The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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ak W'WqrTltf 'kp Florida Hens The Miami Herald Saturday December 26 1981 PBX 8D Holiday harvest: U-ll iite Cletsifiel mm 1-44 Pmwatts COMING 43 In COMING 43 Into loooino SOON Moi cook-oul plant birds outdoor fun Reply Hgrald-N9ws AdV appliance refrtger-slove are our specialty Guaranteed ork No service charge ith repair 10 discount ad Call anytime 51-47 feuv Uni CvitilKiliwi MhMKNII 3-B urn ititk im ms U-M Umitot UOSCirlif Ttmte UTUtoMMiwiM U-OtCtmtirfliti MIIMtwwinttVwItl Ilf mill DukIki Uliflomt CITY OF MIAMI ELECTRICIAN BowrTSoI- phln tickets 152-1528 URGENT I need 4 tickets to the Orange Bowl Clem-son-Nebraska game for Jotm City Fish Market in Marathon! crabs have just been overcaught this said another Marathon commercial fisherman Despite the market glut prices of the delicacy have not dipped The wholesale price of $350 per pound for large claws has limited the amount fish houses will buy Said one Christmas shopper feeling the pinch though there are so many of them not giving you a good price on he said holding the price up" genkotter Jr of Hagen and Sons Seafood in Key West far outstrips supply I think just about bought them out A lot of people like them for their Christmas parties or for their Hagenkotter said Fishermen from Tampa south to the Keys have reported an exceptional catch of the popular delectable denizens of the deep with claws so powerful they can snap fingers like breadsticks The stone crab harvest has been this year said Leo Cooper manager of By MIKE CAPUZZO Herald Staff Writer KEY WEST Keys fishermen are enjoying the holiday season thanks to a bountiful harvest of stone crabs sold quite a few of them" said John Barker owner of Barker and Sons Seafood in Key West Barker said most of the crabs caught by fishermen stay in the Keys shipped to northern markets by refrigerated truck sold quite a said Carl Ha- $20363-825979 vr Applicant must posses a valid Dade County Jounev-man Electron's lie required by the Florida building coda Applicants must nave or be able to quality for a valid Florida driver's license CENTER later AMI LslNoHot API than Termination Bf featured In The Miami Herald QUALITY CARE 279-1100 Free Preonancv Testing Day £ve Appl Human Resources 1145 NW 11 51 rm 107 PREGNANT? Eve Medical Center Terminations Done Daily Painless Procedures Free Pregnancy Testi Equal oppty Employer CITY OF MIAMI HEAD NURSE credited school i 546 vr an of profes Lawyers oppose advertising 591-2288 Non-Profit Organization i WILi tural vices for proper! exchange design The lt)ade' tSrJy" Public Schools is now receiving funds through three grants which are administered under Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended by 95-561 also referred to as the Bilingual Edication Act These grants are now eligible tor continuation funding lor 1982-83 The broiect cov- ed bv these grants are ondary Proiecl BAS- Pemostration Protect in Bilingual Schooling and Bilingual Desegregation Support Protect The School Board of Dade County Florida will consider approval of the Submission of application at its meeting on January 6 1982 at 1 00pm in the School 1410 Miami public is attend Copies of the proposal will be available to the public prior to this meeting The following offices will have cooies available: Office of Federal Protects Administration Suite 210 Dept of Bilingual Foreign Lan- i ne lon' Room 141 Second archltec-intenor ser- quarters: Jet Box 1492 Little River 33147 ac- sional nursing and currant licensing to prectlc Ing by the Fkrlc Department of Profesion-al Regulations Applicants should hava at least 1 year of nursing experience Apply In person: Employment Office Department of Human Resources 1145 NW 11 St rm 107 Equal Oppty Employer "594 PITS mo Assume BVa mtg Lovely home with Italian tile floors Fia room corner lot excellent location for family 4 children ERA 751-8516 services Most attorneys would support a program to allow retired lawyers to provide free