The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

urer, W. W. Carpenter Pyle THE (D). INDIANAPOLIS Edward J. (R): re- of were from Combined the the fully FRIDAY, Washington, 12 United close Reserve of on Federal hand fund--Federal business Board and and NOVEMBER or in by liabilities banks thou- the 545 11, 1938.

of oil markets call Mrs. Dovey Adair, Boeschen Wednesday, E. Clara Mrs. and Adair, La, 56 Clara brother years, of into of STAR, 21 Schools, Is Wilde's Plea plea A that the increased costs of democracy not be permitted to deprive the public schools of sufficient funds for their effective operation, was made by Carl Wilde, president of the Board of School Commissioners, in an address at the American Education night 2301 Park meeting last, nueive be prepared to defend cumins institutions against the wave of dictatorial government which seems to threaten inundate world." Mr. Wilde said.

"It is our duty, as supporters of the public schools, to become fully informed as to the proper needs of the schools, and then to bring the facts before the general public. If this is done, if all our citizens are advised of what the results of an inadequately maintained school system will be we may well hope that the dangers we apprehend will be averted." St. Joseph's to Wind I Up Grid Season Tomorrow to The Indianapolis Collegeville, Nov. Three Cardinal senior regulars will appear in their final collegiate football game Saturday against the Spartans at North Manchester. They are Barney Badke, fullback; Fred Jones, left tackle, and Harry Tipman, left guard.

It is expected that Capt. Ray Michaelwicz, injured junior, may see some action in the final tilt and Bechler will be better physical Halfbacks Bob Duax, and Larry trim. They played only about three minutes against the Warriors. In Indiana Conference play the Cards were shaded by Valparaiso, 14-13; tied Ball State, 13-13, and won from Central Normal, 21-0, the failure to score points in the first two games, preventing them from finishing high in the race. 13 Southport Seniors To Take Final Trip Thirteen seniors are listed on the squad of 24 Coach A.

E. Pitcher of Southport High School will take to Evansville today for the final game of the season tonight with the Bosse eleven. Seniors are John Williams, Charles Wilson, Bill Shimer, Alvin Marschke, Harold Miller, William Bavender, Frank Sawyer, Harold Coats, Victor Blankenship, Herman Daily, Don Davidson, Fred Hoeltke and Loren MacBeth. The game will be the first meeting of the schools on the gridiron. Freshman End Shifted To Backfield Position to The Indianapolis North Manchester, Nov.

10. -Coach Carl Burt shifted a freshman end, Hoke, to a backfield tion today as he continued his search for a punter to use in Manchester's clash with St. Joseph's gridmen Saturday. Defense was stressed during the brisk practice session but the probstarting lineup remained in doubt because of the crippled condition of the Spartan squad. News of the Courts.

SUPREME COURT. MINUTES. 27122. Board of Trustees, vs. State ex Rausch et al.

Clay C. C. Appellant's briefs, with receipt. Felon APPELLATE COURT. MINUTES.

15762. Wood vs. Chicago Erie Railroad Company. Wabash C. C.

Appellant's second additional authorities. 16242. Sullivan O'Brien, vs. jections to appellee's application for Kennedy. Marion S.

C. a Appellant's obcertiorari. 16252. Western Wheeled Scraper Company vs. Scott Construction Company et al.

Marion S. C. Motion by appellees, ana National Bank et al to dismiss, notice. 16223. Boyce et al vS.

Girton et al. Industrial Board. Appellants' petition and briefs for rehearing, with proof of service. 16221. City of Indianapolis vs.

Butzke. Clinton C. C. Appellant's petition for time and copy. 16134.

Long et al vs. VanOsdale et al. Whitley C. C. Appellants' petition to amend briefs, with notice.


Joseph L. Huber et al. Mechanics lien. S. K.

Ruick. 55527. Cora Sowers vs. Perry L. Sowers.

Divorce. Edward C. Eikman. SUPERIOR COURT. -Room 2111.

Lillian E. Carroll vs. J. T. Carroll.

Divorce. C. Patterson. 2116. William J.

Blackley vs. M. A. Blackley. Divorce.

R. M. Barry. 2121. Dearborn Park Realty H.

and M. Bridges. Mortgage. 0. C.

Fetta. -Room 2112. Bette Husted vs. Carroll Trimble. Damages S.

A. Clinehens. 02117. Dean Wehner ve. Superior Trailer Manufacturing Corporation and Camden Fire Insurance Association.

Damages. Walter A. Whetsel. -Room 2113. C.

I. Ballman vs. C. W. Ballman.

Limited divorce. J. A. Collins. 2118.

Dearborn Park Realty Company, vs. Harris Bridges and M. Bridges. Note. 0.

C. C. Fetta. -Room 2109. Richard J.

Ward VS. Robert N. Bowen et al. Foreclosure of street improvement liens. Frank J.

Noll. 2114. The H. Lieber Company vs. Department of Treasury of the state of Indiana.

Recovery of gross income taxes improperly charged and collected. Herman W. Kothe. -Room 2110. Francis G.

Tewell and Edna Tewell vs. Charles E. Cox and Pearl A. Cox. Damages.

Ira M. Holmes. SUITS FILED IN MUNICIPAL COURT. -Room 74767. Robert Perkins vs.

Ethel son. Damages. George A. Hofmann. 74771.

Willard H. Warner vs. A. Spadorcia and Brooks of Indiana, Inc. Account.

Kagan and Salman. -Room 74766. Pearson Company, Vs. Edward Holland and G. Holland.

Replevin for immediate possession. Blue and Haupt. 74768. Albert E. Thompson vs.

Frances Jinks. Damages. Seth S. Ward. 74770.

Willard H. Warner V8. Sam Campbell, Campbell and Brooks Indiana. Account. Kagan and Salman.

PATSY PERRONI WINS. New York, Nov. Perroni, Cleveland heavyweight, scored a technical knockout over Nick Rabin of Bethlehem, tonight in the sixth round of their scheduled eight-round main-go at the Jamaica Arena. NEW YOEK DRY GOODS. New York.

Nov. -Cotton goods markets were again active today and about 7.000,000 yards of print cloths were sold at the higher prices established yesterday. Demand for sheetings and other heavy fabrics was better. Rayon yarns sold in fair amounts but gray goods markets were quiet. Raw silk advanced 2 cents a pound.

