The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

THE DAILY MISSOUUAN, TUESDAY MOR I NG HPTFMH HR 14, 1M3. 'AW. iui4 ti.iiiit-u, r.ugny WLVv-t M-X 1 junk. He a i.L. t-J" Cvuif t.

H. Joia-s. I1Y WILLIAMS aqutouk wax. jf Wi a II lil yra tag iiiYiHJ laiMlGE ma pjs Many Up5 2n4 Downs i.j vim. a I as Tfcv for Control, V-- pV Pubic Uncertain, iT''iV' fJU "rr--k vv PI.

Unions MUi, a iv J. 1 Vf -vJ 1 'V' to.krl k.l.' lt.e 'aV-v i--. I.t .4 Hir .1. XA 4l 1 'ii i ivy AWWii III i sir in. ik.

i it. utf J) I 'varr- ui.urr I.ul II 5r' tV) i Mi 1... lu U. J8- -f V'P 'R 0 I a i' I. Ml A ivj V'1K -VV Si lakll-H 11 It.


1'i. ii-i. i ri i.isar, 4. nir ten 4. It Ill I.i I i.i i in WuMI.

I. fell l.ii K. I I l'l I I 'k I is i i i ii i i 'i m.v nt i i I Cum. m. Mji i 0ta.

it I I. S. 'j I Ml I ul'. t.l hit 11 lv- Hk't M.ulii-i'ii. wli.rc U.1I1 will i.ltfixl hi lioi I.

Mi. V. W. Willi imliii l'p Wfih with fiicH.U In Miuli. UvkI M.I.!tK Kiortfl lllf liMIXCi-Ini; fiii" Ihl r.

an. I II Iy truck in th. kraui uloiy Strvi liiit niro'i'it l' 'l utv imi T.iIImiI ini'l l. Aiioni r.a iii ii-m i 1 i-y fiitnif-i' ll. limtfiii W.

ilnool iy it.r ll wliiiT l.o HI l' 11 tiini kei per for itt' i'f K. II. Mlaki--h-o' Hon nt Ili i.M tu In nt tun nioiitli. Mr. iiml Mr.

llourni' ll.ivro an Will! nil Itoiirin' of i'oak-i have ln'i'tl pail lhi. utittiiff with town. Mr. (iinl Mr. Allen if i nl.

iiml William l.oiiin mi. I thrv ixpr-ct t' irluin'' lh Hitler ll'iol th'-ir ll'ilii iui.Ql I It i- ii-iitiy ir ui liuiiie (ftt-i- 4--v I Mi. A. W. Xflt unj (i.

M.ii.ry aiul IrtUineJ vnk liuiu a jvur visit rv Kitives l. it'i'd j'i iiiitti. Mi lififn I'trry ietai-n-4 Mu- d.iy 1 1. mi twu tiut, visit with Mslvr ia I'iu-. Aii Iii ifl'i f.M- 'f hoinp- viil i-uil la liaumc i.ii-'i.

ml viuik. Me- aiui Sit. Jack I.iinlsay liave muvt-4 innn ti.fir hon.t iUi ii 1-ii ilKii for the vi im. r. in ami lit.

K. H. tf i'V Mi Tut'it-iuUt. an.l Mi. Wt.itty fan.l.iy nt li I.u.i.h uf Mr.

Mrs. i ll il.s aii Ali was in feiia -liu for a tcitoit t.iy iii week. Iia fp. tls tu innk her holae in MUsuuU Jilt il.tS thv- Wllllrl. I Kni-iil vf llnoilt- was a Wffk-fltl at III hoiim of Mis.

