The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)

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telegraph NOX1CBC TO ADTBBTIHBS All oStihImimbu nans te prepaid si the rate of twa dallnr per eqamr ef tea lines fer rack Isserilen Wave thrt wilt be sirs ST 12 II CLAYTOX Co WE will sail ou WEDNESDAY tbs CO I Negro woman and two rhl'rtia th-s- n4 Sve yssrsoId Tb woman Is aa hand aad rry goad waher tllAyTt)N star IfedSi Asmtonwrs Qtau Lcito bk MAmtrvzuD ou or The Naahville correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer says Gan Leo aa all know counting in hit foroea under Longstreet haa an army which may ba swelled should tho programme call for what forces could bo spared from Generals Winder Pickett and Beauregard to on hundred and ton thousand men most of whom aro veterana and successful soldiers This would bo a dangerous avalanche to topplo over into Pennsylvania you would say But nothing' of that aort will transpire at least with the army of tho Potomac dispersed on the defensive as ifl its moat Judicious situation My private opinion ia that there will bo no battle in Virginia thia summer that both armies will rest on tho defensive until strategy shall have compelled Les to relinquish the State of Vir- finis and quickly too to escape destruction this be not tha case the eaateru battle ground may bo transferred to North Carolina If Lee evacuates Virginia be will do so re luctantly Many have anticipated and urged it as a fact tbat Virginia weald be given up for tbe Cotton States True politically speaking the vitality of tho Southern Confederacy exists not in tho Old Domidiou But the necessaries of life grow there and the abandonment of tbo next crop of that State would be the blow which would Bound the death knell as it ia tbe only place where an abundance of grain and provisions can ba forked for If tho blockade is a little more rigidly enforced The reader in this case may assist me io my speculations There are a multiplicity of Iblrg which Lee may or might attempt but I think he will attempt nothing hot that he wiil leave his preteat position through strategy on oar part or designs of his own before the middle of July is a fixed fact in my opinion Tnz Yaxkzz Paxsoaxis The editor had an opportunity daring the past week to see a Urge number of the Yankee wounded la our bands at Lake City and Tallahassee and as far aa be oonld discover they were treated aa kindly a our own men Moat of them seetned lo be very grateful and said they were tired of th war and said they would never fight against ns again not believing tbat tha Union could be rratoied by blood A few others were of the opiuion (Lat they would finally succeed on account of numbers This class teemed much mortified st tbeir defeat and denounced Seymour ea a coward They pretend-to ray that outnumbered them white tbe others lay the blame of defeat to the negroes aud substitutes i There are number wbo cannot speak one word of English not having been in America bat a few months Th tim of nearly all of tbo wounded will expire during the spring aud manner and from their accounts tew in department are disposed to ro-enlint for as they aay the real war spirit has died ont iu the North Liucoln depends upon the draft and substitute men to keep up his army Grant to very popular with them but Hillock is below par 1 On negro said be would not blame us if we bad killed tha last one of them for we had never done them any harm and they had come' to desolate cur homes and bring awful distress upon our people The Yankees seemed to despise the negroes and It to cowardly and villainous on tbeir part to put their black brethren in front as breastworks to bo battered down by our men Borne of the dead or wounded negroes had marked on their barer seks Tallahttiee or hell" Gainesville Cotton Stattt Northern Got Messaox Ac -A gentlemen just from Richmond passing through hers hsa shown ns a copy of the Philadelphia Enquirer of the 17th inst which has an editorial articlo- Upon the subject of "Gov Brown of Georgia and rebel rule Tho Enquirer is evidently rejoiced xt Gov attack upon tho "despotic powers assumed by Jeff The Enquirer flavx "He Brown is evidently beginning to distrust the arms of tbo Confederacy and resis his hopes upon his own State There is a very significant portion of hi message which looks hka a dainty bid for peace lie says should ktep before the Northern people the idea that we are ready tonegntiate when they aro ready and wiil recognize our right of self government and tho sovereignty of the He does n't aay the or tbo Gov Bramlelte of Kentucky who talked an largely about resisting the Yankee conscription of slaves has simmered down and urges tbe Kentuckians to submit to Lincoln And no on lie fact Gov message and especially the telegraphic synopsis cf it sent on to the press could hardly fail to convoy an imprasiiun to tha North of division and disorganization and consequent weakness at the South Tho tele graphic dispatches to the Enquirer from Washington under date of the 1 6th says that the new call or troops accords with Gen Grant's plans He asks for largo armies if it is expected that the war can be closed this year" Wilmington Journal Advance on Dalton Tbe Atlanta Register of the 29th ssys Tha rumors from the' front to-day indicate the advance of tbo Federate upon our position at Dalton Orders sent down from General Johnston give credibility to the story Trr Radical A Washington correspondent says "Tbe radicate begin to give out that fboir plan of operations includes a total separation from the administration party in case Mr Lipcojn ia renominated He is denounced as having and his convention is rid-feule a being precisely similar to tbat which' xsaembled at Baltimore and nominated John Tyler for re-election Tha radicals will run independent candidates for Congress in every district and radical State tickets in every SAI-SC A LIKELY Negro glri snlteMe for sarro and h'uiM ervan Apply to mar dltt HACLSBL'BT A FgHg Conscription of Free Ncgrccs MAJOR UAKRIA cnmmiicdart of Cno-rr'i for ths bUuolliwtjU ha foC Ivtd rdc ko line WsilMpanmeat t- concerto! i free nrgros between IS sera of to sad 80 I will hire tweiity-Bvs and ay (nol tone employed a Usmauo for the Govrrimrni la buta-Wett Ojorgta Ai'plicat'un mal mito In ui before you ere taken by lhaL'obciipilicffirr t' Captain ard A Macon Oa Mreh V-tu tret -ci PIANO TURING OB R1CB will be tn Mmi mi Tnr-mUv 3lt fur the puypuee of tuning era