legal help On other issues most lawyers oppose non-lawyer representation on the Florida Bar Board of Governors and say the Judicial Nominating Commission should not be open completely to the public Nearly 70 per cent said that bar dues should be used in part to provide continuing legal education programs for lawyers speak for the legal profession on legislative issues Only 10 per cent of those responding opposed lobbying by the bar In Florida bar membership is mandatory and practicing lawyers pay $125 annual fees During this era of reduced government spending for poverty-law programs some attorneys have suggested various private methods to provide legal service for the poor However 70 per cent of Florida lawyers oppose compulsory charity work called pro bono "MEDICAL CENTER DADELAND FREE Pregnancy Testing -Low Cost Quality Cart Safe Procedures -Medicaid Jackson Cards -Birth Control Xams rHabia Espanot 5-5424 Non-Profit Organization We Really Core About You MIRACLES of Hanukkah nue Miami Ave-Florida 33132 Jury will probe 4 deaths Jan 7 A ANNOUNCfMENTS 8 Xmas 944-4537 anytime BU1 Sale trade 6r- aneDolphif tickets TALLAHASSEE (AP) Most Florida lawyers approve of client-solicitation and have no plans to buy advertising according to a biennial poll conducted by the Florida Bar More than 5000 attorneys took part in the survey published in the Dec 25 edition of Florida Bar News Nearly two-thirds of those responding said lawyers be allowed to solicit legal business Nine out of 10 attorneys said they purchase advertising although lawyers have been allowed to advertise since 1977 we conducted the bar poll two years ago the results on advertising were about the same the overwhelming majority said they didn't plan to said Woody Woodson a spokesman for the statewide bar The most recent survey also revealed that not all lawyers were in the upper income brackets About half of beginning lawyers are offered less than $16000 a year More than 300 attorneys said they netted less than $10000 in 1980 the survey showed Meanwhile a handful of lawyers said they charged more than $150 an hour When attorneys calculated fees on a daily basis $500 a day is common Last fall a small group of lawyers asked the bar to stop spending bar dues for lobbying The complaint is pending before the Florida Supreme Court which oversees the bar Most most lawyers believe the bar should SUPER Bowl weekend special 4 day 4 3 nights stftn-Tiir we HELM If you wish to speak to this item please contact the Office of Administrative Operations 350-3806 by noon January 4 1982 AVISO LEGAL El sistema escoiar del Condado de Dade ha reo-bdo fondos a traves de tres proyectos baio ks ausolcios de la Ley de fducacion Prlmarta ecundaria del Titulo VII tambien conocida como Lev da Education BMtngue Estos siguientes proiectos solicttan la contmuacion ks fondos para el 1982-1 Provecto Basico de undana Provecto mostracion en las Escueias Bilingue Provecto de Apovo a la Integracion Escoiar La Junta Escoiar da Dade 4 reunira el dia 6 de enero ANNOUNCfMENTS 0 WOMENS REFERRAL 667-1049 Free Pregnancy Testing Non-profit-Since 1972 Dedicated To HejpVou A 1-10 liyvy 44i The bodies were found in shallow graves in the back yard of the home of William Mansfield Sr who is in prison for sex crimes against small girls Two of the bodies have been identified as those of Elaine Ziegler 15 of Warren Ohio and Sandra Jean Graham 21 of Tampa The other two still are unidentified and are believed to be of women in their 20s Brown said about 20 witnesses have been subpenaed to appear before the panel One of them is younger brother Gary Brown declined to discuss what evidence law enforcement officers might present to the panel but said they secure going to the Grand BROOKSVILLE (UPI) The Hernando County Grand Jury Jan 7 will begin investigating the deaths of four young women whose bodies were dug up earlier this year at a homesite near Week! Wachee Deputy State Attorney Jimmy Brown said this week that the 18-member jury has been ordered by Circuit Judge LR Huffstetler to