it Itiriiit-r. "be shapely DO NOT want to lo tula! I Junt want to lo my rinht weight! I want theeo tiollowa fllled out. I Jut want cuotiKb firm, plump Henh ou my Lonci to till out my future." IK rourno you do. You want a flc-uro that you tan drapo your clothe on not Jut bann; ttiem on! W'hat'a the uo ot having pretty tlotbca, IC Ibey JuHt hautt on you? And what would you any It you were tolJ you cotilJ buvo the fleura you want? A trarcful, well roun.leu! Iiody firm, unlhl HokIi Juat rnotiKli JtiHt your right welehtT You'd I inlKhty happy, wouldu't youT Well, then, be happy bcrauio you ran httve It! I 'tit plenty ot red relit In your blood and watch your weight go up to where you want It! That'a whuta tho matter with you! Your IiIikhI I Impoverished. You need mora rich, red Hood.

S. 8. 8. In the thing; 10 put red blood in your nymeni. 8.

8. 8. helps Nature build red blood cell by tha millions. Ton JtiHt try 8. 8.

S. and watch how quickly you begin to fill out your clothe. Notice, your skin clear of un S.SS; sightly blemishes your appetite lncreuso Mronnh como to Hubby nuntli'ti and vim and fill your whole yntom. It'a red -lood that doea It. And S.

S. S. surely i-l is Nature build that red blood. i.i. S.

S. is sold by all drug store. The larger bottlo is more economical. $75 DOWN Will buy nny of tho the following used earn and the1 Insurance fr one year Is Included. A SUPERIOR MODEL CHEVR0-ELT TOURING CAR With prucUeally nrw tires, a good battery.

The paint and upholstery Is In fine condition ard the car was recently overhauled. AN OVERLAND RED BIRD TOURING CAR In splendid condition throughout. Tills cur wo are Holllnh" for. less than JiLiUr: book rnrciis. Com: IN AND SKK IT.

AND A LATE MODEL BU1CK TOURING CAR That Is in good condition, has good tircH und tho best EUICK buy ever offered in Missoula. Pel-ham Motor Car Co. 125 West Cedar St. Phone 232 Distributors CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX TALKS Those Large, Dry $3.50 Loads of Millwood. Prompt Delivery yours in Ull-v I Tmu Sa.iih i 6i li i'otui tf Alt-lie Suiiiiuy.

ii.uloi 1 1 ST. IGNATIUS Sl. tit ltf. peiial firi iiiuiuiir with lid.lIU tf iili. I toiut-iflv staff tif leaiifis.

Julin ft. H.Uia.n ji.uu piuii ijal ff ll.e b.ioli. assi.l.inls irt tlie l.ith siliool ar Mis. Ibilise.l and Xllsj A.liiaidtf il.tinul i St. I'uil N'tirviu l.tndskvlf is na, lipul lf lllB Ki'atlv.

Mii tf v.f it ti.m ni tj Mis. J. li, mk li. ills Anna ll udnn ami A(i l.lSi,. Miss Kathrvn Sitiifk i.t.m 4 a t'f fiifa.U ut it luncheon Th It-lor wtieinis t.f yrliow ini while wu attraiiivtly t.urir.l i.ut in tlie mum uiu Itoiai dr.

oiatioim. v. it It the fi ih MUsni KlUibftii llausfii, tifoitU liu. kiioiue. Muiiti

inif svtl li.iiU', Huyhes, llv-ityillt l.iii.laay. IKiiothy li.ill: iit.lhy Wall, JfiniU joirl Jiakf, rln-i I via iity, Kuhhfll S'lifiauiH. iiiivl Miii.r J.aiiit.i Aiinoiir S.ttmi.)f for I i.i, wiifie she wbl tni- pb l. her toiij iiti iu l.itii b.ii.n.l Miaa din owl left Suii.l.iy for W.ill.iie, liili. litre hu will fiil.i Ijnii'ile lu.i.liiiiy.

Mr. noil Mi. June Ivtfi'im enttr. I at Soaday ilmiier, Mr. nn.l Mr. lint, iliii ftiiil, Jrsne, Jr, un.l ll'iv, Mis. Ci ive K.ii 4 itiul mii, I ii.i lifti. i tdtre, i I'vIm ii mid Mm nour ii comes in boxes Power In a package. FEP bring, you healUi nd great flavor. Contains bran.