a r-iis i re will visit Macon frqnnt-y All i should he directed to tiriUln ar Le I rr i-vd tothstplare HK mar SV-dSt 8500 REWARD 1 KDWAItlr shruv la I 6 8 InrJ'es in Iww-bt sr Li lsnfe' and niacScumpl xton Tt- b-w tom-ad to Mr Jamra Wbo lurn-erly rrrldid I A Aim ta ai ho may be lurkli a-m nd the city Tha will bo paid fur itolivc-y to ue in Ail-nt -r to Or Jo a7dvI Albiny A OHM met 89 dlwt VOLUNTEER NAVY UNDER ortbcrltv or the Act tt lbriri-dcieie Congrats and i bu of an Art Wie-v firi by In Lrglslaiure Georgia lLv-h foib-erl on in toe lltorhol iha iitfrria Voinnmr vy rr now open at tho office nl ll iu lu Mncou Ga lid to which subscriptions lie The ate Charter a iibrri oov ent In- iVnfedr-ate Government uffr to id rt era iiciniv -n lie power In ih wy ul -anto slid vrctiane- li-i rlVi-r the objeei or the Comp A netting ihe wl be h-lrl Iu Ms- conabonttne lO-huf Apr 1 iu oru In-li-r nii'E lytho o'eciion of l-ITii'iv bt tu i-nllnr urneml of pvrri'nt a aiJol sbirb a mors par-lienlar I will tot vrn i apiial fllO'OiU Hi-r gvii r-iti-b Tbs I'oAs will remain up lor leu nr's to WHITT! 1 JO MuN It KUHrM Macon i rob IV Its 4 If afi 'brrets will copy dint WAN TER pUOrtdlM-hMlh-6dH-s S-rtkt-s Appy Mll-ECir ur unit dAr pi Atauufavtuias1 Itaob utr R-dAlt WANTLD who at tn worlr tfoc-d was Bbd Clesuy 1 pyr-n App'y nr Mitl'l'LlN Wlblkt'r or anti d-arrlo Bai-lr mar Ib-i'fo CMHIRWhliv Buy I 1 CONFEDERATE TAX NOTICE IWlLlcustin iscr-lv-ttl sp c-pm rorrvrxy i Cwnfrdiaia Taxes until tl 1-t ol April If ttl( 8 obfodfrae Tax i oil or 4'dk trie miriSdif NOTICE 'ftHKIipi-rlnr Court nf limly County hi- J-I touriMMt lr-ru the fl'rt Mun-isy to tho com! Mot -day In A -ill lal by toy wider ll- and Jnror- wilt h-ri by tak' Trri'rT A i Ox lIIiANn Jrlil i hi March 83 IfOi-dtf Notico to StockboldorA IS Breh ylvtsli ibillliu lr n-naurir wll iyuri an I pry li iWi'iier-tta States 'fax TheSorr- arr uni va-ury fot UOt oasry with corportll- us to do so A Ki'R-iWAN Hcrt-lary mar I8-Jli $200 itEVAIU) BORROW gl) or btolsn one u-m f)v llor-srr Hht colored l-l ding one irind I---ci-'ioo-de ins Wa ivimest Kcononr i i- pay Jitiriiif return of ti-s arks aad 1 lor em-vi -i aa if s'ojou tiiiKNv ijil od rairSd-dT GOOD CHANCE TCTlVEST SHEKTINGh O-i Mr for sale cheap nir Sb-dJl Ct EUKOIA Itoll COCNTV: Two iiMibihs alter dale R(ipiiChtiiin wi initle to the botroralilv t'-rfort ui nriLniy saM ry lor leave to sell tu aiiiln ol Vl-l-sru I'un-rrn 'a'e il saru county dicuasi-d 1 Marrb 83 184 -w lrn Xf oo-a tj KUKGIA IIoCVIMN 'OLM 1 ur'i Wiitroas A hr mi i i-reil-r j- iiui foried hr Lntiirs ndtpin-str it'm ipn IN Muthuw Hu fsiili I il 1 1 e'iiily u-u 1 1 it UtJ-r-V Theea sr tie i iciiu ad -r ii i Interest 'd pi oesud i-p ar at ip or I tt-e the first M'iL-d-y la H-ri to iov if any they have why ss-die' rr eboud r--t t-is gr-P-i Giron under my iiiiil-l i-fsnr-i ti sm di i March l4 Wsi -tali'' wWd rrmnifv 4 bUKUlA BlU-i Ctrl Nik Onlir-ary for ssld Cuiinty Whereas James lumri appits-in ir Ii-r-in-ed lor letters dieiuleeory upwu liiucUlg-r Harluu Um UnrdiD (Imw-viI Tbsseare Uivratoretu cite and artmwu'slt all and sIl- Snlar ths kindred and others Cniu rttj li its office ou ur by ths urst Muuday in Vat jeri and show cause it suy they Lave why e'il pir should not be granted in sal I pi-llr-trr Gives uuuor mv hand aoi rQlial --krnalnre this 6th ol im'S WM If Lr oct ti -ont ordinary GKoKGIA CHAW lOlNk -rdlnsr's Oiilte lorsatj lonory Whereas Thus I'a of Uus drsuehtpid the perron aui p-tpur ul buth Wstaer hiiuor cdliu tuiidcr Uu sa if kimicili) if Jswos tAaiaer dmi-'-t-d Thera ars ttisrufors to cna and aduroMeh a'l persons Interested to be end appeal at my uiiirn us lima ur escribed by taw to snow taus-s ll any they I a vs why Letters of uuardinristilp siio-ud in-l Iw t'iaru-L Gives undnr my official aigria' (-' tills Jssuarr ra jAMKa JSS 4Uji Ul till ary iinsrj lUlNd to iui- i Lhti- (GEORGIA JONES COCNTV Ord-nar office or said r'lniy To ths legal reprcceniattvss or an 'layi-w sie Margarstt deceased iura the ri Aiijaiut ums aud number not anowti Leratii i-f the iPi of Bit-ba Trice dccaatoi Jon-a coaiiir Tnera era tnoreoire in cue sl1 tdsocirh Interested err cobcerued that Mrs tuciut Adm lie bobls ar ncx i )i aeeeusd baa made proocr Oi-m-su from said A 0 ml tl i ration sno Is readts to tboss entitled thalriao(saldMst- sidtf snyntf-jattlims Ihi lr be to tbe they sts i hy rsu inl to filed th tble odltfi tnvhe urui C4 yit laiw Given under my band officisi rT auricn 1 TWO months slier the dsro hmsif spp'ieaon si! bs made to tne Cuuit of tint nr Ujiimiu so-i-ty for leave io sell the Land and hrg iko ie to tha estate of iley to Auu rror i- -r-l pi i neusfitof tbs hntrs srd crodiiois of sud d-uaud This March the ltfei DEUAWAKd MURRlrf A-lia Match 3mf 1EORGIA WILCOX COCNTV blxty days alter date ivticlln wt 1 t-e mine ths Court Ordinary trt said rosnty Uim us tasLsndbelocgtagto in tr it iv Kot ry eesMd reoKMAN Mclruylk Adjj'r FuD I'J lbC4-w1m flEOKQIA PULASKI COUNT Ori nary's oinre for siii -iti Whersus Ferdinand Firmicg aiiulcl-'fa'or the estate of Gro-ge Wiimoun la'e cvi deceased apptes to me for la(ters4 ill -li smi I ofu seld ndmtaiatraliuu Tbesesre therefore io cite aud almoiiin gular the heirs and ctidUors of sud dc-cr-'m a io be ii appear at mj office wiibih tbe tnua -i-nt-ai iy mar aad uhoir cause If any why said -iicrs i uJiii graaied Given underlay hM4 and a-iriiiMus Mi'll) day of IVtrikihrl'dS jfao sr-A li-'i dec 11 na'f 1 1 BORGIA BJB tei ai i Ut ordinary' Office lor aall Wheress Mirha I rii-ll-la a pia iu ir'vrr-slgced for Jancrsof AJmtrlatra'iou os tee of osSue UcSodeM laie of said cumuI ili an Tare sretBarsfura tociui aid adiu uipu i id c-tolsr thsfcindrvd aad rrrditora vf -a-dii-ceapa-l tu "a and appear st my effice ua tu drat MccxtIo May aezt and show casra suy they have WLt said lui-tern should sot gran'ed Given andsr my Land and official a'gracre tru I- a March W4 VIM MlUi msrlP-wSUJ viiifry EOROIA lilOBCOLNTl for Midi i'ii: Whsres Joha Mchuds apptre to iur Gssrdiaaaaip of tae te ami oi jl eery asd Jama Edwta ncbuAeit ni- ch' lra JouBSS SchoScid late oi Biua cuuity iimhkS These are therefore to cite and mtra beaad appeurat tcet oun i rouary a te first Monday in May next to show ciura ary ta tokf Letters should nut ba rni 'r: tu applicant Given under my hand and official rt-ei-nra tv is-a March trad vsM kfLtk mar 38 -wJOd ordnsry A-UCTIOIsr SALE CLAYTOH CO rail THIS DAT oerUtora ouevarySBo void Watch Johnson make also oea