Burlap held quietly firm. FEDERAL WINNERS IN INDIANA COUNTIES (D); Auditor, Victor Eicher ADAMS. clerk, Clyde Troutner (D); sheriff, Ed Miller (D); treasurer, John Blakey (D). BARTHOLOMEW. BARTHOLOMEW.

Assessor, Fred B. Newby (R); auditor, Leonard R. Thayer (D); Clerk, 0. D. (Buck) Wilson (R); coroner, Dr.

William Sigmund (R); (R); sheriff, Elmer Nolting (R); recorder, Mrs. Mollie. McFerron surveyor, Hadley C. Thomas (R); treasurer, John Bonham (R). BLACKFORD.

BROWN. Assessor, Clint Parnell (D); auditor, Floyd Huffman (R); coroner, Dr. Charles Aucreman (D); sheriff, Ralph Kline (D); surveyor, James Poulson (D); treasurer, Omer Risinger (D). BROWN. Assessor, Everett Ogle (D); auditor, Grant Rogers (R); clerk, Cecil Seitz (D); coroner, L.

B. Crabtree (D); sheriff, Millard Campbell (D); surveyor, Oral Voland (D); treasurer, Arthur L. Coffey (D). CARROLL. Assessor, Earl Thompson (R); auditor, Wade Farr (D); coroner, Dr.

Hubert Gros (R); sheriff. Harry Cree (R); surveyor, Charles W. Wilson (D); treasurer, Charles A. Eikenberry (R). CASS.

Assessor, Ross Hawkins (R); auditor, Herbert Condon (R); coroner, Dr. M. B. Stewart (R); recorder, Stewart Gordon (R); sheriff, Elmer Craig (R); surveyor, James Chase (R); treasurer, Wilbar Zieg (D). CLARK.

Assessor, Millard A. Badger (D); auditor, Charles A. Nutting (D); clerk, George Groher (R); coroner, Edwin M. (D): recorder, William H. Vissing (D); sheriff, Claude C.

Conner (D); surveyor, Kepler W. Barnes (D); treasurer, Eugene S. Babb (D). CLINTON. Assessor, Lewis King (R); auditor, Herman McMurtry (R); clerk, Waldo W.

Waddell (R): coroner, Howard Moore (R); sheriff, Hamilton (R); surveyor, John Allen (R); treasurer, John Coyner (R). CRAWFORD. Assessor, Claude Fancher (D): clerk, John F. Limp (D); coroner, James Crawford (D): recorder, Emerson T. Kellams (D); sheriff, R.

Harmon treasurer, George Lu. Jones (D); surveyor, Charles S. Dooley (D). DAVIESS. Assessor, Gilbert White (R); auditor, R.

Ernest Clark (R); clerk, Roscoe T. Myers (R); coroner, Dr. C. P. Scudder (R); recorder, Oral G.

McCracken (R); sheriff, Jesse C. Alberty (R); surveyor, Austin L. Myers (R); treasurer, Elmer G. Utterback (R). DEARBORN.

Assessor, Thomas Beggs (D); auditor, Harry Nolke (D): clerk, Edgar Sale (D): coroner, Harry Moon (D); recorder, Bernice Crider (D); sheriff, William Winegard (D); surseyor, Shanks (D); treasurer, Charles Bobring (D). DECATUR. DeKALB. DECATUR. Assessor, Daniel Alsman (R): clerk, Earl Woodard (R): coroner, Carlos Land; recorder, Bertha Alexander sheriff, Sam Curry (R); surveyor, Paul Huber (R); treasurer, Early Grayson (R).

DeKALB. Assessor, Charles E. Miser (R); auditor, Burley Ensley (R); coroner, John R. Clark (R); recorder, Albert Gould Stanley (R); sheriff, Artus Coyle (R); surveyor, Wayne T. VanAuken (R); treasurer, Harvey Phelps (R).

DELAWARE. Assessor, Wilbur Van Arsdol (R); auditor, August Meyers (R); clerk, Jesse Greene (R); coroner, Earl Parsons (R); recorder, Robert Neiswanger (R); sheriff, Otis Snodgrass (R); surveyor, John Watson (R); treasurer, Kenneth Foster (R). ELKHART. Assessor, Harve F. Banta (R); auditor, Herbert Sisterhen (R); clerk, Thomas M.

Long (R); oner, Ray A. Bowman (R); recorder, Roy M. Amos (R); sheriff, Ralph E. Logan (R); surveyor, Robert P. Weaver (R); treasurer, James L.

Printy (R). FAYETTE Assessor, Virgil J. Barker (R); auditor, Byron Jackson (D); clerk, John H. Scholl (D); coroner, Francis B. Mountain (R); recorder, Glen Church (R); sheriff, Lester Hunt (D); surveyor, George R.

Carter (R); treasurer, Eugene Funk (D). FLOYD. Assessor, George A. Bathes (R); auditor, John Peters (R); clerk, Oda L. Pyle (R); coroner, Frank T.

Tyler (D); sheriff, Raymond L. Jaegers (R); surveyor, Charles E. Condra (R); treasurer, Arthur A. Holz (R). FOUNTAIN.

Assessor, Clinton D. Smith (R): auditor, William W. Light (D); clerk, Charles F. Frey (D); coroner, Wisher Myers (R); recorder, Paul W. Briner (R); sheriff, William H.


Gold certificates due States Treasury. .11,317,698 Redemtpion serve notes Other cash 351.798 Total reserves .11,675,567 Bills discountedSecured by United States government obligations, direct guaranteed 4.680 Other bills discounted 3,120 Total bills discounted. 1.800 Bills bought in open market Industrial advances 13,163 United States government SecuritiesBonds 787.327 Treasury notes 1,164.565 Treasury bills Total, United securities States 2.534.015 Total bills and securities 2.587,523 Due from foreign banks 176 Federal Reserve notes of other banks Uncollected items 556.371 Bank premises 44.203 All other assets 49,544 Total assets 14,938,831 LIABILITIES. Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation 4,355,754 DepositsMember bank account 8,546,166 United States Treasurer eral account 577.766 Foreign bank 218,033 Other deposits 312,482 Total deposits 9,654.447 Deferred availability items 575,025 Capital paid in 134.003 147.739 Surplus (See. 138) 27,683 Reserve for contingencies 32.707 All other liabilities 11,473 Total labilities 14.938.831 Ratio of total reserves to deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities combined 83.4 per cent; contingent liability on bit's purchased for foreign correspondents 324.