PEP THE'PEPPV DKAN FOOD Optometrist Glasses scientifically and accurately fitted Lenses duplicated Ii. II. JEWELRY AND OPTICAL CO. DR. A.

G. WHALEY Optometrist The New Missoula BUSINESS SCHOOL FREE TUITION! If Students Enroll by September 15 Enquire 206 South 5th, E. Thonc 1275 MAIL ORDERS AGENTS FOR COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS AND REC0RD3 Sand ua your mail ordsra for Drufl. Kodak Supplies and Columbia Records. Kodaks and Eastman Films fcluiivtly.

SMITH'S DRUG STORE DEVELOPING AND FINISHING MONEY Specials in Load Lots Bear Creek Nut $8.00 Rocky Fork Keene Lump $10.50 iy 11.. rill I In ai .1. V. 4- I'll Lit 1 111 li iifU ..1..1 Jit Ma. ii mi I i .1 i l.i i I .1 lli.H .1 i i.

1 1 iKi i i 1 1 1 I (, I II U. I a -i ilii .1. 1. .1 i. I I.

i' i 1 I I 1. it 'f i 1 1 1 i .1 I. ii si Hi I Ihr .1.. Hi. I ll.r ji r- Irt'j 111.

ilk lui.i Ufuii, tr. i'i II. Uif 1 1.. Ial I I 1 I i.l .1 It it I'. I II.

Ml ltl 1" II i-im' It I I lt jtll I I I. .1 lit t- HI. II i It I I I1J. 1 i. lit I ill I V.

till tin. I I I I I I.v liiill 5 fr i.l.I 'i in. itn.nt i ii4 v. ii.utt i Hi i 1 i tlnj fc' 111 tri.t.jntf t.ltrlli. i i.i I iii Irn.iiS i i.

-mt 4 XtW YOftX ITOCXt. iMI. A ')r it 'i frV in rt 1.. i i isit A II" i i.r I T.I A J. I.

Tut i inl'i I I I- in; i H. mi 1 1. 1., i 1 1. ,.) 1 it i In mi I ii 1 I II' if. I Vi r.

ii Ij-i. i I. mi Mi I ii- i.i -t l'i 1 1 i.Ii mil I i -ii' .11 ifll' I hi inl I in f.l. il '1 A in i i ll I ni iif.i i 1 1 ii fi. i i I i.ri..liiM i i I'l'n 'i i.

i m.Ii.i.I IT. i I 'In-It i''l. I I 1 I I 1.1 1 ni iii. ai.h ml ii-I'Luil ii r. 1 1 1 i it i r.i.,11 nl 1 7sr-.

7ii no 1 i t' UT. r.2i lis fi in1, i.i'i ifii '5 ii i M', I'S'l r.i r.n M'i -Mi 21'i K.7 1 'i in I r'ullllip In i iri r(f. VTi at Nnrt'lTH id ii'M sh*ti- I inn i Il.i!li IS IV.ilv.iM Intinui! Ki li t. i until. nal Hut Vi-li Ii ii riiiitloniil Mur.

)fd I Xlfk-I Inii riml n.iml Ti l. Si Ti'l K.iiipitN t'iiy Si'iitiKTu K' nt l'i i'rr Kn iff.S I ml I.i I i. i I.i-'i A Xuxlivilli- M-i. Trm-k ri.

oil IV triltim Misffiiri. A- Tfxa Mlssmiri I'licific M' r. ti-im ry rd i Vork II A I'm Until Nm A- V. Nurlli AiiK.rii'.m i I i rp'-il ir I' it nl i i i.r-1 Muti.i Ami rii'iiti I'ctrol' inn P. I'u i ri -rruw I i Cur Itnili.i j.iii.i ir iii, a St l.i.niH A Sim Jiticisi ii s.

