returned home. Gardner Mears, who has been em- i deles gate. Plans elected an alternate AH type frocks are shown for business, sport and afternoon. annual picnic were made for the to reside. He was last employed by the Usle and Revilla firm.

He was a man interested in his family and his I home. He was a member of the Granite Chapter, No. 26. R. A.

and of Granite Lodge, No. 35, P. A. jof the Clan Gordon and of the Lump-I ers' and Polishers' Union. He was I united in marriage on January 20, 1906 with Miss Madine Thompson, She survives as does a daughter.

Miss i I "ldred E. Paton. His mother also survives in Cleveland, Ohio. Others are three sisters: Mrs. Hugh Slater and Miss Grace Paton in Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs.

Media Courtemanche of Suncook. N. six brothers. Thomas Paton of Suncook. N.

'John of Los Angeles, William of Concord. N. Frank of Nashua, N. Walter of Chelsea and George Pa-; ton of Berwick, Maine. Funeral serv- ices are to be held at 2:30 o'clock this I afternoon from the Universalist Church with the Rev.

Griswold Wil-: liams officiating. City Council Meets i The weekly meeting of the citv at the home of the club to be helfl ns some time I of Mrs. Andrew Coll ployed as chauffeur for Mrs. Olin Merrill in St. Petersburg, the past winter, has returned home.

Mrs. Mer months. Re- during the summer i-edi by Mrs. Hall freshments were serv rill will visit at the homes of her The centre of the great metropolis ed. enjoy and a social hour Donald Louis Funeral services fori Parizo were held from the Church of mornins? at 9 the Nativity Tuesday eodore Legauli o'clock.

The Rev. Tri daughters, Mrs. E. W. David in Philadelphia and Mrs.

Ray Strohecker in Utica, N. before returning here. Mrs. Morton W. Shufeldt of Hines-burg spent the week-end with her husband.

Mr. Shufeldt is the new superintendent of the Wachusett Creamery and will move his family here at the close of the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Mears visit ners were Lloyd officiated and the bea represent thrift and values.

GOATS Dress and Sports Carl Parizo. McCarthy, Leslie and Tetrault Weldon Bourgeois Rupolph ah- Interment and Davidson Lashw ROOMS WITH BATH $3 UP A. MUSCHINHIIM in St. Mary's was in the family loti cemetery. There wer council was held Tuesday evening, at ed at the home of Mrs.

Mears' par- many beau-bouquets. The tiful floral and spiritual In a body and Boy Scouts attended NEW ve. The sixth sounded taps at the wmcn time it was reported by the ents, Mr. and Mrs. L.

R. Capsey in chairman of the street committee that 1 Frelighsburg. Sunday, arrangements had been practically I The Rev. William J. MacFarlane completed for the installment of a and family moved this week to their rotary system of employment in that new home at White River Junction.

grft ITIMES SQUARE RK torn St. Ann's grade and teacher the following Academy attended an department and cutting out the over- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eldred and time. This is so that more men can daughter, Helen, were guests at the work shorter periods of time.

Prefer- home of their daughter, Mrs. G. H. 15 ence will be made for those who are i Titemore in Franklin. Friday, being hele at the present time by I Delbert Hogan, who has been pas-the city, the married men coming ing the winter in Cheshire, i and Boston is at the home of Wil- bmart nrst in the matter of jobs.

It was reported that a man had been dismissed from, the engineer's office to reduce e- It was also report- Style Shoppe SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE GO Church St. Burlington, Vt. liam Jones. Mrs. Margaret Woodward of place and her guest, Mrs.

Ruth Cas-sidy of Fall River, have been guests of Mrs. Woodward's niece, Mrs. Ralph Bolster of Richford. Mrs. S.

E. Duclos and son of North Sheldon were visitors in town Monday. Herman D. Webster died at the Deaconness Hospital in Boston Sunday. Mr.

Webster was in business in numbers it BRUNELLE'S 50 GRANT TEL. 858. Chuck Roast of Beef, lb. We have taken Utile lots of coats and suits from our regular lines of merchandise and put them all together at this one price. Un trimmed coats of pure wool fabrics in tweedy mixtures and solid colors.

Notched collars and the broad lapel types. Grays, tans, FORM A HABIT of reading the Ads daily You will benefit- Leg of Lamb, lb Pork Roast, lb 25c this village at one time. Mrs. Harold Britch and daughter North Sheldon were guests of Ker- I bert Burnell Saturday. 1 W0y I Mrs.