Commitments to make industrial advances 13,318. COTTON MARKET. New York, Nov. 10. (P) -New highs for the current movement were touched in some cotton deliveries today the trade bought against better sales of cotton goods.

March advanced from 8.45 cents to 8.51 cents and closed at 8.50 cents, with final prices 6 to 8 points net higher. The range follows: High. Low. Close, December 8.59 8.52 8.58 January 8.50 8.44 8.50 March 8.51 8.45 8.50 May 8.31 8.21 8.30 July 8.19 8.10 8.18 October 7.96 7.87 7.96 Spot, nominal; middling, 9.18e. New York, Nov.

10. -(P) -Cottonseed oil held generally steady today, closing unchanged 2 points net lower with sales of 83 contracts, Traders were generally inclined to await publication of the Census Bureau report on Saturday. December closed 7.48c, January 7.58c, March 7.70c, May 7.81c. METAL MARKETS. New York, Nov.

10. (P) -Copper Steady; electrolytie spot, 11.25e; export, 11.34c. Tin spot and nearby, forward, $16.80. Lead -Steady; spot; New York, $5.10 5.15; East St. Louis, $4.93.

Zine-Steady: East St. Louis spot and forward, $5.05 Pig iron. aluminum. antimony, quicksilver, platinum and Chinese wolframite unchanged. London, Nov.

10. -Closing: Copper -Standard spot, £46 128 6d; future, £46 178 6d: electrolytic spot, bid asked 10s. Tin -Spot, (214 155: future, (215 58. Bids: Lead- Spot, (16 3d: future, £16 108. Zine- Spot, £14 158; future, £14 9d.

RAW SILK FUTURES. New York, Nov. 10. -(P) Raw milk futures (old contraets) closed to lower. Sales, 150 bales.

High. Low. Close, December 1.77½ 1.77 1.76½* February 1.75 1.75 1.75• No. futures closed lower. Sales, 140 bales.

March 1.74 1.74 1.731* April 1.74 1.74 1.73 No. 2 futures closed unchanged to point lower. Sales, 10 bales. May 1.70 1.70 1.49½ Open market (60-day basin): Japanese special crack double extra, 81 per cent seriplane, 13-158, 1.83c. WOOL TRADE LAGS.

Boston, Nov. 10. -(1) (United States Department of Agriculture) ing was tending to slacken on the Boston wool market today, A few buyers were taking fine territory wools, but their purchases were confined mostly to small lots which they could buy at lower than recent prices on sizeable quantities. Sales included mostly short French combing fine territory, wools, cents, in scoured original basis. bags, at mostly BUTTER, EGG FUTURES.

Chicago, Nov. -Butter futures -Storage standards: High. Low. Close, November .25 December January .25 .25 .25 Egg futures -Refrigerator standarda: November December .23 .23 January 221 NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Nov.

23c; sales, 44; receipta, 195; shipments, 80; stock, 51,870. Rosin- Firm sales, 73; receipts, shipments, 300: stock, 287,883. Quote: D. $4.25: F. $4.95: H.

1, WG, ww. $6.65. This market will be closed tomorrow. CANADIAN SILVER. Montreal, Nov.

-Hilver Futures closed unchanged. No sales. Bid: No- vember, $41. (D); recorder, Clyde 0. Smedley (D); sheriff, Charles W.

Moore (D); surveyor, Ray Colglazier (D); treasurer, Mrs. Monta Bush (D), WELLS. Assessor, Frank C. Huffman (D); auditor, C. E.

Fishbaugh (D); clerk, Chauncy Wilson (D); coroner, Dr. William Gitlin (D); sheriff, Fleming French (D); surveyor, Ralph Haifley (D); treasurer, Brooks McCarty (D). WHITE. Assessor, Ivan Elmore (R); clerk, Guy Malone coroner, W. L.

Henry (R); recorder, E. C. (R); sheriff, Shigley (R); surveyor, Sikko Swartz (R); treasurer, Claude Scott (R). WHITLEY. Assessor, Glenn A.

Sheeler (D); auditor, Eugene Beard (R); clerk, Merl O. Plattner (D); coroner, Park Huffman (D); recorder, George Cummins (R); sheriff, John W. Ballard (R); treasurer, Paul Briggs (D). Urges Developing Of State Oil Fields for new Possibilities Indianapolts business and manufacturing concerns through the development of new fields in southwestern Indiana and southern Illinois were outlined yesterday by Ben F. Hake, senior geologist of the Gulf Oil Corporation for the Middle West areas, at a luncheon of the board of directors and the wholesale trade committee of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce at the Indianapolis Athletic Club.

Mr. Hake pointed out that there is a revival of interest in the possibilities of development of the oil territory in the Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky areas. Most activities in Indiana, he said, have been confined largely to Posey, Spencer, Warrick and other southwestern counties, where some wells have been brought in. Earlier drilling had brought in wells north of Vincennes and in Vigo county. Candidates to serve three-year terms as directors beginning Jan.

1, were reported. They are Joseph J. Daniels of Baker and Daniels, attorneys; Howard T. Griffith, president of the Udell Works; D. M.

Klausmeyer, general manager of the Chevrolet commercial body division of the General Motors Corporation; George S. Olive of George S. Olive and Company; Paul Q. Richey of Promotion Appraisals, James H. Ruddell, dent and treasurer of Central vice Rubber and Supply Company and Edward Zink, sales manager of Eli Lilly Co.

Election of directors will be Dec. 13. Vital Statistics. BIRTHS. BOYS.

Emmett. Josephine Stephens, St. Vincent's Hospital. Herman, Helen Wild, St. Vincent's Hospital.

Frank, Margaret McKinney, St. Vincent's Hospital. Ralph, Margaret Tully, St. Vincent's Hospital. Clarence, Viola Francis, 1026 Spruce.