kasvy Gold Fori Chain 10 1M srras I in Ud admin-AVniWirv Utew mar SO-611 Asrtomesre PURE BLACKBERRY WINE A GALLONS para Blackberry Win peitor article Ageodtabw tee snd sues dim wlae for the 1(1 Saap-ti can be iM Xi our alt room For 'etorrt NO CO lirwas a Titxngutof Ww nur SHIM INTEREST NOTES $iooo mar 80 d3lt Treasury Notes For CRAS DAY FOR SALE AN excellent Grover A Bakrr SEWING MACUINC Warranted aad la ccmplitj ordtr Price $00 Apply to CIRCOPCLY at this office Old It sue taken ut par marSI-d8tt FOR SALE 250 1 I LANT WANTED A LADY TEACHER to take charge of tea or twalve -bolar Une who can teach Mail (on Puma) For nach perron Board Washing L-dirlng etc end Is bnndrvd per ysar will Iv gives Ths sit oaifon Is at lesBderevlile on ths tc Anp'y to B- 1l it mar 60-lt Macon tix A WIFE VHOM'IER of liberal adnca'lon aad giod moral chracr lha Uioen a coniotdi so with some tuulJlgcni tonag lady iu view oi matrimony Addietm A 8d Peg Ga Vols BWaus A Vs mar 10 ullt NOTICE SIXTY days alter dal application will bs mads to the Court ot Ordinary ol Hour ton coauty for leava to nil une bnndred forty acre of Lead iu the urpir ff'h Dhirctof iM eiui ty belonging to tt estate of Jthn Hurry lute of raid county deces ItlHAitu MUttY Adm'r March SOtb lt--w8n PLATFORM SCALES OKU 1 A lift FAIMIANKtl fiCALIlfi NEARLY NEW FOR BALK BY JNOII 1IABRHMIIAN ACO mar 80-dllt FOR A Xd REPEATER with Belt F5as aid Mou'd Apply at once to HJi'l at Jno Uabuehsm 4b Triaiigmar Blot mar 80 It LOCAL TROOPS MACON QA 1AM anthoilsed by Older Iron An) a la and In' i ctor office Ktcrmotid fr to tort! ve re m-twven tbo agtawt and 18 aad 48 and so tn my tampan of Local Troup staili-ned at L1 place Applicvtita mn-t app'y Immediately ortbey will bn JtNItULLSD and sett to tha FRONT lusc-cirdanie with Muusral Orders Mu 81 publtrbedln hi plr Furloughs will be granted to recruits to fit UicmeelTC for camp Apply or siidims CRAM MCGREGOR CepR CnmVg Co l'ruvuul Guard Macon ti March 88 l-st4 DBXti(juARTERe OF POST I Mac March 8 b-804 Kccruils fur the above will ba rccrlvtd au atairrd Ml tuber armUg at 18 year ol aga will be furlough-mi ia time io prepare fur tne Slid uccoiding to Gnu at Ordera Nu ili L'lahst end IbSio to- General's since Klrhmuud Mciaberu between be ages of 41 od Ihi will sot Ire rent out of ihehtrio noli by further Um greet tonal legislation Wyatt ai kin msr fOdtf Uui fort 0 DEFOSITORT A CON MTCh SRh 1861 'I put lie are notified i ht the let day of April te included In tbedtya Jr fnndlngln mur cent Bndvatpar JOHNmOW mar 2U-d3t lhipod ary PROVISIONS NOWlaihetlmetofundyoar 10 80s AOs end liO dollar bits in I'l-mr Byrup Tea For aula ry inr Baran lav Meal fgi Lard fl jc OaLUldS Halt ard hlce A UCDlMMFIKLD a OO TOBACCO CA BOXES good Tobacco on Consignment fer sale for larpt bills to fund Bargain can la had st A BBDrNUFlKLD war BROUGHT TO JAIL as the 11th day ol Janaary last a negro woman named Ann about 81 years o'd ova ll four tar has high tepcr color Ann says she tialULgsto James Bo roughs or Burris of Milan Babins county Texas and that rho was stolen by one James McCuller three years ago Isi-t February Th owner ul ssld Auu is requmed to corns forward and pro a property pay charges or she will be sold to pay eriien-e JOBKPH HODGE-t Jailer Llbb county Ga March iaihil u4-dlkwtf PRINTS GREETING AC PALI CO Bhtrltag Linen Otnabcrg to hboiitlng t'otton Yarn Ae For a -le fur large bills by uu Ad A BED1NGFIKLD CO NOTICE ALL persons are haraby notlBsd not to trade for a certain promissory note made payable to halt-man or braier lor eight hundred dollsrs and si mod HARRIS March 8dth 1HI wlm NOTICE CONFEDERATE BTA1 £4 ARMORY I Maeon March Shin IT 4 TBB following iealrnctiuau have (n received by 4 the undersigned from the Wur Department Richmond vis claims aiiilng under contractors for articles 11 red or deliverable or lor anlcfoapnn hired before the April must bo paid la the present cerreney at l's face or under the provisions of HcC 14 of tho Car-rvney Act when In p'irsnance of these instructions all parsons having claims against this Armory of the efimrsetsrs referred io are uutldod teat they will be paid ia present currency or under the provisions of wr 14 nf tha Currency Act JA8 BURTON mar M-tlt fisyermtenden Notice to Debtors and Creditors A XL persons having demands aialut tea osuta ot Lunsford Griffin late of alt mis county deceased are hereby notified to present them to me properly made ont within ths tim prescribed by law roas to show their character and amount and all Indebted to mj dcoeased are hereby required to make pavmenL DELAWARE MORRIS mirll'-tiH) Administrator Negro Laborers Wanted 8 CENTRAL LABORATORY I March 89 MM iWISH to hire for the service of this tab UaS meet during the current year ICO able-bodied Megio men of good condition for which I will pay SB per month rations clothing shoes medical tends oce am with ra good quirt mv to-dif MALLBTlACuL Ubofatoriia Notice to Stockholders IS hereby frlvrn that tha Empire Rtate Insurance will retain and pay the OunTsderete vales Tax Tha becretary of the Treasury haying leit It pilot ary with corporations to doeo A FREEMAN mar 19 d9t Bc'y pro Una NOTICE SIYTY days alter date application will be mads to ihsOrd'nsry of lioustou eoukly for leav to sail lot of tend in tbavillage of Hradrrson la said county aad two gross Patrick and Charity beionylar to ta estate ui A Me Thom*oena ista of seta county! cessed RIRAHD BTORY Adm'r March wlm Sale YfILL he sold before th Court Bouse dour ta the it town of Ferry ou the first Tuesday ta Jnn sexf between tha nsuai hours ot sal a aegro girl named Barriott shout 1 years old hehrsigteg to the (Mats i of the minors ot Mark ItaUlvae lata ol sold eoutj deceased This March 81904 KlCRAHU STORY tissrdlss MATCk8lSf4-w4Ud $50 REWARD RUN A WAT from ths shaeribaf's WsntaMoe ta tbswrerd Countv oa the lata ukjy id weign about lift had osrro wuJeias Put a Dd lU JaCktb Fll fwNt If mar feint FOB SALE A F1NZ doable barreled ShoS Sum with sU tse eppurtesssces aad Esqelra at rneruv rear Is impossible The long-recorded decrees of Heaven forbid it This may indeed be to ns tbe last year of the war but it will not it cannot be the first year of peace It behooves us to gird up our loin like men ana prepare for tbe most direful struggle that the world htua ever witnessed The extreme fury of tbe atorm may and probably will burst upon the nations of the old world -but our share In what ia yet to eomo will not be light The great encouragement to ua to