TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (2024)

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TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (2)

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Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:06 am

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TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (scripts & functions) via Telegram# Script uses ideas by Sertik, Virtue, Pepelxl, Dimonw, Jotne, Alice Tails, drPioneer.# tested on ROS 6.49# updated 2022/02/08:do { :local botID "botXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; :local myChatID "-XXXXXXXXX"; :local launchScr true; :local launchFnc true; :local launchCmd true; # Function of searching comments for MAC-address # :local FindMacAddr do={ :if ($1 ~"[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]:[0-F][0-F]") do={ :foreach idx in=[ /ip dhcp-server lease find dynamic=no disabled=no; ] do={ :local mac [ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx mac-address; ]; :if ($1 ~"$mac") do={ :return ("$1 [$[ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx address; ]/\ $[ /ip dhcp-server lease get $idx comment; ]]."); } } :foreach idx in=[ /interface bridge host find; ] do={ :local mac [ /interface bridge host get $idx mac-address; ]; :if ($1 ~"$mac") do={ :return ("$1 [$[ /interface bridge host get $idx on-interface; ]]."); } } } :return ($1); } # Function of converting CP1251 to UTF8 # :local CP1251toUTF8 do={ :local cp1251 [:toarray {"\20";"\01";"\02";"\03";"\04";"\05";"\06";"\07";"\08";"\09";"\0A";"\0B";"\0C";"\0D";"\0E";"\0F"; \ "\10";"\11";"\12";"\13";"\14";"\15";"\16";"\17";"\18";"\19";"\1A";"\1B";"\1C";"\1D";"\1E";"\1F"; \ "\21";"\22";"\23";"\24";"\25";"\26";"\27";"\28";"\29";"\2A";"\2B";"\2C";"\2D";"\2E";"\2F";"\3A"; \ "\3B";"\3C";"\3D";"\3E";"\3F";"\40";"\5B";"\5C";"\5D";"\5E";"\5F";"\60";"\7B";"\7C";"\7D";"\7E"; \ "\C0";"\C1";"\C2";"\C3";"\C4";"\C5";"\C7";"\C7";"\C8";"\C9";"\CA";"\CB";"\CC";"\CD";"\CE";"\CF"; \ "\D0";"\D1";"\D2";"\D3";"\D4";"\D5";"\D6";"\D7";"\D8";"\D9";"\DA";"\DB";"\DC";"\DD";"\DE";"\DF"; \ "\E0";"\E1";"\E2";"\E3";"\E4";"\E5";"\E6";"\E7";"\E8";"\E9";"\EA";"\EB";"\EC";"\ED";"\EE";"\EF"; \ "\F0";"\F1";"\F2";"\F3";"\F4";"\F5";"\F6";"\F7";"\F8";"\F9";"\FA";"\FB";"\FC";"\FD";"\FE";"\FF"; \ "\A8";"\B8";"\B9"}]; :local utf8 [:toarray {"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"000A";"0020";"0020";"000D";"0020";"0020"; \ "0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020";"0020"; \ "0021";"0022";"0023";"0024";"0025";"0026";"0027";"0028";"0029";"002A";"002B";"002C";"002D";"002E";"002F";"003A"; \ "003B";"003C";"003D";"003E";"003F";"0040";"005B";"005C";"005D";"005E";"005F";"0060";"007B";"007C";"007D";"007E"; \ "D090";"D091";"D092";"D093";"D094";"D095";"D096";"D097";"D098";"D099";"D09A";"D09B";"D09C";"D09D";"D09E";"D09F"; \ "D0A0";"D0A1";"D0A2";"D0A3";"D0A4";"D0A5";"D0A6";"D0A7";"D0A8";"D0A9";"D0AA";"D0AB";"D0AC";"D0AD";"D0AE";"D0AF"; \ "D0B0";"D0B1";"D0B2";"D0B3";"D0B4";"D0B5";"D0B6";"D0B7";"D0B8";"D0B9";"D0BA";"D0BB";"D0BC";"D0BD";"D0BE";"D0BF"; \ "D180";"D181";"D182";"D183";"D184";"D185";"D186";"D187";"D188";"D189";"D18A";"D18B";"D18C";"D18D";"D18E";"D18F"; \ "D001";"D191";"2116"}]; :local convStr ""; :local code ""; :for i from=0 to=([:len $1]-1) do={ :local symb [:pick $1 $i ($i+1)]; :local idx [:find $cp1251 $symb]; :local key ($utf8->$idx); :if ([:len $key] != 0) do={ :set $code ("%$[:pick ($key) 0 2]%$[:pick ($key) 2 4]"); :if ([pick $code 0 3] = "%00") do={ :set $code ([:pick $code 3 6]); } } else={ :set code ($symb); }; :set $convStr ($convStr.$code); } :return ($convStr); } # Telegram messenger response parsing function # :local MsgParser do={ :local variaMod ("\"".$2."\""); :if ([:len [:find $1 $variaMod -1]]=0) do={ :return ("'unknown'"); } :local startLoc ([:find $1 $variaMod -1] + [:len $variaMod] +1); :local commaLoc ([:find $1 "," $startLoc]); :local brakeLoc ([:find $1 "}" $startLoc]); :local endLoc $commaLoc; :local startSymbol [:pick $1 $startLoc]; :if ($brakeLoc != 0 and ($commaLoc = 0 or $brakeLoc < $commaLoc)) do={ :set endLoc $brakeLoc; }; :if ($startSymbol = "{") do={ :set endLoc ($brakeLoc + 1); }; :if ($3 = true) do={ :set startLoc ($startLoc + 1); :set endLoc ($endLoc - 1); } :if ($endLoc < $startLoc) do={ :set endLoc ($startLoc + 1); }; :return ([:pick $1 $startLoc $endLoc]); } # Time translation function to UNIX-time # # Usage: $EpochTime [time input] # Get current time: put [$EpochTime] # Read log time in one of three format: "hh:mm:ss", "mmm/dd hh:mm:ss" or "mmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" :local EpochTime do={ :local ds [ /system clock get date; ]; :local ts [ /system clock get time; ]; :if ([:len $1] > 19) do={ :set ds "$[:pick $1 0 11]"; :set ts [:pick $1 12 20]; } :if ([:len $1] > 8 && [:len $1] < 20) do={ :set ds "$[:pick $1 0 6]/$[:pick $ds 7 11]"; :set ts [:pick $1 7 15]; } :local yesterday false; :if ([:len $1] = 8) do={ :if ([:totime $1] > ts) do={ :set yesterday (true); } :set ts $1; } :local months; :if ((([:pick $ds 9 11]-1)/4) != (([:pick $ds 9 11])/4)) do={ :set months {"an"=0;"eb"=31;"ar"=60;"pr"=91;"ay"=121;"un"=152;"ul"=182;"ug"=213;"ep"=244;"ct"=274;"ov"=305;"ec"=335}; } else={ :set months {"an"=0;"eb"=31;"ar"=59;"pr"=90;"ay"=120;"un"=151;"ul"=181;"ug"=212;"ep"=243;"ct"=273;"ov"=304;"ec"=334}; } :set ds (([:pick $ds 9 11]*365)+(([:pick $ds 9 11]-1)/4)+($months->[:pick $ds 1 3])+[:pick $ds 4 6]); :set ts (([:pick $ts 0 2]*3600)+([:pick $ts 3 5]*60)+[:pick $ts 6 8]); :if (yesterday) do={ :set ds ($ds-1); } :return ($ds*86400 + $ts + 946684800 - [ /system clock get gmt-offset; ]); } # Time conversion function from UNIX-time # # usage: [$UnixTimeToFormat "timeStamp" "type"] # type: "unspecified" - month/dd/yyyy <only> (Mikrotik sheduller format) # 1 - yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss # 2 - dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss # 3 - dd month yyy hh mm ss # 4 - yyyy month dd hh mm ss # 5 - month/dd/yyyy-hh:mm:ss (Mikrotik sheduller format) :local UnixTimeToFormat do={ :local decodedLine ""; :local timeStamp $1; :local timeS ($timeStamp % 86400); :local timeH ($timeS / 3600); :local timeM ($timeS % 3600 / 60); :set $timeS ($timeS - $timeH * 3600 - $timeM * 60); :local dateD ($timeStamp / 86400); :local dateM 2; :local dateY 1970; :local leap false; :while (($dateD / 365) > 0) do={ :set $dateD ($dateD - 365); :set $dateY ($dateY + 1); :set $dateM ($dateM + 1); :if ($dateM = 4) do={ :set $dateM 0; :if (($dateY % 400 = 0) or ($dateY % 100 != 0)) do={ :set $leap true; :set $dateD ($dateD - 1); } } else={ :set $leap false; } } :local months [:toarray (0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)]; :if (leap) do={ :set $dateD ($dateD + 1); :set ($months->2) 29; } :do { :for i from=1 to=12 do={ :if (($months->$i) > $dateD) do={ :set $dateM $i; :set $dateD ($dateD + 1); break; } else={ :set $dateD ($dateD - ($months->$i)); } } } on-error={} :local tmod; :if ([:len $2]!=0) do={ :set $tmod $2; } else={ :set $tmod (:nothing); } :local s "/"; :local nf true; :local mstr {"jan";"feb";"mar";"apr";"may";"jun";"jul";"aug";"sep";"oct";"nov";"dec"}; :local strY [:tostr $dateY]; :local strMn; :local strD; :local strH; :local strM; :local strS; :if ($nf) do={ :if ($dateM > 9) do={ :set $strMn [:tostr $dateM]; } else={ :set $strMn ("0".[:tostr $dateM]); } :if ($dateD > 9) do={ :set $strD [:tostr $dateD]; } else={ :set $strD ("0".[:tostr $dateD]); } :if ($timeH > 9) do={ :set $strH [:tostr $timeH]; } else={ :set $strH ("0".[:tostr $timeH]); } :if ($timeM > 9) do={ :set $strM [:tostr $timeM]; } else={ :set $strM ("0".[:tostr $timeM]); } :if ($timeS > 9) do={ :set $strS [:tostr $timeS]; } else={ :set $strS ("0".[:tostr $timeS]); } } else={ :set strMn [:tostr $dateM]; :set strD [:tostr $dateD]; :set strH [:tostr $timeH]; :set strM [:tostr $timeM]; :set strS [:tostr $timeS]; } :do { :if ([:len $tmod]=0) do={ :local mt ($mstr->($dateM - 1)); :set $decodedLine ("$mt/"."$strD/"."$strY"); break; } :if ($tmod = 1) do={ :set $decodedLine "$strY$s$strMn$s$strD $strH:$strM:$strS"; break; } :if ($tmod = 2) do={ :set $decodedLine "$strD$s$strMn$s$strY $strH:$strM:$strS"; break; } :if ($tmod = 3) do={ :set $decodedLine ("$strD ".($mstr->($dateM - 1))." $strY $strH:$strM:$strS"); break; } :if ($tmod = 4) do={ :set $decodedLine ("$strY ".($mstr->($dateM - 1))." $strD $strH:$strM:$strS"); break; } :if ($tmod = 5) do={ :local m ($mstr->($dateM - 1)); :set $decodedLine ("$m/"."$strD/"."$strY"."-$strH:$strM:$strS"); break; } } on-error={} :return ($decodedLine); } # Main body of the script :global timeAct; :global timeLog; :local nameID [ /system identity get name; ]; :local timeOf [ /system clock get gmt-offset; ]; :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Start of TLGRM-script on '$nameID' router."); :if ([:len $timeAct] > 0) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ($timeAct + $timeOf) 1] - Time when the last command was launched."); } :if ([:len $timeLog] > 0) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ($timeLog + $timeOf) 1] - Time when the log entries were last sent."); } # Part of the script body to launch via Telegram # :local timeStamp [$EpochTime]; :local urlString "$botID/getUpdates\?offset=-1&limit=1&allowed_updates=message"; :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - *** Stage of launch scripts, function & commands via Telegram:"); :if ([:len $timeAct] = 0) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Time of the last launch of the command was not found."); :set timeAct $timeStamp; } else={ :local httpResp [ /tool fetch url=$urlString as-value output=user; ]; :local content ($httpResp->"data"); :if ([:len $content] > 30) do={ :local msgTxt [$MsgParser $content "text" true]; :set msgTxt ([:pick $msgTxt ([:find $msgTxt "/" -1] +1) [:len $msgTxt]]); :local msgAddr ([:pick $msgTxt 0 [:find $msgTxt " " -1]]); :if ([:len [:find $msgTxt " "]]=0) do={ :set msgAddr ("$msgTxt "); } :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Recipient of the Telegram message: '$msgAddr'") :if ($msgAddr=$nameID or $msgAddr="forall") do={ :set msgTxt ([:pick $msgTxt ([:find $msgTxt $msgAddr -1] + [:len $msgAddr] +1) [:len $msgTxt]]); :local chat [$MsgParser $content "chat"]; :local chatId [$MsgParser $chat "id"]; :local userName [$MsgParser $content "username"]; :set timeStamp [$MsgParser $content "date"]; :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Sender of the Telegram message: $userName") :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Command to execute: '$msgTxt'") :local restline []; :if ([:len [:find $msgTxt " "]] !=0) do={ :set restline [:pick $msgTxt ([:find $msgTxt " "] +1) [:len $msgTxt]]; :set msgTxt [:pick $msgTxt 0 [:find $msgTxt " "]]; } :if ($chatId=$myChatID && $timeAct<$timeStamp) do={ :set timeAct ($timeStamp); :if ([/system script environment find name=$msgTxt;]!="" && $launchFnc=true) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Telegram user $userName launches function '$msgTxt'."); :log warning ("Telegram user $userName launches function '$msgTxt'."); [:parse ":global $msgTxt; [\$$msgTxt $restline]"]; } :if ([/system script find name=$msgTxt;]!="" && $launchScr=true) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Telegram user $userName activates script '$msgTxt'."); :log warning ("Telegram user $userName activates script '$msgTxt'."); /system script run $msgTxt; } :if ([/system script find name=$msgTxt;]="" && [/system script environment find name=$msgTxt;]="" && $launchCmd=true) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Telegram user $userName is trying to execute command '$msgTxt'."); :log warning ("Telegram user $userName is trying to execute command '$msgTxt'."); :do {[:parse "/$msgTxt $restline"]} on-error={} } } else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Wrong time to launch."); } } else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - No command found for this device."); } } else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Completion of response from Telegram."); } } # Part of the script body for notifications in Telegram # :local outMsg ""; :local logGet [ :toarray [ /log find ($topics ~"warning" || $topics ~"error" || $topics ~"critical" || $topics ~"caps" \ || $topics ~"wireless" || $message ~"logged in"); ]]; :local logCnt [ :len $logGet ]; :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - *** Stage of sending notifications to Telegram:"); :if ([:len $timeLog] = 0) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Time of the last log entry was not found."); :set outMsg (">$[ /system clock get time; ] Telegram notification started."); } :if ($logCnt > 0) do={ :local lastTime [$EpochTime [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt-1)] time; ]]; :local index 0; :local tempTime; :local tempMessage; :local tempTopic; :local unixTime; :do { :set index ($index + 1); :set tempTime [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] time; ]; :set tempTopic [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] topics; ]; :set tempMessage [ /log get [:pick $logGet ($logCnt - $index)] message; ]; :set tempMessage (">".$tempTime." ".$tempMessage); :local findMacMsg ([$FindMacAddr $tempMessage]); :set unixTime [$EpochTime $tempTime]; :if (($unixTime > $timeLog) && (!(($tempTopic ~"caps" || $tempTopic ~"wireless" || $tempTopic ~"dhcp") \ && ($tempMessage != $findMacMsg)))) do={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Found log entry: $findMacMsg"); :set outMsg ($findMacMsg."\n".$outMsg); } } while=(($unixTime > $timeLog) && ($index < $logCnt)); :if (([:len $timeLog] < 1) || (([:len $timeLog] > 0) && ($timeLog != $lastTime) && ([:len $outMsg] > 8) )) do={ :set timeLog $lastTime; :if ([:len $outMsg] > 4096) do={ :set outMsg ([:pick $outMsg 0 4096]); } :set outMsg [$CP1251toUTF8 $outMsg]; :set outMsg ("$Emoji "."$nameID".":"."%0A"."$outMsg"); :local urlString ("$botID/sendmessage\?chat_id=$myChatID&text=$outMsg"); :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Generated string for Telegram:\r\n".$urlString); /tool fetch url=$urlString as-value output=user; } else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - There are no log entries to send."); } } else={ :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - Necessary log entries were not found."); } :put ("$[$UnixTimeToFormat ([$EpochTime] + $timeOf) 1] - End of TLGRM-script on '$nameID' router.");} on-error={ :put ("Script error: something didn't work when sending a request to Telegram."); :put ("*** First, check the correctness of the values of the variables botID & myChatID. ***"); }