Gerald, Henrietta Dailey, St. Vincent's Hospital. Peter, Imogene Blanco, St. Vincent's Hospital, Paul, Marguerite Kellermeler, St. Vincent's Hospital.

Earle, Martha Stevenson, St. Vincent's Hospital, Harold, Alma Whister, 543 North Oakland Lando, Mildred Heiny, 2124 Langley. Dale, Sadie DeHart, 337 North Pine. James, Ernestine Cowherd, 225 West New York. Lawrence, Gladys Pinnick, 1926 South Delaware.

GIRLS. Francis, Eileen Cadwallader, St. Vincent's Hospital. Leo, Rosemary Evans, St. Vincent's Hospital.

Leo, Marie Donahue, St. Vincent's Hospital. Edward, Sue Gehrich, St. Vincent's pital. Ralph, Ruth Goa, St.

Vincent's Hospital. Howard, Helen Rettig. St. Vincent'8 Hospital, Ronald, Mildred Fox, St. Vincent's Hospital.

Edward, Margaret Dowd, 8t. Hospital. Kenneth, Wilma Dawson, St. Vincent': Hospital. Carl, Dorothy Cory, St.

Vincent's Hospital. Theodore, Lucille Wilson, St. Vincent's Hospital. Howard, Gertrude Nelson, 308 North Hamilton. Cyril, Nancy Leitzman, 941 Harrison.

Robert, Wanda White, 313 North Pine. Walter, Mabel Powell, 1124 Calhoun, Harold, Martha Wilkins, 232 Blake. MARRIAGE LICENSEN. Charlotte McClamrock. .151 South Junior Allen New Opal Helen 1508 Joseph D.

Lawhorn. 49 North Castle Kimber Dearborn Emerson BURIAL, PERMITS. Dena Jeffrey, 76, 3543 Winthrop, cerebral hemorrhage. Thomas A. Hartley, 68, Methodist Hospital, concussion of brain.

Eva Roberta, 46, Central Indiana Hospital, epilepsy. James E. Hudson, 77, 525 Hampton drive, arteriosclerosis. Infant Powell, 6 hours, 1124 Calhoun, premature birth. James Chester Hoback, 30, 725 East 16th, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Barbara Jenn Childers, 6 months, City Hospital, broncho-pneumonia. James VanCleave, 53, City Hospital, lobar pneumonia. Wilfred Behr, 29, 615 Virginia, acute myocarditis. David Umstaedter, 82, Methodist Hospital, arteriosclerosis. Carrie Johnson, 46, 1913 Alvord, cerebral hemorrhage.

Nannie Smith, 73, West Vermont, cerebral thrombosis. Thomas Beamer, 27, Long Hospital, pneumonia. John Russett, 70, 328 East Washington, coronary thrombosis. Oria Drake, 60, City Hospital, cerebral hemorrhage. Incorporations.

Custom-Bilt Pipes, 820 Occidental Indianapolis: resident agent, Hamilton C. Dowell, same address; capital stock, 120 shares no par value: objects, to manufacture pipes and deal in tobacco, cigars, etc. Incorporators, Hamilton C. Dowell, John 8. Easley and Tracy Mincer.

Water Conditioning, 609 Jackson street, Gary; resident agent, Elwood D. Blueck. same address; capital stock, 000 shares no par value; objects, to sell water pumps, water conditioners, stokers, refrigerating machinery, etc. Incorporatora, Elwood D. Glueck, Burton Blueck and Verden Glueck.

The Hinde Dauch Paper Company, Ohio corporation; change of agent to Jacob 8. White, 1511 Merchants Bank building, Indianapolis. Big Boonville Fair Association, Boonville: capital stock, 100 shares of $50 par value; objects, to conduct fair in Warrick counand promote study of agriculture. Incorporatora, Charles H. Taylor, Estell Taylor, Charles H.

Johnson and others. James B. Beam Distilling Company, Clermont, registration of trade-mark, "Sunnyford -Kentucky Straight Bourbon Class 48: Spirituous liquors, SHOT FIGHTING THUG. Edwin Brubeck, 18 years old, 1251 Markwood street, reported to police last night that he was shot in the leg during a scuffle with a bandit at Shelby street and National avenue. Brubeck, whom police ordered held in the detention ward at City Hospital pending investigation of his story, said the bandit approached carrying a rifle and said, "This is a stickup." Brubeck said he grasped the weapon and in the struggle which followed was wounded in the leg.

Announcements. Death Notices. ADAIR- -Warren entered rest age husband Mrs. father Blanche Mrs. Wright, son Adair, of William G.

Verna Davis, Mrs. Lillie Biddle, Mrs. Maude Smeak. Funeral Saturday, 2 p. at HARRY W.

MOORE FUNERAL CHAPEL. Burial Washington Park cemetery. ASHINGER-Addie, age 69 years, beloved wife of William, passed away Thursday. Funeral Saturday, Nov. 12, 8:30 a.

at residence, 1357 Oliver 9 a. Assumption Church. Friends invited. Burial Crown Hill cemetery. Friends may at residence.

Altar Society will meet at the home at 8 p. m. for prayer. GEORGE W. USHER SERVICE.

BALDUS- beloved sister of Mrs. Iva Olman, and Oscar 0. Fox of Grand Rapids, and Mrs. Ida H. Frees of Muskingum.

passed away at her residence, 6531 Ferguson Wednesday morning, Nov. 9. Funeral services will be held at the WALD FUNERAL HOME, Illinois at 17th Saturday afternoon, Nov. 12, at 2 o'clock. Burial Crown Hill cemetery, Friends are welcome.

BANTA- Edgar Otas, husband of Helen, son of Oren and Mary May Banta, brother of Nina Robinson, Eva Holeman, and George Banta passed away Thursday, Nov. 10. Funeral Saturday, 2 p. 111. at Rock Lane Christian Church, 5 miles east of Greenwood on Greenwood and Shelbyville rd.

Burial Greenwood cemetery. Friends may call at the home of the parents near Rock Lane. BATTS-Sam, husband of Rachel and father of William, Charles and Louis Batts, of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Alma Weigand, New and grandfather of Carol Ann, passed away Wednesday evening at his home, 1370 Pruitt st. Service at residence Saturday, 10 a.