bear manfully yet piously the burdens which rest and which are yet to acenmnlats upon us ia to ba found in the assurance that this the greatest ia also to be the last of wars and ia to usher in the time when "nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war any more" With tbe diabolical perfection to which tbs mesne of slaughter have been brought we see nations shrinking already from the idea of war and but that an irresistible power urges them on they would fain submit their present differences to any arbitrament but that of the sword nor' after the terrible lesion shall be learned which ia now unrolling before them will they again jpermit themselves to be entangled in those crooked paths from which tho only escape is to fight their way out In the clouds therefore which aro now Involving the political skies of ail the nations though fraught with tempest we see the harbinger of the blessed day for which the nation have ao long waited Though storms are lowering and soon to bunt yet at even time it eball be light The faith which baa dung so long to God's promises not lived in aud already it begins to Hit up its bead in tbs assurance that iu redemption draweth nigh It will be seen that the commentator does not concur with the revelations of some of tbe interpreters dreamers tnneemen and revel tors of the interior' These last all agree iu fixing next June as the period for the termination of active hostilities so far aa the Confederate States are concerned One of these 'deduce his conclusions from tho prophecies of Daniel and declare the power of the North seriously to unnoy us will terminate by her own domestic dtettnilona iu June next In thia we have also the concurrent testimony of eorera dreamers trancemen and revelatore and thus we began to consider tho point pretty well When the lights of reason fail we may bo permit' ted take other testimony We are sorry now to have our faith disturbed by a difference among tbe doctors but as even concede that 1864 to to witness culmination of great events as the terminus of tbe grand period of "a time an times and the dividend of We may atil hop that something will tarn up to our advantage before another Christmas for just now the poor South ia In that condition when tbo champs are that a change will be an improvement Let hope ao FROM LOUISIANA We copy the following from the Mobile Advertiser A Register of last Sunday Louisiana Wo understand that a copy ol the New Orleans Era brought by the truce to Pascagoula claims that tba Federa at fleet has reached and taken the city A 'exandrin Tbe authority of the Era is k-Ui par for fact but if tbs river was up ws useit possible feat Yt a loam that official dispatebos Lave bean iece vi fl confirming the report of the Yankee Celt-- nt Franklin We learn no paiticulars Iho "defeat at is the "severe repulse near New mentioned in the dis-patch Richmond yesterday in which Federal Regiments were reported captured Tbe capture of Alexandria by the Yankees is onnfirmed by the Baltimore American in dir patch also published in yesterday's telegraph Tbe Register alvo publishes the fol lowing dispatch from the Era alluded to From the Extra New Orleans limes 17th irst THE CAMPAIGN IN LOUISIANA Cujiturt of Fort Rusty and Three hundred Jfrieonere Taken 6 hasten to lay before our readers the fol lowing entirely authentic intelligence Official infnrmstien has been received at Department neudqnvrters of the capture oi' Fort Da Russy on Rod Hirer ly the United S'ates forces under Gen A Smith Twenty three officers and three hundred rank and file uro prisoners -They are on the way to New Orleans receiving the above we have lozrnad the following additional particulars Fort Do Russy was captured on tbe 1 4th inst by assault at 6 in the evening Ten siege guns were taken Our gunboats arrived just after the capture Alexandria was captured by tbe navy on tho 15lb TO TilE CITIZENS OF MACON AND THE SCBKO0KDIN4 co*ckTKY Macon Ga March 1864 We have organized a "Battle-field Relief Association" and appointed an efficient commit tee who after every battle wili at once repair ti our armies with nurses surgeons and supplies to administer to tbe wants of tha sick and wounded As the supplies must be prepared and packed ready tu he moved at a notice you hi earnestly requested to send contributions of any ol the articles mentioned below to the stores of Asher Ayres or Winship Macon Ga wbo have kindly consented to receive and pack the same Whittle Chairman LIST or ARTICLES XXqCJBXD Stimulants bandages lint crackers hams or bacon beef dried rice pepper salt sugar coffee tin plates or pans buckets sponge ecap and any other article which will add to tho comfort of a sick or wonnded soldier 'Tbe city papers wiU please copy for two weeks HON LAMAR It rarely falls to the" lot of any orator to greeted with a more brilliant audiqnce than met this gentleman at Temperance Hall on Wednesday evening last and it as rarely falls to the lot of any audience to listen to an address ae brilliant aa was that with which this gifted young statesman edified and electrified his bearers at Temperance Bali on that evening The audience established the status of its cultivation and intelligence and iu high character for respectability not only by the decorum of ita deportment and it rivited attention but by the quickness of its apprehension of a Incid analysis ol and then os the deductions of tho splendid logio of tho orator were recognised to be legitimate putting tho seal of their own convictions th it tbo argument was eon-cluidve in repeated raande of applause It to not often that an orator meets with an ndieno that relishes the dry data of statistics and what aro usually th duU processes of Induction But Mr audience told him by the breathleae stillness with which they listened that they knew the value of premtoys and by tbe plaudits with which they greeted hie deductions that they knew not only that th firat was firm bat til last ware fair It to not often either on th other hand that the most forqinate of audiences find in their orator a statesman capable of solving with grace and ease profound political problems and willing to attempt the instruction of bis hearers at tho hasard of being thought dull by thosp who lack the brains to understand him It has long boon the fashion of our public speakers in this country to devote themselves in their harangues as much to the amusem*nt of fools as to tbe edification of men of sense The first