I.i., 'i nl Air IiiMi- i lioi-tiu, Sip. lir (.,. (Ml iMh'-ni II iliLi St:;ifil'ic nil. nil, N. J.

Ti Ti -T M.s I'liillli Stillilii.ip H'ifir r.7 U(S 7SH 1.5 .117 TiiiU'l liillM I S. ll c. iinl r. h. s.

W'lird iiuiiM 1 1 s-' i i riii'ifi i.i. J'ium i- ntl. i 'ii 7s METAL MARKET. V.nk. I.

i li'i'l riily I ic Hpot liti'l -( iiiif-l' futures I 3.1- 'I in I'ii iu; id M.Slc; fl-trii-H 1 I 2 tinrt Imtii 2 M.uHiirn I.i -ml Sli'iiiiy; 'ni, i 1 i Ii n'l I nt i 7. 7 An' iitinio' Sput rinrlliern 120.10 Sllili -JO 10; No. BUTTER. AND EOQ3. ii'HK liichir; I I ipt.

i.r 11.73,- i.iiiiini'N 'i ii i -lilll ler no ry xl lv Id 4 ill! 1 1 '1. 1 1-ifii i 1 ''I 1 il f- tid I -r. til'V ll.f.'.O firsts 2S In i I (I in I. vi II. Ti I'' 1 i I 'i pel I In ill nKiiill afnr ti.fir

Mi. ami Mm. T. fiuw Cirik, itr iiijoMi'i; thilf Viualioii in bi week, the ktate fair, Mr. nn.l Mrs, A.

lm Htutniil fioin thi-ir 1 1 ii to W.ill.i Wall, i. W.ifch, uliftv they cutis to vlfll Mr. Mt-Allutef' mother mill ii-! i. The ilitee tlvi-ii by the t'f ciMiiiui ti ami the Wiiinan' liuh of Tin.iiipi...ii Fall Monday itltitt w.i w.ll Thl I an lit f.i If, the ftnlil whl'il itn tu i llee.l. Mr, iiml Mr, liiamh haiiii r.

tin in I I it wi fk fi'i'in motor trip to Ii iih-t hui it ami iitln-r point. Th'-lr It. Alfi' il, ihove on In lloWftntie aik. white lin Viaiteil fi lend In nn.l ill'Mlllll Kililel sl'lll is, Mr. iiml Mi, lanll llutte hate pui-ihaseil the 1 1 Iiroii in)erly In the wet eml of town.

Mr. ami Mr. J. M. l-'llsble left fr Tiies'biy.

to ntteml the i.ite fair. Ml Moeiiii Alvn.l h-ft StiiiJay for It'iuiul Ittilte, where she ha been tn te.uh In the primary iti'ml'' fur the ensiiiuir year. Jllde Jame M. Self held shoit h' SHloti In the district court here thl 5 ww wr rr rrj' fprri'T'i pi Health the Greatest Wealth NOTHING more quickly or completely destroys health than chronic Filei or other Rectal and Colon ailment. The constant Irritation affect Important nerve center steadily undermining both physical and mental capacity.

Yet a cure Is simple, easy, Inexptnsiv nd sure ss proved by my 'S? cases But. to remove 11 doubt, I OUARANi EE IN WRITING to cure any case of Piles, no Batter bow severe, or return your fee. Instead of looking inrwaru suffering, be well, happy, strong, vigorous. Send today for my new FREE 100-page Illustrated Book which explains ALL. I VI HTuaio orticts: Seattle offices: COwVr HOif NOW! New Low Prices On all the new inside frost Edison Mazda Lamps 25 and 40 watt, now 25c each These, new lamps, throtish their improved construction nnd inside frost, are Hie most efficient lumps ever produced.