into the four deaths and related Brown said the jury will investigate the suspected involvement in the deaths of Billy Mansfield Jr 25 who is in jail in California awaiting trial Jan 18 in the death of a young woman there the petition (requesting the Grand Jury we allege that the principle suspect is William Mansfield Jr" Brown said HAPPY 41-50 Oiily Fee4 6ei4e ANYTHING U-PICK Tomatoes 152 5t 122 Ave SW 2 blocks U-pic tomaJoes-egg egpeMS137avS7 de 1982 para considerar la estas pro-1410 NE 2 pi eorobacion da est puestas en et laic AI-K3 Child Cm tturwy LOViNGuThudn my home 53-3617 HOLIDAY Child Car 24 hr 7 day hr family rates 754-4599 HAPPY Ads win be published every day in this soot This classification is designed for YOU to send birthday anniversary birth notices wedding announcements engagements graduations and messages to be sent on special occasions (such as Mother's Day Valentine's Day Father's Day ect) OR lust a message to friend When you want fo wish somebody you know a Happy Any-thlng Happy AdCaft K1-02 jut tlivry Briefly Aaccon-Ship Your Car LowRates AIIStafesUSA OasPoid-OnTImeDeifverv QnlyCompanvWithOffices All Along You 5808 Me 4 Flagier3 Hyd1776YoungCir9: Laud1806E Boca30 Avenue (auditorium) Miami Florida 33132 sa Invita al publico a esislir a dicha sesion Copies de las propuestas estar-an dtsponttxe pub- Ice antes de la cetefaredo de la reunion en las si-quientes ofkJnes Office of Federal Products AdnMs-tre-Won Suite 2IO Dept of Bthngual Foreign Language Education Room 300 1410 NE Avenue Miami Florida 33132 SI Interese hacer comen-tarios sueerencias sir-vase llsmar al 350-3808 Office of Administrative Operations antes del me-diodia del 4 da anero da 1982 Legal Anons Admlnistrasyon Lekol pib-lik lan ded Kounti resevwa konnya laian ke vo bali kom ed Laian sa fet poo deoanse pou program ke vo reie (Title VII) pou Elemanta ake Segonde ed-tkasyon Lwa sa sa vo tekol pibllk lan ded kounti ape resevwa vo diran ane 1982-83 Proie ed sa vo kouvri: Proie de baze ore-ki dii Auloiog ship cars by truck rail Anywhere USA ICC Me 140511 toil Tri 1 800-526-6078 free Our advisors will be HAPPY to help you word your ad SPECIAL RATE $200 Per Line 2 Line Minimum K1-IS Tnvl 0rtitiM NY NJ Calif Mich 6a 945-4104 538051 Thank for a special friendship Love 4 encouragement you've shared with me Tommy 41-11 Lgal RENTALS LEASE Rasvon -ikot ded kounti vo av a konsenti pou vo konsidere dokimen oswa prooozisvon lan reinyon ka pe fa ie 6 Janvye 1982 lan sal ki vo deziven pou reinyon sel-man (Oditorium) pou vo diskite bagay ke vie met an aolikasvon Rem von WHEN you need a lawyer Attv Crown 687-3900 Saturday December 26th 8 AM TO 3 PM ape let lan adres si la a 00pm (apre-midi) 141C NE desvem Aveni Miami OOo (apre-midi IE desvem A SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS Former Social Security Judge Is Available For Representation In Your Disability Benefit Claim Free Consultation LAW OFFICES LYLED LIEBERMAN Dade 358-0115 Broward 524-51 13 Immigration prop terns Atl Ramani 374-4340 am-pm (m (ENT HOMES A Bl DUE COUNTY UNIROYAL PEP All-Seasons Radial STEEL BELTED RADIALS UP to 57000 MILES PROJECTED Florida 33132 Second Aveni Florida 33132) Kopl propozisyon yo ape a dispozisvon pibiik la anvan remyon-en Ofis sa vo ape geven kopl a dispozisvon nou: Ofis Federal admims-trasvon proie nan chanm nimero 210 Depalman Bi-leng-Edikasvon Lang etrame Chanm nimero 300 1410 NE desvem Aoenl Miami Florida SI oo bezven pale konsenan sue sa tanorl kontakte ofis admmistrasvon ki pral an Operasvon lan aora midi le 4 nan nimero si la 350-3808 Dec 26 1981 ad N0123844R IMMIGRATIONVISAS Jacques Meshell 374-1177 B1-0I L4 Bti ly NORTH Miami area 1 bdrm 1 bath New carpet appliances balcony $456 per mo Part of rent fo be DEBT RELIEF tank ruptcy Alternatives ECORDED MESSAGE Dial 374-7801 SiMfrLE divorce MHP Costs Barnard 666-9484 bath raeaHo NITIOE 11-02 Rtifllwft 02 Area Of Key Breceyne 171IZEL ALicrmeiT STATIC DALAKCITIG WITH THE PURCHASE OF 2 OR MORE NEW TIRES FOR YOUR CAR PLUS REALIGNMENT EVERY 5-10000 MILES FOR 60000 