111. Friends invited. Burial Menden cemetery, BRIDGES- Walter, 60 years of age, of California husband of Mrs. May Bridges, father of Mrs. William Baker, Harold W.

and Walter 8. Bridges, brother of Mrs. Fannie Mahan of Anderson: Alfred H. Bridges and Mrs. Dell Decker of this eity, passed away Nov.

9. Funeral Friday, Nov. 11, 2 p. at the residence. Burial Mt.

Pleasant cemetery. Friends invited. Friends may call at any time. For information call JORDAN FUNERAL HOME, CH. 1132.

BROWN- -Mary Madelein Kountz, age 43. beloved wife of Guy Brown, mother of Mildred McKinney and Esther Arthur, daughter of John Kountz, sister of Ted and Karl Kountz, Anna Kelley and Mrs. Agnes Johnson, passed away Wednesday. Funeral Saturday, 1:30 at SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL, Illinois at 10th.

Burial Crown Hill. Friends may call at chapel any time. (Ky.) papers please CARVIN- Mrs. Fannie widow of the late Frank Carvin, mother of Mra. Wade Helms, Cleveland, and sister of A.

B. Cornelius of Indianapolis, passed away in Cleveland Tuesday, Nov. 8. Funeral services in Indianapolis 2 p. m.

Friday, Nov. 11, at the RAGSDALE PRICE FUNERAL HOME. 1219 N. Alabama st. Friends invited.

Interment Crown Hill. Friends may call at funeral home Friday morning. HIGNITE Raymond Douglas, darling little son of Raymond and Grace Becker Hignite, grandson of Polle and Sallie Becker, departed this life Wednesday, age 4 years, Funeral Friday, Nov. 11, at the MOORE KIRK IRVINGTON MORTUARY, 5342 E. Washington 10 a.

m. Burial Washington Park cemetery, KARIBO -Bertha beloved mother of E. C. Karibo, sister of Edward and George Miller Mrs. Carrie Holtman and Mrs.

Otto Mix, died at the home of her son, 559 N. Oxford Thursday, Friends may call at the KIRBY MORTUARY. Funeral Saturday, 8:15, at the mortuary; 9 a. m. St.

Philip Nerl Church. Friends invited. MANGOLD -Lewis age 60 years. husband of Marie, father of Fred, Lambert, John and Robert, passed away Nov. 8.

Frienda may call at the W. T. BLASENGYM CHAPEL, 2228 Shelby after 3:30 p. m. Thursday, Services at the Sacred Heart Church, 9 a.

Nov. 11. Interment St. Joseph's cemetery, Richmond and Brookville papers please copy. I Emma, passed away Tuesday evening at the home, 127 N.

Illinois st. Services at the FLANNER BUCHANAN MORTUARY Saturday, 3:30. Friends Invited. No flowers. ROUTT- Eula, mother of Mra.

Richard Bacon of Greensburg. and Malcolm Routt of Indianapolis; sister of Miss Margaret Berry, Mra. Osa Patrick of Mitchell, James Berry of Columbus and Robert Berry of Cincinnati, passed away at the Methodist Hospital, Nov. 9. Services Saturday, 10 a.

at the NEELY MORTUARY. Burial Crown Hill. SUTTON- -James beloved tather of Aubert Mra. 0. W.

Sicks, brother of Mra. Hattie H. Fanster, Mra. Violet DaVIs, Mias Elizabeth Sutton, Miss Nora Sutton, all of Newman, Ills passed away Wednesday morning. Services At.

FLANNER BUCHANAN MORTUARY Friday, 2 p. m. Friends invited. Burial Crown HIll. Friends may call at the mortuary.

WILLS -Merle, age 46, wife of Russell Willa, mother of Ruth Wills, daughter of J. Woody, mister of Mra. D. D. Terrell and Miller Woody, passed away Thursday.

Funeral Saturday, 11 at the boro Christian Church. Friends may call at the residence of winter, Mrs. D. D. Terrell, in Pittaboro from 1 p.

m. Friday until 9:30 a. m. Saturday and at the church from 10 until hour of service. Burial K.

of P. cemetery at Lizton, Ind. SHIRLEY BERVICE. 3 In Memoriams. ALLTOP---In memory of George Alltop, who passed away Nov.

11, 1937. His amiling way and pleasant face, Are a pleasure to recall: He had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again. Wife, Children and Grandchildren. IN MEMORIAM NOTICES and VERSES To assist our readers who wish to insert an IN MEMORIAM notice.

The Indianapolis Star has published booklet containing number of beautiful verses. Copies of thin booklet may be obtained free of charge by calling at the Want Ad Counter of The IndianA pollA Star, New York and Pennsylvania streets. If not convenient to call for this booklet, phone Riley 7311 and for Miss Black. She will be delighted to forward you one by mail. Funeral Directors.


0552. Kregelo Balley Homelike Chapel. 2233 N. Meridian. Flanner Buchanan MORTUARY.

25 W. Fall Creek Blvd. TA. 4400. HISEY TITUS MORTUARY 951 N.

DELAWARE ST. LI. 3828. Save by Star Classified Announcements. Funeral Directors.

Reserve Donald (R); treasErnest FRANKLIN, Assessor, William Ripperger (D); auditor, William W. Reifel (D); clerk, Hyde (D); coroner, Hobart Hoeger (D); sheriff, Alfred, John Moore (D); surveyor, Alfred Kraus (D); treasurer, Florentine J. Hoelker (D). FULTON. Assessor, William M.

Gorseline (R); clerk, Kline D. Reed (R); coroner, Dr. Dean K. Stinson (R); sheriff, Russell Vorhees (R); surveyor, Dale Zimmerman (R); treasurer, Hugh V. Hunneshagen (R).

GIBSON. Assessor, Dan C. Bertram (D); clerk, Lawrence Hubbard (D); coroner, Roy C. Smith recorder, John B. Ballard" (D); sheriff, Stancil 0.

Williams (D); surveyor, Harry C. Morrison (D); treasurer, Herschell R. (D). GRANT. Assessor, Irene Timmons (R); auditor, Harlan Hayes (D); clerk, Mildred White (D); coroner.

Asher D. Huff (D); sheriff, Vaughn Treber (D); surveyor, Verla Dicken (D). HANco*ck. Assessor, James E. Andis (D): auditor, D.