They combine all the ndvantafi-ea of clear nntl frosted lamps- and jdve better Hirht, Get a carton of these new lamps today. We will gladly show you the rluht sizes for your fixtures. Mosby's, Inc. 132 North Higgint 1 Montana COIIVALLIS fm ViiUl, h' 'l 13 inl I'iiili M-ln'fl il 'f lliiK wIki li-f I ltf. lul ttintt-r an.

h.ul ll't Hliirr. wrin'ii in In Mtfr. Mi l'-m iilki-r. ih 'l lir i-viiij: wiHi Of riiii'l onny in O'" I'liMpi'lin KhiinU. Mr.

11ml Hlti' l'l. lli mt ft'lr lllfl'-l. ttiniftt liuini. Ili lnt 'f fflt. lifHT II veil III Mim.

It. .1, Tifiiil'i'. Tin-If;M'i-. M. Willi.

iii liiottil. l-n fiit'' li'i' fuiiii luitiio mill will Kpi'inl 11 f' l-him; In UK' Viill. y. Mr. ll.i M.ill"i tu Mi.

Ik.n I'Vir lh Iliii ln.iil from TliiitMl iy. I i uiifhl In tin- Iioiiip of Mr, iiinl Mr. Spt nci-r lluln. MIn Ktith li.illfy l. ft f'f win If h1u will on tor inulr miionl.

Hlic Wild 111 nilMtnleil Ml- Houhi l.y ln-r Mr. ami Mr. W. lii.ll. y.

Iliv. iuhI Mr. J. 1. Tiilmr mnl iluukiitcr have cniiio fnmi Malm, to liiakv llirlr Iminc (it tho Mfllioillst liiiicoliniio whllo H.

v.'.T I pastor i'f tln local Mi'tlui'lM 1 Imi.ii. Mis Olua ft tcachof In 1h Initio Hock Hiilool, 1 upcllillllK tlir Wfik-ctiil with lir sister, Mr. 'llftn S. Jarkson.

IIoIkit Toftny ami hi KlsU'r, Mis I.llM-rty 4th 4'i li 102.1 P. S. TreiiHtiry 4 H.3.23 l', S. Tifiisiiry 34a Koreiwii rVi liuisloVifk Itep. lo.ii, iom.

of I'un. r.112 .10:, lilluil lleplllilii! 7 1-3 'r Govt, liign of Hi l. fit, 03 KIiir. of Nor.

tin It'll 101 Hi I 11I1II0 of Chili" 10S Stale of Oui-enslaiid I'. K. of O. U. 1.

103 1 '1 im-silt---Amerlcan Stnellini: us ions; Aiiiirieaii Supar is lot Am. Tel. Tel. l'i I01'i A. T.

T. deb. limn ....10.114 Anp.cond.i fop. 7 ...10 Cop. 1013 Haiti.

A Ohl rvt. HfiiA Metlieheiu fitrii rmr II ino-i; Ciiiiadlati I'ac. deh. Is. i H.

J. rfff 1 A M. ft St. r. cvt.

r.n, Chile Coptier fi (iooilyear Tiro 8m 1SI1 I2H3 Northern 7 A 11.1'i Montana. I'nwor Is A Xoithern I 'an. lis- fin It 1 1 1 a Ni r. I pr. lien Ik SO l'nrific (1.

ft Mice. Is loom l'c una. It. U. iren.

4 H- Sinclair Con. oil. fi lonC Soutliern I'ac. cvt. 1 07" 1'tilon- Pacific 1st Is SI litil'lier Is ri3i WVsliiiKliouse Kleo.