office to that of tbo tbo last that of th statesman and the HonTL Lamar to certainly no demagogue His observations in Europe seem to have been very general or perhaps more properly to speak generally minute and the result as related in the full flowing aentencee of his own eloquent style was well calculated to disabuse the Southern mind of much of the bitter prrjadic that haa been rxckiiag in it for two years past against Great Britain Tha address was well calculated to send his bearen bom happy It was better calculated still to give moral to tbo confidence whioh to springing up unew in the hearts oi our people at hom*o la our capacity to ultimately triumph and best of all waalt caicuia-ted to send along tho lino of haute arrayed under tho Confederate flag at tho front a thrill of exalting joy tbo exhibition of which moat redoubte tho strength of our own invincible hosts and rapidly cabas oa the demoralisation of tho Columbia Anywirvr 25fA best to make tbs transfer and did so directing the Governor tn correspond with the Seeretary of War and ask that the Militia so transferred shall have the privileges which the set of Congress allowed them if they had volunteered before tbe term expired The Governor immediately sent a copy of tbe resolution to the Secretary of War and requested him to permit the militia so taansa forced to volunteer and eleet their own officers So soon as tbs reply of the Secretary of War is received tbe decision will be mode public It is proper her to remark that the transfer of those between 17 and CO does not disband the militia organisation of the State The newly elected militia officers will still be exempt from conscription and will retain com-mud ol tbo reserved militia between 16 and 17 and between 50 and 60 together with such exempts from Confederate service as are not exempt from State militia duty 1 The roserr ed will remain a complete organization for police purposes and for tbs suppression of servilfl Insurrection or internal troubles in the coon ties oi their locality Ha THE PIEDMONT RAILROAD tdx oazAT Quxanon or th bat While the newspapers are vexing their righteous soula about questions of States Rights and the fuibeat corpus and striving to intimidate government which is only too slow end timid to take responsibility where it ought to be taken we feel it oar duty to sound the alarm and to proclaim our conviction that the real vital question of the the question of questions the point upon" which not only States Rights but every other kind of Southern Rights hangs ia the cample tion of the Piedmont tho Greensboro' and Danville connection 1 We call upon the people end the Government to survey the field of war and to mark what ia coming before it is too late to avert the catastrophe Tbe campaign from Chattanooga and the threatened advance on Atlanta ia now a humbug fit only to amuse simpletons With a line of 880 miles cf railway from Lou all the way through a hostile country over a single line of road with heavy grades and in bad liable to constant interruptions no General is going to risk the fate of a large army on such precarious connections wnile a safer move remains upon the military chess-board The enemy will doubtless maintain a threatening altitude upon the Tennessee river and army may remain in Tennessee about Nashville for some time as if momentarily threatening a descent upon Georgia in order to hold Johnston's whole force in their present position but when Grant was defeated in his attempt to penetrate the heart of the Cottuo States by a lateral movement from Vicksburg ho gave up all idea of pushing down into Georgia from the North in force with 400 miles communication to maintain in bs roar The Dalton army will be praoticaliy nothing more than an army of observation se licg as it remains in its present position and jet it muat probably remain there But what is coming 'We answer a grand combined attack upon Richmond and Virginia which will bo prosecuted with ell ci energy and hie immense conceptions of number A First North Carolina will po invaded and nothing will be spared to occupy the only remaining line of railway communication between the army feeding States and Virginia Suppose it is done suppose the Wilmington Jb Weldon Railway ia cut or the Weldon A how is army to bo fed or Low is it to be reis forced either from Johnston or Bi-auregard 1 The enemy meanwhile td-vsncrs from the front by the Rappahannock end tho two btr-ks of Jamea River upon Rich tuond and Lee with three joiumnsof Seventy Hvo thousand men wbat then No accumulation of supplies for the army none for the city cf what remains to Virginia and Richmond but abandonment and for Lea but retreat Southward 11 Peace upon the principles of 1776" and State Right would be nowhere about those time Now the end Danville connection of wbioli most unfortunately ten mitoa remain to be completed would give us an icterior route of comparatively new road through a fruitful and loyal country 200 miles sway from dongefBfeo eitEer hand in almost a right line from Georgia to Richmond and these ten miles of ineompleted road aro suffered to jeopardise the fate of the Old Dominion and to defend It upon tbo precarious ebanoea of holding potaeasion of a longand exposed line of railway oo the coast I this temerity little short of madam -And what does tbe reader suppose to the mighty take upon whUih the great Interests of the Cou-federacy Lave been priced for ao long We answer a question of 19 cents square yard in grading I More than two yean ago the whole road would have been taken by eminent Georgia comraiors at 50 cents a yard which was the Geer- gia price but the President refused to give more than 81 center They would have carried from 1500 to 2000 hands to tbe road although they refused -to bind themMlvcs to finish It la the tix which was what the President of die road then required Refusing then to dig North Carolina Clay for thirteen cents less than they were receiving to dig Georgia or to bind thenuelver to wbat they might have found impossible the work has been canted on by the company in each fashion as puts railroad mechankm to the bluab and thna at thla critical and momentous period we are well informed if left to themselves the connection will rot be made until November if then Now why doe the Confederate Government or the Secretary of War rest a day in view of the coming perils I That work can be completed In a month if it will take bold of tbe business Call upon