MILES PRICE ISAU YOU PAY OUR LOW PRICE INCLUDES BALANCING ALIGNMENT ROATATION AND INSTALLATION Sunny-Day Delight! WATERFRONT home furn-unfurn priva- iuxury "wiiiw luiiruiuurn FOR NOTICE UNDER FICITIOUS NAME LAW Notice is hereby given that the undersigned pursuant to Section 865 69 Florida Statues will register wilh the clerk of fhe circuit court in and for Dade County Florida the following fictitious names here listed Printed Pattern privacy 4 beauty 4 bdrm 4 bath 4 game room Ideal for winter short or long term Macken 361-5677 212-88-7840 STATIC BALANCE AND ALIGNMENT SERVICE POLICY WORTH Ml 5 FREE 41-41 Lttai4FN4 l2s7 French Village bles Black Belgm nerd answers to name Trooper Rewan' SEE 593-234 Labra- PI-04 04 Area Of Miami Beech North Bey Vdege OCEAN FRONT HOME Completely turn 4 bdrm 4 FULLY furn 3 bdrm 2 bath walk to shop schools VMfty 3 BDRM beauty 41 SL area Walk to Temple Church schools shopping everything Low yeerly rent 532-214 owner or Ageht S9-3824 4 B6Rm Fla room sea-son-vear-or buv S34-241Q i year old dor Retriever Grove "Jeff re rove area affray" answers to cash raw 666-Sff37 leave message BIAS WHITEWALLS PAH AMERICA!) RETREADS REWARD child heort-broken Lost Hywd miniature Yorkshire brown 4 silver answers to ChaneT 652-8777 Benefits restored in wake of suit From Herald Wire Services State social-service officials say drop rules that have been denying benefits to illegitimate children unless the parents married or unless a legal paternity ruling was made in court The change came about in the wake of a suit filed on behalf of Clarence Jackson of Orlando Jackson got laid off from his job at a grocery last summer and with his son Christopher moved in with relatives He then applied for we-fare benefits to help make ends meet The claim was denied are not the legal father of the child you are applying for" he was told in a letter from the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Claiming discrimination Jackson and three grandmothers in similar circ*mstances filed a class-action suit in November asking the court to force the state to change its rules The suit filed by the Greater Orlando Area Legal Services and the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association claimed that welfare workers would not have turned down the applications had they been filed by the mothers Power knocked out in Keys IVi hours Electric power was restored to all users in the Lower Keys just before 2:30 pm Christmas Day ending a 7 lj -hour outage caused by a transformer explosion The blast in a transformer at a substation Christmas morning knocked out the City Electric System's Stock Island generating plant It supplies power to Stock Island a portion of Key West and the Lower Keys northeastward through Big Pine Key to the south end of Seven Mile Bridge Authorities said about 10000 customers were left without power well into the afternoon The power failure hit motels along Key Kennedy Boulevard but an assistant manager at the Holiday Inn said were very understanding and there were no problems at all Our dining room stayed open we use gas for cooking Of course there was no air condition but this time of year that cause any real Chiles plans tour of Osceola forest Sen Lawton Chiles plans a two-day Inspection tour of the Osceola National Forest Jan 11-12 to dramatize his concern over possible phosphate strip mining of the forest Chiles has Introduced legislation in tie Senate to ban phosphate ing in the 52000 acres of the 157000-acre north Florida wilder- ness area subject to phosphate ing under existing Agriculture De- partment policies Similar legislation has passed the House The bill is awaiting hearings in the Senate I In announcing the trip Chiles said he will be accompanied by en-i vironmentalists and game biolo- gists The forest Is a favorite hunting fishing hiking and camming area LOST White Maltese of SW 8 vicinity Ave Reward1 264-1335 sponds to Gerard Wlmblsh for Waterfront Sunset Island II pool dock 5 bdrm furn Season-annu-St Others 6300 Wim- al 1435 27 St Others