Earle Frost (D): clerk. Kenton W. Russell (D); coroner. Paul A. Allen (D); recorder, Jessie A.

Fort (D); sheriff, John Dent (D); surveyor, Winslow (D); treasurer, Mordecai Cooper (D). HARRISON. Assessor, Homer A. Ferree (D): Coroner, Harold O'Bannon (D): recorder, Elmer E. Rosenbarger (D); sheriff, Ray LaHue (D); surveyor, Clarence F.

Wolfe (D); treasurer, Maurice N. Evans (D). HOWARD. Assessor, Merrill E. Jackson (R); clerk, Robert J.

Hamp (R); coroner, Edward H. Showalter (R); recorder, Thomas N. Sellers (R); sheriff, William L. Stewart (R); surveyor, William A. Ehrman treasurer, Clifton L.

Small HUNTINGTON. Assessor, Claude Wise (R), auditor, L. Eldon Stophadroner, clerk, Guy B. Huber Grover M. Nie (R); recorder, Lloyd Hefner (R); sheriff, Marvin Idle (R); surveyor, Albert T.

Fehl (D); treasurer, Pauline H. Fairchild (D). JASPER. Assessor, William Murray (R); auditor, F. M.

Hart (R); clerk, Mrs. Helen Thompson (R); coroner, Dr. M. D. Gwin (R); sheriff, Herman Ames (R); surveyor, E.

D. Nesbit (R); treasurer, L. E. Barber (R). JEFFERSON.

Assessor, Elmer L. Crozier (R); auditor, Harry E. Nichols (R); coroner, O. A. Turner (R); sheriff, Oliver Eaglin (R); surveyor, Ronald N.

Horton (R); treasurer, Chance Phillips (R). JENNINGS. Assessor, J. Emerson Rine (R); clerk, Cecil Strickland (R); coroner, Fletcher Dowd (R); sheriff, Charles H. Patton (R); surveyor, Charles T.

Butler (R); treasurer, William H. Simpson (R). Assessor, Maurice F. Hoffman (D); auditor, Noble P. Barr (R); clerk, Millard I.

Gilmore (D); coroner, Dr. Louis L. Gilmore (D); recorder; Garrell Powell (D); sheriff, Oscar E. Westfall (D); surveyor, Carl F. Kahre (D); treasurer, James B.

Duesterberg (D). LAGRANGE. Assessor, Pius A. Long (R); auditor, Bela R. Woodworth (R) coroner, Dr.

Clarence H. Schulz (R); sheriff, Glenn J. Eash (R); surveyor, Harley K. Spears (R); treasurer, Ledger Yoder (R). LAKE.

Clerk, Walter R. Mybeck (D); sheriff, John Knotts (D); surveyor, Edwin F. Schoenbeck (D); treasurer, Ray J. Madden (D). LA PORTE.

Assessor, Edward O. Craft (D); auditor, Otto Meyer (D); coroner, Dr. D. G. Bernoske (D); sheriff, Joseph Wolf (D); surveyor, Earl Alexander (R); treasurer, A.

T. Rosenbaum (R). MARSHALL. Assessor, Charles Elkins (R); auditor, Harry, Ferguson (R); clerk, Fred coroner, Louring Vore (R); sheriff, Harvey Phillips (D); surveyor, John Hildebrand (R); treasurer, Edwin J. Grant (R).

MARTIN. Assessor, William Patterson (D); clerk, Samuel Lannan (D): coroner, J. W. Strange (D); sheriff, Thomas A. Arvin (D); surveyor, Claude Chastain (D); treasurer, Harrison Gibson (D).

MIAMI. Assessor, D. Elbert Brown (R): auditor, Walter A. Shinn (R); clerk, Ora C. Haines (D); coroner, Dr.

A. S. Newell (D); recorder, Robert Chaplin (D); sheriff, Robert A. Tillett (D); surveyor, Lewis E. Roberts (R); treasurer, George S.

Burke (D). KNOX. NEWTON. Assessor, Alva E. Herriman (R); Paul coroner, (R): H.

Weston corder, Brandt sheriff, Harry S. Hufty (R); surveyor, Merl Ford (R); treasurer, J. Bruce E. Beagley (R). NOBLE.

Assessor, Charles Black (R); auditor, Gerry DeHoff (R): coroner, Myron C. Huchins (R); recorder, Donald M. Barens (R): sheriff. Marion G. Galloway surveyor, Warren G.

Miller (R); treasurer, Walter Brown (R). Assessor, Clifford (D); auditor, Herbert Walter Humphrey (R): recorder, Mills D. Hemphill (D); sheriff, Joe M. Richardson (D); surveyor, Roy L. Gibson (D); treasurer, Howard B.

Lostutter (D). PARKE. Assessor, Fred Payton (D); auditor, John Parrish (R); clerk, George C. McMurtry (R); coroner, Dr. B.

H. Branson (R); recorder, Myrtle O. Titus (R); sheriff, Froman Clouse (D); surveyor, Pickett (R): treasurer, Clarence C. Harrison (R). PERRY.

Clerk. Ralph C. James (D); allditor. Emory N. Hudson (R): treasurer, John Minto (D); sheriff, William H.

Marchal (D); coroner, Harry C. Snyder (D); surveyor, Clarence A. Gaesser (D); assessor, Mark Cassidy (D). PIKE. Assessor, Verner Preston (R); auditor, William Drof (D); clerk, Edward G.

Richardson (D); coroner, Dr. D. W. Bell (D); recorder, Willard A. Fleming (D); sheriff, Cleve Goidman (S); surveyor, William G.

Garland (D); treasurer, Allen W. Corn (D). PORTER. Assessor, Edward Langrebe (R); auditor, E. J.

Cotterman (R); clerk, Lewis W. Keller (R); coroner, Carl M. Davis (R); recorder, W. B. Forney (R); sheriff, Freeman Lane (R); surveyor, Guy F.

Stinchfield (R); treasurer, Richard W. Lytle (R). PULASKI. Assessor, Clarence Barnett (D); auditor, D. C.