George call upon tho welj known Georgia contractors wbo havo been build log railroads all their lives and let tho work bo poshed through day and night and completed before the enemy can fairly organize Jito grand cam-paign THE REVELATIONS OF PROPHESY "Acolyte" a learned correspondent of tbe Mobile Advertiser and Register concludes a aeries of articles upon tbo interpetration and fulfilment of Prophesy with tbe following sp plication to tbe caseol tbe Confederate States MIt would have been a severe test to one's belief in tbe speedy fulfilment of prophesy if the year 1864 so long regarded as tbo terminus of tbe grand period of "a time and times and tba dividing of time" bad dawned upon a 'world wrapped in profound peace how much then doeo it tend to confirm tbe views which have been set forth when we see infuriated a war waged by a people which has boasted itself the most enlightened of tho nations of tho earth the fires of war kindling at one point after another of the eastern horizon and hearts failing them at tbe contemplation of the scenes which are about to unfold for with tho lessons which tho insensate hordes on our northern border have just taught them tho powers of Europe can now no longer wage a small war All the appliances of artillery and mechanism muat be brought to bear iu tho struggle of nations until some or all sink beneath the frightful load which now lies in tbs midst at which the finger of destiny pointioc imperiously bids them taka it up and ataer forward to their inevitable doom And a word as to our own contest Let no hug to his heart the fond delusion that to bring pesos to oar afflicted Und it hardly too much to say that peace ia thia iVlACON TELEGRAPH WEDNESDAY MORNING MARCH 80 186 NOTICE TO prioa of the Telegraph will bo boiooftor on-til further notice aa follow Tri-weekly For aw month 3 00 two moolbn 4 thr-e ovou'Jui 00 VST shall task no apology tor tfio iu fMtpoood ao Uug a poaoiblo much jigteci would out pet on a favorable a po stioa reapem to 'coat of baaineM and living a fifolilrriiiNtoftinilM war PRICK OF ADVERTIsem*nTS From aud after thla date the prioe of advertlao-manta will be two dollar per ifun eaoh timpsy-We la advance Thia to the prioe I the dally paper PabHaher PUy Oootoderate Mtice to Subscribers am I Mrertisers On and alter to-day March 23d the Confederate currency over the denomination of five dollars will bo received at this office subject to the tax of 33 per cent KOTIGfc TO SUBSCRIBERS We are sorry to ay oar Carrier Melton 1 rick with tbe Mumps and for a few day his functions roust bo sotpetded A in that time it would be impossible to familiarize an o'btr perron the duties of the position we rbtll have to request our subscribers in the city to send fer their papers for a fair days They can he hid st the efflee any time after two o'ciock in the morning PRINTERS WANTED Two or three shady printers can find ptr-m inert situations at this office by immediate application Price paid $125 per 1000 ems pT We are again compelled to apologize to our patrons Very near all of our force being down sick we have hut little reading matter We hope in a few days to have our usual quantity Ia the meantime we beg the icdulgeaca of our readers Orncs Scxoxon nr Cha rgk or Hospitals I March-29 1864 Mu Cua Please acknowledge for mo the reception from Mr Gustin of a large and valuable roll of enamelled doth for tho use of tho different Hospitals under my charge Jakes Mbhobb Ubzis Surgeon in charge High Timm excitement most be high wlmn the boy take it in such a degree as to inflict capital punishment for being on the weak ride A dispatch from Springfield Illinois aaya: A 900 of Reuben Colbert a Democrat of Pike county stoned by a large number of boys while retnroing borne from school some days ego li Juries were of so serious a nature that ha di'd next day The excuse tbe young murders gave wax that te was a young Copperhead There seems to be a simultaneous movement among th-j Northern Dutch for Fremont- Io St Louis tbe Poet and the to Chicago all the Garmon papers there in Cincinnati do including a democratie German psper are amorg the black letter organs out fr ccnnntion or no convention In New York tho Germans aio organizing Na-tioiii clubs fir him and have started a paper to idvgpnp bis fiction under tho name of New NiUja 'I he tone of all these organs i fieren and uncouprc-mi-irg against Lincoln IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO Tho following items are from the New Orleans r'raof the Instant: News ricon Mata boras A French Fleet PtrrrARtieo T3 Attacx it We were Bhowu this Qcrirng a private letter from au officer in our army stationed at Fort Brown which con Uine-i the following important item of news: boro no nine French war frigatbs stationed off the mouth of the Rio Grande end it is believed an attack will be made upon Our correspondent at Brownsville says that Outiiv on the 7ih inst was preparing to mrih sga'nst the enemies of the Liborel Gov-men7 and if is gone Malatuoraa will be at the mercy of tbe French forces ivo tave private ad views from Mexico to the effect that Juarez driven out from Monterey by Yitfouii and forsaken by Doblado with nearly his entiro military force haa been competed to resign and faucceeded by Ortega who being the PreeiJ- of the Supreme Oym as well sh a General ia the army Pi evident ad interim ex officio CIRCULATE TUE FIVES Tiirre is an indtspo iltiut upon the part lifers t-j part with Confederate bills of the denr minatiuu of five dollars which is working great hardship to people of small means Tbe latter field it difficult to buy with the larger iils because change refused even at the dccnnt established by law This ought not so to be There ere plenty of fives for the interchanges in tbe retail trade of daily lifr end til heavy paj ments ran be made for the prism! in the isrger bill at the eetab-llettd depreciation In a fortnight or leaa the new currency will be coming and then trado will soon bo disburdened of the inconvenience of in dacount and Thee fo tbcnforB no ncn-e in boarding the five- and it is a practice which occasion much inconvenience particularly to the poor WhLe upon this subject we will add a word to producers The old currency at 66 cents In tbo doikr ia just sa good a any we shall have during tbn war provided it is exchanged for new issue before tbe 1st of January nest Why then withhold provisions and ft we the toane You have abundance Partryiih seme of it now We