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TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (4)

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Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:49 pm

Thanks for giving me credits and for using code tags and tabs.
But you can remove all ; at end of all lines. Only needed when there are multiple commands on same line.



TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (6)

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Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:57 pm

Hello, Jotne ! Thank you for your advice. You can also delete all the ":" characters at the beginning of the lines, we know about it, just follow the syntax of the language.



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TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (8)

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Wed Feb 09, 2022 10:01 pm

No, someone told me that removing : in front will make some stuff not working

Last edited by Jotne on Fri Jul 14, 2023 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.



TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (10)

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Sun Feb 27, 2022 7:16 pm

Changing the line

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 /system script run $msgTxt;

per line

Code: Select all

 [[:parse "[:parse [/system script get $msgTxt source]] $restline"]]

and we get the opportunity to run scripts with the transfer of positional and named parameters to them !

My thanks to Chupaka !

Thus, the TLGRM script provides the launch of environment functions with the transmission of parameters, the launch of scripts with the transmission of parameters, the direct execution of ROS commands, the broadcast of certain log events to the Telegram messenger.



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Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:18 pm

Could anybody please answer, how to handle errors during connection to Telegram server? Now if I get any error (telegram did not answered for example), this script just pass by. I don't want to script running until success, but also don't want pass something important.



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Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:15 am

Could anybody please answer, how to handle errors during connection to Telegram server? Now if I get any error (telegram did not answered for example), this script just pass by. I don't want to script running until success, but also don't want pass something important.

Hello. Use the updated version of the script adapted for ROS 6.49.x and ROS 7.12. ... ageHandler

Last edited by drpioneer on Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:34 pm, edited 7 times in total.



TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (14)

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Mon Jul 17, 2023 4:37 pm

An alternative system Telegram active Runner and Notifier (TaRaN) has also been created:

the truth is not adapted yet under ROS7


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TLGRM - combined notifications script & launch of commands (2024)
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