Boulden (D); clerk, Walter Kelsey (R); coroner, Claude Burson (D); sheriff, Addison Daugherty (R); surveyor, ye Clarence Riggs (R); treasurer, Walter Day (R). SCOTT. Assessor, Harold D. Jones (R): auditor, Clinton H. Gamble (R): coroner, Dr.

J. P. Wilson (D); sheriff, Lambert E. Dismore (D): surveyor, Homer Gardner (R); treasurer, W. Eugene Garriott (D).

SPENCER. William D. Dawson (R); auditor, Horace Sohn (R); coroner, Charles P. Fuller (R): sheriff, Claude S. Middleton (R); surveyor, William E.

Halbruge (R); treasurer, Jacob Ruxer (R). STARKE. Assessor, Henry E. White (D); clerk, Fred Hinz (R); coroner, Ralph Braman (R); recorder, Mrs. Grace Parsons (R); sheriff, Frank Lough (D); surveyor, August Dusek (D); treasurer, Ralph T.

Kingman (R). STEUBEN. Assessor, Benfer (R); clerk, Libey (R); coroner, Eberhart (R); recorder, Duckwall (R); sheriff, James (R); surveyor, Glibert (R); treasurer, Porter (R). TIPTON. Assessor, Louis W.

Curtis (R); auditor, Albert N. Woolridge; clerk, John A. McNeal (D); coroner, Raymond Little (R); sheriff, C. D. Hobbs (R); surveyor, Lewis J.

Richards (R); treasurer, Cleon Hughes (R). UNION. Assessor, Mac Hubbell (R); auditor, Charles W. Masters (R); clerk, L. C.

Downard (R); coroner, Dr. F. T. DuBois (R); recorder, Grace Hayward (R); sheriff, Ben Teeguarden (R); surveyor, Ray Stout (R); treasurer, Robert Ross (R). VIGO.

Assessor, William Bell (D); auditor, John T. Sankey (D); coroner, Clarence R. VanArsdall (D); recorder, James G. fa*gin (D); sheriff, Joseph E. Dreher (D); surveyor, Clarence C.

Modesitt (D); treasurer, Howard O'Laughlin (D). WABASH. Assessor, Charles Tyner (R); auditor, Lee Sailors (R); clerk, Leonard Tyner (R); coroner, Todd Bender (R); recorder, Sydney Cloud sheriff, Vearl Howell (R); surveyor, 'Asher Gray (R); treasurer, Ralph Barrett (R). WARREN. Assessor, Manford M.

McCoskey (R); auditor, Ray Fleming (R); clerk, Ivan D. Wurtsbaugh (R): coroner, Oscar J. Devenish (R); sheriff, Tom C. Powell (R); surveyor, J. Rupert Gregory (R); treasurer, Webster Clawson (R).

WARRICK. Assessor, George Kissel (D); auditor, Otto Gentry (D); coroner, George H. Bohannon (R); sheriff, Porter Brown (R); surveyor, William L. McGee (D); treasurer, Cyril J. Wagner (D).

WASHINGTON. Assessor, Nestle H. Voyles (D): coroner, Lawrence W. Paynter CHAS. A.

HOCKENSMITH at sands yesterday LI. 6858. 726 N. Ill. TA.

1692. reported tonight Federal GRINSTEINER'S 522 E. Market St. RI. 5374 RAGSDALE PRICE 1219 N.

Alabama. LI. 3608. Re- SHIRLEY BROS. CO.

Illinois at 10th. LI. 5409. J. C.

Wilson Prompt Ambulance Service OHIO. DR. 0321. 1230 Prospect st. DR.

0322 5 Florists, Lots, Monuments. FUNERAL PIECES, $3 AND UP. Delaware Flower Shop 2922 N. DELAWARE. TA.

3161 Member Florist Telegraph Delivery. 58 Birth Announcements. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS DISHER- -Kenneth and Bettie (nee Bradford), 2215 N. Delaware, announce the arrival of a baby boy, William Bradford, weight 8 pounds 1 ounce, on Nov. 7.

Friends may call at the St. Vincent Hospital, Room 327. A. and Barbara (nee Mitchell), 3613 E. Vermont, announce the arrival of a baby son, Robert A.

on Nov. 4, weight 4 pounds 1 ounce. Friends may call at the St. Francis Hospital, Room 329. USE THIS BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Classification to announce the arrival of your new baby.

Telephone RI. 7311 and Misa Paul will arrange for your nouncement. Flowers and attractive baby book sent the new mother. Lodge, Club Notices. MASONIC-Sutton; Capitol City No.

312, F. and A. called meeting Friday, Nov. 11, 1938, 1 p. at Masonic Temple, North and Illinois to attend funeral of our late brother, James W.

Sutton. FRANK F. DUNGAN, W. M. ALBERT SMITH, Secretary.

Lost and Found. LOST -Billfold, downtown, Tuesday, containing drivers' license, money, etc. Liberal reward. J. T.

Grant, Indianapolis Star Adv. Dept. REWARD; family pet missing; dark red male Irish setter: not trained to hunt. Inf. tele.

Weldon. CH. 5713-M. LADY'S Hamilton wrist watch, No. 2376; Mon.

eve. downtown-31st. LI. 0737. Rew.

LOST -Cameo pin, on North side. Reward. 563 Highland dr. HA. 0859.

STRAYED from 75th st. and Spring Mill black sow. Reward. BR. 1288.

STRAYED -Blue Persian kitten. Answers to 428 E. 49th. HU. 2378.


Mishawaka printed on case. Rew. CH. 3895-W. LOST -Black and white wire-haired terrier pup.

"Bing." TA. 4249. TO LOST -Pocket watch, knife and chain; itials A. J. reward.

HA. 0105-W. Personals. DRINK HABIT 48-Hr. HALCO treatment stops craving liquor.

Confidential. Administered AT 1635 N. Talbott, Indpis. TA. 1258.

DON'T SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION -MISSION STOMACH LIVER PILLS. Effective for billiousness or sluggish liver, too. Box 30 for 19c at Hook's Dependable Drugstores. THE AUDIPHNOE CO. OF are the authorized distributor in the state for WESTERN ELECTRIC HEARING AID and are now located at 1104 Fletcher Trust bldg.