7s IOC; ll J03, 101 "i loot; "i 07 "fi 3' Total snles of lionds today wer cotupared Willi I.SOI.OOO prcv iou.s day and a holiday a. year ago. J3AR SILVER. New York. Sept- 1 3 (A f) ver (live; Mexican dollars 47c.

sil- Watch Your Frail, Puny Child Grow Strong-Take on Weight Cod Liver Oil in Sugar-Coaled Tablets Puts on Flesh, Builds Them Up. In Just a few days quicker than you ever (lieameil of these wonderful health lutihlinir. flash innklnir tablets called McCoy's I'od Liver Oil Compound Tablet will start to h.lp nny thin, underweight little one. After sickness and where tickets are suspected tlmy nre especially valuable. reed to uive them r.iore nasty Cod I.iver Oil these tablets are made to take the place of that sood, but evil smelling, stomach upsettini; medicine un.l they surely do it.

A very sick child, hko 9, sained 12 pounds In months. Ask MisHoulu J.i ui; Co. ami Smith Print Stores, or any dniKKist for McCoy's Co.l Liver' Oil CoVnpottnd Tabletsas easy to take as candy tablets. SO cent and money bn, invitrAroLis ci. liillH-i- MrtliltV t'nrf, ItKBitl.

Milil.tHpi'll". I 1 11. at No. I lain inii Mm in, in f.mry, nrrivr, II i I I Irtll.V. 1 1 It'iUl i II II I II I

mriM. II I Inr.l fl 4, I II nrrivr, .1, it I I (rt 11 ii I 3 H3I, it I. liir.liniii, I--. nrrlvi, IK. Mm- si i m-rlvr, fi.rn ki, nriin, ij.i 3 iiii.

ri ii Orals mtarc. h. ii Kin m. in I nvti I M'. ir.f, N- v.

l'i LIVESTOCK CKICAOO. I 'I lr.ii.-ii. Si I't. 13. if.

S. 1 (. ft ti. lit if Airi 1 1 ofTM l.t."n; i tun ii; I'urly ii-In; ii mi I'dil; lutti ln iM iuhI lin king ni.

Ii'TI'it; tup litl't Iiiikm iiiflv 1 iii.iiihIh 'illl11; mni-t t' liiilihirn 'liunril liiill. ilimrnlili. IlKlt i nly w. iirtn iuh UIiik tow i li i ii't to fiw Ill-mil. IhIhw iIiih iiticvi nti tnly to Mitltrri liuico ptrotiKWi liiht tiravv-i icl*t lioKM 1 1.

iii.illiim i.d: liitlil (iO; lltht liri jn 1 I t'iirklllK wrtVVH 11.71: Mlii.iirhl.i' MRU H2'iUtill. i't-lt luttor Kiiiili's of ffiyf fully Htitnly, mi-v-t'i'l slriiic of yi'iirltiiKH tnixi'l ftrirn mill lulfirn iipwiirrl to Hint In-ut lii'in Um upwnril to 111. L'i; '1 I'ni'li of fi-il sli-i-rM ti ti M-nly inly to L'li- lnwr; vm-mIi i ii i-m 1 linul skhiiiiir ili-' lltn Inwrr Kriido of ft rowH mi. In if.TH dull; Kiiidy: vralprn 6dr lowrri nmtly $K': Ktork'TH iuhI fnilirs, Mrady. Slii.p Itirrlpts, moft rarly sal.N of (it lainl.s steady; no wrfti-rtiH lil; top natives II I.

i lly luili lo ri 'iviHK at $1110; citrly Imlk I with hKht frvrral lo'ln in-ld ut 1 1 Ht'-lioy (It l'('(ll tllnFtly; KllTp nt Jll'liif f'-rdini: lamliM ahMit strady at II I 1 bt-ssl llglit-MiiuhtM iiflll around Jll. SPOKANE. Sn CAP) ('utHo lleriipls, 1.223; Hteers mml IVki-Iii; tni dium (1.71; emntiion fl'iifi; CHiiniM-H dliil ciitterM 1.71; utoik-il'S ard IllOfitf; heifern Rood id; onnnoii and ineilium IKi'S: kooiI I l'i cnintiioii and 1 -linni 1 Ti1 1.7.1 riuiiiern and eulteiH Mocker cow find heifers Jliifi 4.10; l.iilln irood. Iieef y.nt! intcM ex-rli'ued 1.71 "i 1.10 eaunei- to tiiediuins Si ealves niotll to choiie JKKTr n.l'i; heavy i ii (i rulls and in "i I IliJJH- KeeclplM, 1.IS0; cooil rind $1 ITi 1 1.10; 1 Ijj-ht heavlcH Mllontll I ii 1 I medium heavier, smoolli $1.1 felt.