Carlos 672-630" REWARD bish Realtor mixed iair all while koanTelshorVR He 667- 9635 DRM aot tn private cot-tage utilities free $461 vr ly niceeiphboj2ood5l2- MAn gold i dla-mond braceiet-Hialeah area Reward 752-0209 Ft Laud MTI6I D1-0P fttBf Nomm 05 Area Of SurfsfcJt Bey Harbor Bel Harbor taOttfl Creek Village LUXURldlJi i Ldrm I bath season 868-5428 mi non no ttieomn i mm ututemo WHITEWALLS $3 MORI EACH NOTICE The Miami Herald and The will KL sonal Colj In the Per-from private FASTRAK I CITED a RADIAL RADIALS REGULAR OR ALL SEASON PI-01 RmINirii Area Of Sunny Islet Golden Beech Golden Shores under the tions arties 9 condlt i EXECUTIVE large 4 bdrm 3 hath cwvM den water option to buy $1950) Cal 454-1177 MKI 'jnonth 30 32 PI-01 'Reii! Hoaias 07 Area Of North Miami Bead Sky Lake Ives Estates $42 155-60-13 5-80-1 3 185-80-13 195-7514 F78-15 G78-1S TbdRM 2 bath walk to Young Israel 949-9222 3 pool family room Season or yearly Call for appl 652-3687 an a 195-75-14 205-75-1415 215-75-1415 225-75-15 236-75-15 ollowlno 1) CASH in advance required (2) HERALD xt NEWS Box Numbers only to be used for Street eckfress phone fkxnber or Post OHlce Number not ecceptabte copy (3) REPLIES fo Herald and News Box Numbers must be mailed to advertisers Replies CANNOT be ckl UJI SQCAL ADJ POINTS OfF INTER1 EST We reserve the right to refuse any ad for any reason REPLY TO MIAMI HER- MIAMI NEWS BfRssrsIBLE85LsrM- Miami Herald-News Adv (Use the box number in ed jgaa FREE FRONT END ALIGN MENT AND STATIC BALANCE 4862 mt STA TIC BAIANCS AND AUGNMfNT 1 IS POUCY Homa-3 bdrm alt carpeted at-ln kitchen Ilvlno room dining room family room waher dryer dlhwaher cant air Italian Ilia floor oa- 570 RENT BRIDGESTONE IMPORTED RADIALS TI6AR TRYSUN GLASS STEEL SIZI FRONT END ALIGN IRONSIDES COMPARi TO MICHEUN AT THE SAME PRICE! FIATURIS MICHIIIN WONHOIS STEEL RADIALS U(I 30 31 34 BRAKE RELINE mmu ttuMM mvire are (vumitt aiiuDtact muni MIIIIIAtl Mf AM IIPAU IIMIMI MUM MICI1ELIN STEEL n- RADIALS OFF wo ic mcl DOMESTIC a FOREIGN BLACK a WHITEWALLS Nim 9UTV SHOCKS Live In luxurlou or 4 bedroom Greenbrook home a Tha California Club Soma with pool da fA6monh- RJFNTAL 'sPECIALfsTS 2 Bedroom Kids S4S6 Brand Naw 2 Bdrm 2 bath BKr yrly-eaon 891-9QT 156-12 155-13 165-13 176-7013 165-70-13 165-14 176-14 165-14 165-70-14 195-70-14 205-70-14 165-15 mi 1SS 60-12 185 80-1 a IBS 60-13 175 80-13 115-60-13 175-60-14 165-60-14 165 60 14 175-70-13 165-70-13 165 70-14 IAS 70-14 205-70-14 188 70 15 15 37 40 41 44 42 46 50 49 56 58 NO 42000 A NO 2000 1 StNlprolKtlOA In itdewalii i T'Mtfwtar ritad mtlMg Tredren rating A Mtf huartf awfanlf I Stdmreiltul rniane-lb Puncture rwia 49 54 56 63 60 63 57 64 70 73 76 62 74 YES nooo A YES 4400 10012 MUFFLERS MotiCan s24 All NW 7141 MUCH INClOOt if A IK BAIANONG FRONT NO AUGNMkNf ANO MOUNTING At TlMi OF HJHCHASt PtUS FIT I 40 70 AO tACH No cling no clutter no complications' Just 2 mam paits for this cool cool pretty dress with a neck front and back bows on shoulders Sew it now Printed Pattern 4862' Half Sires 10'1 12'f 14' 16't 184 20M 22h 24 'I Sire 14' (bust 3) takes 2 18 yds 60-m $200 lor uch pattern Add SOt tor aach pattern lor postage and handling Send to: ANNE ADAMS MIAMI-HERALO Department 104 243 Wot 17 SL New York NY 10011 Print NAME AD0RESS ZIP SIZE and STYLE NUMBER We streamlined the sewing to save you time so you can save money' Send now (or NtW 1981 SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG 100 styles tree pattern coupon ($2 Value) Catalog ALL CRAFT BOOKS $200 uch Some1'19 ca yoVJ mm Tin fUfttr $424431 F6MPANI ihfiureuPreU 4841 frt Hoy 941-0514 I HUM SCI tfl( IIIM 947-2171 HLiTWMI 1K0S Winn wm mi mart It 989-1771 14400 1 1 min 681-6061 1 1 SI 223-4521 S50-2-2635 052A-2535 Credit FUN KL 686-3880 FT FIERCE 7WJ St 461-1977 FUN SCR 1140 1 Mitolarf fr 967-7350 FUN ICR 7114 Dure Nrey 33-2711 AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTER CHARGE DINERS CLUB POMPANO BEACH 10 OFF 1291 3W 27 Av 974-4400 ww nananrenre visa Ef!.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.