108 N. Penn. LI. 5098. NATURE'S Minerals for Health already passed the million mark.

Could there be A better recommendation. The cost 18 only 10c per day, Nature's Mineral Food 145 E. Ohio Indianapolis. MEN past 50 should use Mo Tee Na tablets for courage and vitality. Now sold at 70c with a money-back guarantee.

All Hook stores. REVOKED LICENSE INSURANCE. Reliable Ins. Agency, Inc. 308 INDIANA TRUST BLDG.

RI. 5040. WOULD like to contact pianist who 19 interested in recitals, one past 6th grade in music. Adeline Smith, TA. 4411.


9674. DR. 0. 0. CARTER.

New plates made. False teeth repaired. 381 N. Room 305. RI.

1250. ROSE OIL Central Permanent LI. 0432. Wave $1 BEST OIL PERMANENT, complete. international, 229 N.

Penn. st. heat, food, care. 1922 N. Penn.

TA. 2844. TRAINED NURSE, care patients, excel. CLAEROL and Roux shampoo tints. The Approved University.

TA. 0709. LICENSED home for convalescents and aged people; exp. nurse. HE.

3627. Travel Opportunities. ECONOMICAL, ENJOYABLE TRAVEL. BEST private sedans, all points; "share." We provide a "contact" service for reliable motorists and desirable passengers. Autos to Rent English Hotel.

Safe Ph. RI. 5634. Owner -drivers, TA. 4177 Estab.

1928-DAY'S--First in Indiana. Reliable Travel Service Save Safely! Profit by Our Long Exper. SPECIALS today; 2 '39 Plymouths '38 Olds de Linen. Zephyr, L. A.

and Frisco soon. OTHERS. Fly to Miami cheap; new Waco plane. Private Sedans Trips Share costs. everywhere.

CARS booked now; all directions. References necessary. Ride with reliable people in late model sedans. COPERS TRAVEL SERVICE 431 Lemcke bldg. (Mkt.

at LI. 5484. WANTED- -Reliable parties to drive cars to California; married couples or famIlies preferred. 2328 E. Wash.

LOW Bus Rates. Meals Included. ALL AMERICAN BUS LINES. 226 N. Ill.

st, LI. 3750. DRIVING Tampa this week, take share expenses. Address Box 199, Star. CALIFORNIA soon, take shr.

expenses; refs. exchanged. Add. Box 194, Star. VERY cheap to Calif; young man driving; take 3 or 4.

Address Box 204, Star. 10 Special Announcements. AND ARCH FACIAL- -SHAMPOO 50c RAINBOW ACADEMY, KRESGE BLDG Business Services. Business Services. "Business Services" CONSULT THESE MANY SERVICES FOR YOUR NEEDS CROWN DRUG Cleaning Guaranteed BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING.

(As advertised therein.) Crown Laundry Rug Cleaning. CH. 1928 Victory Cleaners WINTER garments, 2 to 4 shades brighter. PAUL KRAUSS DEMO WASH 9x12 DOMESTIO RUG cleaned for $3., clusive Greggorizing process. GREGO SON, CLEANERS.

DR. Additional Ads on Next Pare.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in The Indianapolis Star? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in The Indianapolis Star cost? Placing an obituary in The Indianapolis Star starts at $185.00.

What is the phone number for The Indianapolis Star delivery? ›

To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-888-357-7827 or chat online here.

Who owns The Indianapolis Star? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is the largest newspaper in Indianapolis? ›

The Indianapolis Star
EditorEric Larsen
FoundedJune 6, 1903
Headquarters130 South Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46225 United States
Circulation35,127 Weekday 50,192 Sunday (as of Q3 2022)
6 more rows

How much does it cost to be cremated in Indianapolis? ›

The $850 direct cremation package is available throughout all of Greater Indianapolis and surrounding counties. If you have further questions about cremation, feel free to call us at (317) 207-6929.

How do I submit an obituary to the Indianapolis Star? ›

How do I place an obituary notice? For information on how to place an obituary notice, call 317-444-7286 or visit us here.

What is the cost of the Indianapolis Star? ›

The Thursday + Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Thursday-Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Indianapolis Star subscription offer. Offer valid to households that have not subscribed to The Indianapolis Star in the past 30 days.

Where is the Indy Star printed? ›

'Commitment does not change'

It began printing the IndyStar in 2001. The move to shutter the Indianapolis facility comes amid a time of rapid change in news consumption and a continued shift to digital readership. The paper will now be printed at a Gannett facility in Peoria, Ill.

How do I cancel my Indianapolis Star? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-888-357-7827.

Is the Indianapolis star shutting down? ›

The last Star printing was for the April 8, 2024 paper. After the presses were shut down, the building empties April 7, 2024 at the Pulliam Production Center. This was the last night for the running of the presses. And it was the last night The Indianapolis Star was printed in Indianapolis.

What is the history of the Indianapolis Star? ›

The Indianapolis Star debuted June 6, 1903, as a seven-days-a-week newspaper, the brainchild of Muncie industrialist George McCulloch. To launch his newspaper, the Muncie industrialist paid a hot-air balloonist $650 to drop a half-million red cardboard stars on Indianapolis.

What team owns the Indianapolis Indians? ›

The Indianapolis Indians are a Minor League Baseball team of the International League (IL) and the Triple-A affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

What was the most read newspaper in the United States? ›

1. The Wall Street Journal. Based on circulation numbers, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is among the largest daily U.S. newspapers, with more than 3.9 million subscribers.

What was the name of the first Indianapolis Black newspaper and when did it start? ›

The Indianapolis Freeman (1884–1926) was the first illustrated black newspaper in the United States. Founder and owner Louis Howland, who was soon replaced by Edward Elder Cooper, published its first print edition on November 20, 1884.

What is the biggest newspaper in the world today? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

An average obituary can easily be $200.00-500.00. Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

Why do newspapers charge for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

Do you have to have an obituary in Indiana? ›

Basic obituaries include the date of birth and death of the deceased, as well as other biographical information, including where they lived, their education, profession, their predecessors, and their survivors. The newspaper is not legally obligated to publish an obituary, despite what you may have heard.

How much does a funeral cost in Indiana? ›

Indiana Funeral Costs: Indiana's range is more narrow, with average funeral and cremation costs sitting at $7,000 while viewing, ceremony, and burial averages $7,800.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.