seriously fear that the icaa tf people in ourlarge towns wiil suffer for absolute waul of food of any kind Iroin tbe general iuJUp jsitiou of producera to sell T1IE MILITIA AND ITS OFFICERS It been supposed that the turning over of the greet body of the militia to the Confederate service by a rt solution of the last Legislature would have been followed by aomo action of tbe Governor remitting tbe vast number cf officer connected with that skeleton organization to the same destiny The Confederate Union of VliileJgtTille however has tho following KXKOLLKBNT Or TBS RIUTIA We publiah to-day a joint resolution of the Ginrr-1 A-r-mb'y of tbig State trar a 'erring the between 17 ard 16 and between 45 and DO Coaieienle service Gur Brown dcoiod the right of the Confcd orate Govern ram to Take them without the ol tbe State but admitted the power in tt legislature to transfer them if they thought it wise policy and while ha stated that considered it unwise to do so on of rain it would cause to the agricultural and mechanical interests of the State without which the armies cannot be kept in tbe livid he agreed to abide by the decision of the General Assembly They thought It TiListirsia Reports of ho Prose Association Entered according to set of Congrats In th year 1863 by 8 Tunasaua iu the offlea of the District Ooertot tbs Confederate Stales lar the North era District of Georgia FROM THE FRONT Dalvov March Our latest advices from ths front represent the enemy quiet cavalry are vigilantly watching the deuoument of the late Yankee prospective campaign Gen Johnston it no advised of their movement having taken hia hnad-quarten at Nashvillo to regarded as a blind to eun-peal Grants to and enable Thomas ta hold Johnston iu check He tbat goalh about to persuade a multitude tbat they aro not so well governed as tbej ought to be ahxll revrr lack ready and attentive Bishop Ilooker A great deal of lYulh in that A Delicate Hikt A country pbjBician once employed an Irishman to mow hay lor him Going into the field a hot day bo found Ft somewhat wearied from labor said he "tho giotlcman would be laboring under a very hid character that refuse to take a drink with this fg Mr Blancett an old man over seventy year oi age in Cirroli county 0 while on bis way home met three or four "Live In tba road and being unarmed only eucceeded in capturing one of them tho others ran swsy He brought him the next day up to Hillsvillo tba county seat and put him ia jiiL The ia oce of those wbo escaped from Danville LIST OF CONSIGNEES PER 8 RAILROAD March 89th Ham Ellis Holt A Collins A Harris II Redding Brsddy MMsenbergSc Hon Lemman Richardson Wayside Home 11 Hlsppey miiTUA iticsT Died in this city on Friday morning March 25th of Meneag'tis after illness of four days Hattie daughter of James A Ssrah A Draper born August IS 1856 Hattie wss a lovely chi amiable and affectionate in her nature she endeared herself to all who knew her In her illness her sufferings were intense rendering her unonnscious much ot the time It would have moved to tears tbe ouldest heart to have heard her ae she frequently did calling upon and her much loved teacher a if entreating them to keep her A little beloreshe Jtasaed away aha threw her arms around her weep-ng father and said Oh I want to go She is gone Not dead but sleeping fond parents and the sweet little hymn whioh she so often sung may now be song fur her I my child be still and slumber Holy Angels guard thy bed Heavenly blessings without number Gently tailing ou thy head jy Confederate please owpy4 Died at her residence in Twiggs county Ga on tbe 83d inst Mr CAROLINE WIMBERLY consort of Dr 1L 8 Wimberly aged 48 years The dece-sed wss a daughter of the late Hardy Durham of Twiggs county and ia early life was united in mar iage to tbs husband who still survives to mourn her loss Several years after her marriage she became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church as a Christian she sdoruad the pruftmeiun she made aad walked worthy ot the solemn duties which devolved upon her It to not in the column of a public journal that tbe most fitting tribute i paid to une whose death has left eo great a void it to at the desolated dreside tbe solitary watch or tba eventido musing that the bereaved souls of those who loved her pour forth tbeir anguished tributes to the wife end mother who has gone Mrs Wimberly united in her character the consistency of a olitiidisn with the dignity of a woman and the gay freshness of a child Though suffering inure than it is ofion tho lot of woman Io suffer her spirit threw from it the shadows that seemed ever to hover near Fitted to adorn society it was st home that her virtues shone pre eminently There the devoted wile the geutie umthor sud kind mistress biie moved to exalt by her example and to rebue by her taste There the vine and the tree whisper ot her aud the fragrance of flowers breathe to embalm her to those shades and bower tha wiil return no more but thank God site forgot not in these creature the During all her Bufferings her faith was uudimned and wheu Ilia agonies of death racked hur body her spirit was serene in its trust Therefore oh stricken ones not aa those who have no but tot your hearts comforted for on the eternal ihores the awaits you there when this pitile-a life releetea you with God' help you too may go to dwell with her iu the emarsuttiiau bower oi Paradise march 39 dit" Bi- Notice to Railroad Companies HEADQUARTERS OF CONSCRIPTION) STATE OF GEORGIA 5 Macom Ua March 86 164 The following Motion of an Act ot Congrats ap proved Feb 17 1664 relative to the Exemption of Railroad Employees and instructions governing the same published iu Article 2d Hectiuu VIII CIl -cular No ft current series I root the Hursau of Con-icn pi ion are published for the information and guidance ot all concerned Kre 10 all laws granting exemptions from Military service be aud the same are hereby repeal ed ana hereafter noue shall ba exempted except the "The President Treasurer Audit? and Sn perintradent of any Railroad Compauy engaged In transportation for the Government anil such ofli cers and employees thereof the President or Hu periutendent shall certify on ostb to be indispen sable to the efficient operation of such Railroad provided that the number of persons exempted by tills Act on any Railroad shall not exceed one fur each mile of such Road in actual use tor Military transportation and said exempts shall be reported by name