Lewis Bombard and daughters, Burlington Building and Loan Association A Community Savings Institution browns. Sizes from 14 to 38. Many are particularly suitable for the shorter girl and woman. Two and Three Piece Suits in tweeds and plain colors. Blouses in cont'asting plain shades.

Silk scarfs, tailored collars and plain collarless necklines. Navy, gray, oxford and black. Small sizes only. Assets April 28, 1932, Increase In Year $2,320,377.70 151,846.62 i Phyllis and Dorothy of St. -Albans, were week-end guests of Mrs.

Noah Toof. I A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Randall April 26. Mrs.

W. E. Mitiguy is passing some time with her mother, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy in Barre. Phns are well under way for tne holding of the annual May bay dance which will be held at the Opera House Monday evening, under the auspices of Hrrmony Rebekah Lodge, No.

49. and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Weed's Imperial orchestra will furnish the music. Special fea-j tures will be presented from 8:30 to 9:00 o'clock, when dancing will be-i gin. i There will be a special meeting of Martha Washington Chapter, No i 41, Order of Eastern Star.

Fridav evening for installation of newly elected officers. Supper will be s.erved at 6:30 o'clock in the banquet hall. George Larabee, who has been spending the winter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Bingham, in Island POid, has returned and is at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bessie Lr.row.

Miss Edna Hemenway, R. who has b3en caring for her brother-in-'aw, Walter R. Budd, who has been ill of pneumonia, has returned to Bur- Dressy Hats For Spring $8.50 Two -To IV IE Ixayser liniton. i Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Hopkins ot i Morrisville were Sunday guests at the Over-Seam Gl home of Mrs. Hopkins' sister, Mrs Bessie Larow of School street. Chauncy Durgin of Schenectady. N. is visiting at the home of his ovesi brother, Chester Durgin of St.

Albans street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larabee and Amount invested in monthly repaying first mortgages on residence properties in Burlington and its immediate vicinity $2,061,021.00 Burlington is the largest city in Vermont. It is a residence city, a retail center, and a University city.

It is stable as compared to many industrial centers. Amount loaned to members, their pass books being security 101,564.00 Amount of Assets placed in the safest of loans $2,162,585.00 "The Only Pure Investment Is a This accounts for the success of the Burlington Building and Loan Association New; and Kayser's own! Over-seams in contrasting colors Trim fitted wrists flared cuffs. new est shades! All washable, too! Ask for them by number. No. 24(0.

Six-button length Chamoisette. Fitted elastic wrist 81.00 No. 3519. Six-button length Leatherette Mousque-taire, with jaunty pearl button $1.50 No. 3605.

The dashing affair worn by the lady above. Six-button length Leatherette. Fitted wrist with band of fine pin tutking. Silver metal button $1.50 utue caunter, Betty Lou of North Sheldon, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Larabee's aunt, Mrs Bessie Larow of School street.

Oren Snow has moved his family from the Mrs. Clarence DeWitt tenement into an apartment in the H. Royce block. Kenneth Lafley, who has been for several weeks at the home of his sister, Mrs. V.

J. Comeau of Newport, has returned to the home of his mother, Mrs. Clarence Larose. The funeral of Mrs. Emma (Woodward) Fassett, who died at the St Albans City Hospital last Thursday evening, was held from the Memorial Church at Enosburg Center, following a prayer service at the home The Rev.

James Struthers, pastor of the First Eaptist Church in this place, officiating, assisted by the Rev. G. F. Miller. The bearers were Dan Woodward, George Nichols, Albert Woodward and Walter S.

Judd. Burial was in the Enosburg Center cemetery. Mrs. IWJlioj Blouin was a busi- Brimmed and close fitting hats cf the dressy types in perle visca, milan, ballibuntl and coarser, rougher weaves. Bright, colorful trimmings little red, blue and green flower clusters with white accent widely used.

Brief veils a demure, sophisticated touch. Hats cleverly fashioned of ribbon and straw so acceptable for the spectator sports costume. In black, blue, brown, green, tan and red. Other hats from $5 to $22.50. The 1932 Knox Vagabonds in both felt and straw are $5.00, all colors.

AT AtL THE BETTER SHOPS 192 Main Street. Burlington, Vermont TWD MK REG..

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.