heavies smooth $11. fill H'13; anil heavy sovvm $10f(ll; fat PIkk and skipH $1 1.10; 1'eedcrn, kern, underweight 1 3. .10 (it 13.71, HEW YORK BONDS. New York, Sept. 13 Thp following are today's lilnh, and elos'np prin-s of liomls on the New York Kv cli.iiii;c and the, total sales of each I'cnd: S.

fjovrrniront bonds In dollar an! thirty-seconUs of 1' nonds liich Closo 1 I 101.2" l.iln fly Iii I.iIh i lsl 1 1 1 lit.29 rty Sn-I inn 20 l.ihi rty lid 1 1 101.5 Bladder Weakness Is often I esponsihle for Cicttmsr l'p NichlM. backache, htiriiiuir sensation, lost sleep iiml lowerej vitality. If you are a sufferer we Cystx Compound to allay your symptoms and make you feel youiiyer ami in .1 days or your uioni-y back. One week supply Cyttex Compound Only 60c. Sola by Mutoulj Drug Co.

Wliulcalr fo-tii Cyiteir Cemponad t.rTSi' THOMPSON FALLS all. Sent. 13. A farivvoll party va liinlcreil Mr. iiml Mr.

I.yman H. Tuisilay at the I. hall, following Iho rt-Kiilar liter-ting of I ho K. M. Iy tin' iii-iiiher of the Masonic;e iitnl Knsterii Star.

Mr. ami Mr. Itiirto Hie leaving Sepleniher 15 for New- York via l.o Anifle ami the ratianid eanal, to speml a f'W inoliths vlKltinir their on. AlphonHc Mr. liarto w-a caslilor of the First State hank here for the last 15 year.

They X- HfIX No More Gray Hair Don't think your hair need remain streaked with gray or even very pray. For more than ten years, pray haired men and women, whose huir at one time was brunette, blonde, red, auburn, brown or black, have used Kolor-Bak with entire satislaction, and are no longer gray. Kolor-Bak iii nclean. colorleSB liquid that hJ restored youthful to hundred or thimsaniK Ancany toapplyan water. itreqinres no experimenting with samples of your hair.

Just oik your dealer for Kolor-Hak. The one bottle in fur all hair, no matter what shade or color. Remilts often appear in a week. Ann with the disappearance of the Kray hair, the tonic properties of Kolor-Rok make it splendid tousefordunilruffand fallinehair. sucress i clearly shown by the sale or nearly 8.000,000 bottles, which proves its superiority.

Dealers everywhere Bell Kolor-Bnk with mr-sntee to return your nwney if it does not bnnit desired results. No excuse now for -any woman to look old, or any man to be for employment. Your drusritlst, ot re where toilet irooJs re sold, carries ko.or-Bali. Ask for it today. Banishes Gray Hair Special Sale $29 fries 50 V.

'l-At-fi-- 'JT'mr'- I fl Jj .1, art EAST SIDE SERVICE CO. PHONE 120 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiisiiMiirriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir 1 That Mortgage Our interest charge is 7 and 2-10 per cent, but divi- dends we credit make it even less. 1 MISSOULA BUILDING AN ASSOCIATION RICHARD H. 'SMITH IVSissouIa Drug Company MONEY MARKET. Sepl.

IS (l'l riii; limiin 1-ld enlis liun'il 1'olllilernl i I 1 I 'i IIHilllllS 4 I luvivniiiv iiir ll I nut satisfied, AJv,.

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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 6249

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.