and description with the names of any who may have left the employment of said Company or who may cease to be indispensable to the effioient operations of its Road at least once a month to the Heoretsry of War or such oflieer as he may da-signate for the purpoeei end provided further tbat such President or Muperlnteudent shall in eaoh such monthly report certify on oa that no person liable to Military service has been employed by his Company smee the passage of this Act In any position In which It was practicable to employ one not liable to military service and capable of performing efficiently the duties of such position" Aud in esses where Railroads have fallen into the hande of the enemy and a portion of tbe rolling stock ot such roads is being used on other roads not iu the hands the President and Superintendent of said nrat named roads shall be VIII Exemption of specified classes and indi viduals 8 "The application for exemptions under the fifth artioie of the loth section or the Act aforesaid shall he made to the Commandant of Couaoripts for the State who will grant the certificate of exemption authorized by law to continue during compliance with the ooodilion preset i bed by laid Act -Exemption except for the President Treasurer Auditor and Superintendent shall not he allowed to any officers and employees of a Railroad Company nuiess the President or Superintendent shall certify on'oath that the parties applied for are indie passable to the efficient operation of such Railroad that the number cf peraoua exempted ou said Railroad aball not exceed one for each mile thereof iu actual uae for military transportion that the ex emptefor such road shall be reported by name and description once a month to the Commandant of Conscripts for the Bute through which such road passes (or to the Bureau of Conscription) together with the names aud descriptive list of any one who may leave the employment of tbe Railroad Comps-nv or who may cease to be indispensable to the efficitfd operation of the said Road In conformity to tbe above the Presidents or Superintendents of Railroads which pass through this Male are requested to forward to these Headquarters as early as practicable application for the exemption of their employees By order ot MAJOR CHAS HARRIS of Conscripts tor Ga Lookex 1st Ueut A Act Atlanta lntelligenoer Augusta Constitutionalist Savannah Republican and Columbus Times we each requested to copy and publish daily six mar 30-d6t Confederate States Depository Macos Fss 88 1664 Notice to hereby given to ail holders of Treasury Notei not bearing interest that they may exchange the sme immediately at this office for Certificates which will entitle them to four per cent bonds end that the said privilege wifi continue until the first of April ensuing after which ell Notes over the denomination of Fire Dollars an be funded only at sixty-six and two-third cents to the dollar exoept One Hundred dollar Notes which after that date no longer receivable tor publie dues and can only be funded at aa additional reduction often per cent per month Tbe Certificates Issued together with the bonds for which they may be exchanged aro receivable for Taxes for the year 164 at ths fall amount ex-oo tbo Iaoo without lotorost ob4 iiw sot subject to the tax Imposed for that year on other iKMids and credits The short time allowed should nil hold- era promptly to preeeat the Note and not risk tbo chanoe of axel ss ion by the pressure which will occur at the end the month of March JOHNSTON A negro went into a menagerie in which wss a large baboon in a cage Ha approached the cage closely white tbe baboon went through several gyrations snch as nodding and shaking hia head holding out bis hands to 6hake Ac to the evident delight of both negro and baboon Finally tba baboon seamed so intelligent and knowing tha negro addressed him some remarks which tha bab non only answered by a nod of tha bead At length tba negro was still more delighted and broke forth with the remark "You're right open your mouth kaxa if you spokes a word the wh ta have a shovel in your hand in lees dan a RAGS WANTED OlB eutton and liesn mi white or rb highest market prina will bo paid by tba subscriber who to engaged io eolletitiog rags for the Tela-fnph newspaper Merchant in tbe country who Save collected rags la quantity wiU plesso give tn a chases FREEMAN Groom Cherry street NOTICE TO PLANTERS 8d DISTRICT of GEORGIA Orncs Post Ouartermaitcr Albany Ga March IS 1984 1 Tbo planters who bona fidely sold thojr tithe wool of crop of 1863 may pay tbo same from dip-' plugs of 1S64 My agents will rsoeive a double tithing in full assessment of both years and report it accordingly 2 Bacon should ba paid ia Joles are receivable In proper proportions bat being objections Ms for camp use other pieces will be prefered 3 If tbe tithing are not delivered after reasonable notice five-fold to forfeited by the producer My agents are ordered to give these nodes at onee to an who have not delivered their tithes ia tbeir action 4 To those persons who live over fifteen miles from depots an opportunity to pay their tithe-corn ia baoon will bo given i but tha rate of this exchange has not boon settled 5 No receipts given by parties disconnected with my office wifi received Millers distillers eat-tie-drivsrm eto etc wifi have uo control over the titheeb except by authority ef mb proper oflieer of tho TIUm Department All paittoa can pay the Assessor's valuation and keep their tithe potatoes Cotton must be baled and bagging furnished' Parties wbo pay leee than on bag must pat It up ia a proper package tettoa and wool aro ant te be transferred except special order BINES mar 81-daw Capt and 'EORULAClLLWKUKOCOtNrY Ottra fur Caanty Whereas AoSm A Uanaeiiy AUmicirra'ur emtre state of Joha Fssmurs dcsaed ai-Lucs for m'ssio from said estate Thia 1 therefore to cite ail pereois roarcrrnl kindred asd creditors ol said eranued to i-a iii ipmu my offioa waala tbe lime ire-criMd r'T law and ShoW easse If aay they can way aa'd ietia oi ui-m -aoty should uoc be granted Given nader my hand aad official siirtMtsre tM dayef March IraA JaMxo KAI mar w80d Oru-uary fea Company Battalion a LLiaambaraof my ommiid on tarioagksra A haraby ordered to report foe doty at this plaoe oc considered a deserters aad trotted amrliiriy Macon March d3tt Feb 87-d5w Depositary.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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